A call

Viona patted Fernando on the back slowly, she wanted to cry but with all her strength she held it because she didn't want Fernando to see it.

Viona thanking him in her heart many times because she felt protected by Fernando, since Mrs. Maria died Viona always prayed that God would send someone to protect and take care of her.

However, Viona did not expect that God would send Fernando to her, a rich and handsome man who had succeeded in making her chest beat so fast when she first met him in the laundry when she was still so young.

"Come on, let me go, I don't want to be late arriving at the hospital," Viona whispered softly, smiling and trying to release Fernando's hug.

"Give me a few more minutes, let me hold you a little longer," Fernando replied, tightening his hug.

"It's almost seven, I don't want to be late at work, Babe," begged Viona in a pleasing tone.