Changes In Attitude

Viona woke up when she heard the alarm from her cell phone. She opened her eyes and saw Fernando was sleeping on the chair holding her right hand tightly. Viona slowly let go of Fernando's hand. She then got up to go to the bathroom because she felt nauseous again.

After vomiting the content of her stomach, which mainly consisted of water, for ten minutes, Viona took a shower with warm water that flowed from the shower. She wet her hair with warm water, hoping that her headache would soon disappear. 

"What are you doing, Dear? Be a smart kid, please accompany Mommy to work today," Viona said softly, as she touched her stomach slowly, when she was wearing clothes in her spacious wardrobe.

When Viona came out of the closet, she just gazed flatly at Fernando, who was still asleep in the original place without changing his position. She then grabbed her work bag and walked down to the first floor to the dining table to enjoy breakfast.