The Evil Plan 

Hearing Lucas's words make all Fernando's words choked in his throat. He then immediately grabbed his cell phone from his shirt pocket.

Fernando quickly contacted Doctor William, his personal doctor, who he now appointed as Viona's personal doctor. Even though Viona was a doctor, she still needed another doctor to maintain her health, especially when she was pregnant.

"Where are you, Will?!! Pick it up, quick, you jerk!!" Fernando said to himself when he tried to contact Doctor William for the second time, but still he couldn't get through. "Hello ... Will, what should I do now?" Fernando shouted when his phone was connected to Doctor William. 

"Can't you speak quietly?" asked Doctor William curtly.

"Ah I have no time to talk softly and pleasantly with you right now, just answer my question earlier, Will!!! What should I do now?" Asked Fernando back in a higher voice.