
Entering the fourth week of pregnancy, the intensity of Viona's vomiting and nausea became more frequent than before. Fernando quickly fulfilled her desire to eat strange foods during the first trimester.

Fernando finally asked two chefs to stay at his house while Viona was pregnant, so when Viona wanted to eat something quickly the chefs made it for her without going out of the mansion because Fernando was still worried that Natasya would hurt Viona especially when she was pregnant. Fernando wasn't willing to take such a risk.

Viona was finally getting ready to go back to work after a week of holiday. Fernando was actually still reluctant to let Viona get back to work, but because the agreement had been approved by Viona and the hospital, Fernando finally tried to let Viona go back to the hospital to work.

"Why has the day flown so fast lately?" said Fernando to Viona who was putting her make-up in front of the dressing table after taking a shower.