Fernando Gray Willan

Fernando immediately drove his car at high speed when he heard Frank's words that Viona was going to Cecilia's reception party, because he had not allowed Viona to leave. Viona had indeed asked him for permission when they were going to sleep last night, but he was still thinking about whether he would give permission to Viona or not. 

Frank and Lucas, the personal driver of Fernando, who sat in the back seat, could only stay still while holding on to the seat belts attached to their bodies, because Fernando looked very serious and emotional at this time. 

The trip, which usually took 1 hour 45 minutes via the toll road, only took one hour. Behind Fernando's car, two police cars were seen following, because Fernando was deemed to have crossed the average speed limit on the toll road. The two police cars repeatedly took turns voicing orders to pull over to Fernando, but Fernando did not heed what the policemen said, and instead he accelerated the car even more.