Andrew's intention

Hearing Viona's words made Fernando smile full of pride because he knew that Viona was jealous too. Knowing Viona's character which was quiet and shy, Fernando did not expect that Viona would say that to a foreign woman she had never known before.

"Hello, Mrs. Willan, it's nice to meet you," said the sexy woman, feeling completely dumbfounded.

"Nice to meet you too, mmm sorry, we still have important things to do. If you still have something to do with my husband, it's better to just contact his personal assistant first ... please excuse us," said Viona quickly as she pulled Fernando's hand to walk over to the car.

After getting into the car, Viona immediately let go of her grip on Fernando's hands, she quickly folded her hands across her chest without saying anything else. Fernando just smiled, seeing his wife got angry and jealous over the woman.