After Ten Months

Thursday morning in Elora Village, it looked different from the previous days, because there was a celebration. It was a wedding party for one of the children of an important person in Elora. Because of that, there were not many activities of the villagers. They closed their shops because they wanted to join the party together. 

Even Adam's clinic was closed, because he was forced to join the party together. As an important person in Elora, Adam's popularity was very much taken into account. As a result, he always participated in every event related to local residents' parties. 

"Whose party is this, Adam?" Viona whispered to Adam, slowly. 

"The party of the old village chief's son, Anji," Adam replied with a smile. 

"I see, no wonder it's very crowded," Viona said, briefly, while she admired the beauty of the wedding decorations. 

"Yeah, well, they're rich, so that's how it is," Adam said in a half whisper in response to Viona's words.