Notable Forsaken Guardians

Subject to update at random


Amber: Human Female, red hair, athletic but motherly figures, green eyes, standing at six four. They're Warlock and Titan mixed.

Tracey: Human Female, red hair, athletic but motherly figures, green eyes, standing at six four. They're Warlock and Titan mixed.

Humil: Awoken Male, with neon white hair, a burn scar across his face as if he had barely dodged a heated round shot at him, clenched and unclenched his fist as a Titan and Hunter emblem rested on his chest as a necklace.

Dorsix: Kell of House Difference, female Kell with all three emblems on her burnt chest plate.

Silias: Archon of House Difference, a Hunter emblem on his helmet.

Furga: Captain of House Difference, a Warlock emblem on her stomach.

Ghoul: Legionar Commander of the Forsaken Legion, Titan as his emblem.

Xersa: Legionar Captain of Forsaken Legion, Hunter emblem.

Zola: Vex Hobgoblin Giant with Titan and Hunter on its head.

Empirous: Vex Hivemind Harpy with Warlock on its optic.

Dselaria: Forsaken Hive God of Hunger, a Warlock Titan Hive God that ascended before dying. Her royal guard consists of a Titan Knight, a Hunter Knight, a Warlock DeathSinger.