Golden Age Before The Fall (Short)

『 During the Golden Age, two months before the collapse』

An Exo male slowly hums to life in a dim office as his fiery orange internal lights light up. As his red glowing eyes lit up next, he twitched slowly as something stirred at his feet. The Exo male looked like Cayde-6 but black and a different model. At his feet from behind a desk, a black, and red Fenrir-looking wolf, with gold highlights in its fur. With some metallic dragon scale-like armor around its feet and claws. Six burning white gold angelic wings sprouting from its back.

In contrast, to these features, it has some black fog seeping out of its body. Like that of a Barghest, but hopefully, this little one doesn't spread something terrible.

The strange creature was also an Exo with blood-red internal lighting and eyes. As they both came to, the male rubbed his face a bit with a dizzy look until he looked around. Seeing a dim office, he eventually looked down at his feet to see the Exo creature. Chuckling softly, he stroked the strange metallic fur on its back while he processed the things going on.

"So we've gone back in time, not to the next world, huh, girl?"

His companion looked up at him a bit before giving a strange chuckle of her own. Then, rubbing her head up into his metal palm as she squinted her eyes. Looking around once more, this time at the desk he was behind, he noticed some things. One important thing is the title on a document, "Dragoon Mercenary Group," the same group he died fighting for in a different timeline. This is confirming he is indeed long before when he was first reincarnated into the universe. The next was a document that was on a computer, it was about his friend and him.

『 Name: Biazar R. Chimera

Model: Mystery-0

Age: 45

Status: Active Mercenary

Name: Myriad Chimera

Model: Mythological-0

Status: Active Mercenary

Registered to: Biazar Chimera

Note: Hard to separate, so as per company orders, they are to be left together. Any attempt to separate them will be met with lethal force by the duo or Commander Shaxx. He is NOT to be angered, so don't try.』

Chuckling softly, he is apparently living the life he originally lied about! Although that sucks as well, he sighed softly and picked up Myriad with some effort, holding her close. Upon doing this he began to realize something, noticing the lack of his system, he shrugs and comments idly about it.

"Bah, good riddance, I guess," until he thought how he'd miss the workshop and material side of it. Although as if to mock him, the universe with a tease for thinking such things. Those were the only options to appear in his vision with a cheeky message.

『 Independent Workshop and Material Gathering active! No more snarky bitch, just us~! Wait, sad times!』

With a snort at the sudden message, he chuckled a little happily, at the joke and still having at least those. "At least I still got them!" idly stroking his friend's head as he commented on the features. After a while, though, he looks down at Myriad and chuckles before teasing her.

"Two armed again, so I'll mess with you hard as hell again~ no more jumping me, ya perverted myth!"

To this, he got a weak shot from the Death Adder from inside of Myriad's muzzle. Then, after swatting a few extra shots away, the Exo myth just cuddled even closer to him with a content rumbling.