Can’t Stop Being Jealous

Fernando headed home escorted by several police cars in front and behind him, he immediately remembered his goal of returning home when the police asked him. He almost forgot that Viona was going to Andrew and Cecilia's wedding reception. On the way home, Fernando just sat in the back and let Luke drive the car. 

"Isn't this too much?" asked Frank quietly as he looked at the four police cars escorting them. 

"I didn't order this, they were the ones who kept insisting to escort me," Fernando replied without guilt. 

"You are so annoying, Fernando." Frank sneered. 

Fernando fell silent to hear his brother's words, he was in a bad mood and didn't want to waste any energy to debate with him. He also couldn't wait to go home to meet Viona, that was why he didn't contact her to test whether she appreciated him as a husband or not.