Ammy's Evil Plan

Fernando was stunned when he read an article about Elora Village. He, who was born and raised in Canada, had never heard of that village at all. The hectic life in the business world made him unaware that there was a very beautiful place in his country. 

"Are you sure this is in Canada?" asked Fernando, incredulously. 

"Yes, of course, the distance from Ottawa to Elora only takes about five hours," replied William, quickly, while enjoying the vodka in the glass. 

"How do you know about this village, Will?" asked Fernando, curious. For some reason he was very curious about the village he had just seen. 

"Do you remember Doctor Adam who came a few days ago to the hospital?" William asked back briefly. 

"The doctor that you said gets medical supplies from our hospital, right?" said Fernando, quietly. 

"Yes, he comes from that village," said William, excitedly.