After my uninterested introduction's I jumped off of the Odysseus without a care. So, what if I am a thousand six hundred feet up in the air? I have ways to survive this kind of fall. Landing in the middle of some street as SIVA created some shock absorbing boots that it used to charge itself and create more nano machines. I surprised some people, but I didn't really care as I headed to the Tower's ground entrance. Why do this instead of just transmatting into the tower? I want to see how everyone will react towards me. Which made traveling through the tower interesting as people stared at me in numerous ways.
But along the way I stopped as a lone ghost appeared before me suddenly. Hearing it though I gave it a small wave as I chuckled.
"You're not the friendliest person after all this time, huh? But I'm glad to see that Odysseus is finally completed, my old friend."
"Hey Trav, good to see you're not a husk of an orb. Well being friendly isn't in any proverbial contract I've signed. So, I think I did just fine."
Rolling its optic, the ghost chuckled before flying around me to check me over. As the ghost finished it flashed in the typical transmat light but in its place dropped an ancient looking armor set and four weapons. SIVA caught them all, so I could look them over, and I have to say they're a good gift. The armor was worn out but black with silver trimmings along it. The tattered cloak attached to it had a skeletal dragon embroidered in silver onto it. The weapons were a pitch-black sword with a golden skull infused to the hilt. The words ""Judgement" and "Execution" engraved into either side in gold. The sword had scratches from battle, but it was something I remember using.
The other weapons were a kinetic rail gun prototype auto-shotgun the AA-12. Which really puts a bang to its buck as the thing could unsurprisingly act as an anti-tank shotgun. Next up was a Desert Eagle which had been modified with an inbuilt silencer and a rail gun system, liked popping heads off with this. Then there was a sniper I had personally built that fired custom-made .90 caliber rounds, but it's a fusion weapon. I remember I called this sniper "Purgatory" or something similar. Seeing all these old things Skell appeared and scanned them all for me.
"What loadout shall this all be called kid?"
"Dragoons Ghost, as this was my old assassination gear."
With a nod of his skull Skell and my old equipment vanished. The surroundings had just been watching me all along, but I really couldn't bother to mind it. As I was talking to an old friend and reliving memories. With a snap of my fingers that rang out sharply my Black Oni loadout switched my older gear. Wearing it all I chuckled as I pat the sword on my waist, its blade leaking red mist as it comes into contact with my necrotic energy. Hm? Bloodlust? Okay, so evil sword but possibly cursed sword as well, sounds fun. Making my way through the tower once more I felt something suddenly sitting on my right shoulder. Glancing sideways I poked SIVA.
SIVA had decided to construct itself into a mass of red and black resembling an eagle. Its eyes were red, its head black, its body, a nice blend of red and black feathers, its feet were black with red talons. As I poked the SIVA eagle it looked at me before shrugging its wings. Making my way upwards through the Tower I passed through a bar which was full of rowdy people. One tried to be a smart ass and suddenly tried to punch me, but I caught their first, crushing their hand before kicking them in the balls. Leaving them in pain on the bar floor I found myself in the courtyard eventually. As I stepped foot onto its ground my energy suddenly flared, the darkness hissing in my mind.
'Pathetic defenders of light! The day of your demise is coming, your light will not be in grasp much longer. As for your world hopper now time traveler, YOU WILL EMBRACE ME FULLY ONE DAY AND YOUR SOUL WILL BE MINE!'
Snorting at the darkness I suddenly spun my hand cannon and blew my head into metallic bits. Wires, metal fragments, coolant, synthetic blood, and a gray light fly everywhere as my head explodes. SIVA reacting and reforming my head, the gray light wisping around my head. Before it becomes a spectral dove with black eyes and a gray body. The dove flaps its wings before flying off and exploding, darkness being consumed by the light.
"Bitch I may be gray but I'm no slut for one side bending over screaming for a light or dark cock. I'm a soldier and an undead god, I'm pretty damn well out of your league. So kiss my metallic ass darky cause you wish you could have me."
With that little scene done I eyed my left looking at a human titan. He looked so damn confused that when he noticed my look he visibly froze. His hands shooting up as if to say "I'm just a thug spare me." Rolling my eyes I walked around the courtyard and even met a few of the vendors who gave me special cards, saying their families send their regards to the rude Exo who toyed with a guard. Huh, so those people actually survived the collapse? Good on them. With several black cards for specific business and services stored away now I stood at the courtyard edge. That was when a blue skinned, bald titan with a perpetual scowl of annoyance on his face stalked towards me.
Chuckling at Zavala as he approached me, I hummed in amusement when he stopped before me. He said a few words then I slammed a fist into his stomach, literally sending him through a five layered metal wall.
"What do you think you were doing saying those things? You have no right-"
"Oh but I do have the right to state something obvious between everything we did as a group. Against what you lot have been doing without supervision of the Traveler given that it's too weak to stay awake for long. It is frankly disappointing even after all our prepped help, you still don't get the picture. For every guardian against us and corrupted by their dark desires like pleasure by murdering their allies. The dark has a chance to take your soul and create an army to finally erase all light in the universe. I would know, so many timelines have fallen as all guardians became corrupted, with one witness to it all, yet they still fight for a chance the light prevails. So if you want to get your panties twisted over my words then you should've stayed dead because if need be the dead can blot out all resistance. However, that means I take the plunge into the abyss like a dying star."
My words rang out clear enough to every guardian, vendor, and civilian staff in the courtyard. All the commotion dying almost instantly, my necrotic energy taking on the shape of the grim reaper. Its bony hands on my shoulders as its skull literally smiles at me, the darkness cackling in my head. As the reaper reached for my neck chains of golden light restrict its hands, burning the dark energy as a maw of white light consumes it. The two energies combine, an ashen gray dragon-like projection forming behind me. Its eyes look at everyone with cold indifference before it seeps back into my body.
"After all I am the sole gray guardian, I follow both sides as a neutral party. Yet if I give into one, EVERYTHING dies. A hundred and something years of prepping for war only for this sight of mine and my friend's hard work to be abused by idiots. So, what if this war seems like it has no end? Is becoming a soulless puppet and having all life end, for as some of you see it a seemingly pointless war a better outcome? So, I hope you get why I am disappointed in what I see.
We gave you a hand at the cost of myself, my companion Myriad, our ghost fighting like a possessed demon resulting in our multiple deaths, the Traveler being crippled to keep it here, Warminds are still kicking and ready to help at the drop of a hat if asked the right way. Yet, you've all but disrespected our help from what me and the Warminds have gathered. The only ones worth my respect are relics of a bygone past like Al Capone, guardians we risked a lot to revive alone."
My words seemed to make a lot of the guardians flinch as they looked at the sky. Some seemed like they wanted to rip me apart, some thought about some of the weirder things they've experienced, but from them all six specific ones pushed their way through the courtyard. A titan warlock that didn't bother hiding his identity as his godfather styled armored and fusion Tommy gun gave him away, Al Capone. A Spartan titan dressed in a more modernized Spartan armor carrying a silver and gold colored spear, Leonidas. A man dressed in a more furred style titan armor with a blazing red dawn hammer, Genghis Khan. A woman in an old styled ninja garb with hunter equipment, Mochizuki Chiyome. A female viking radiating the bloodlust of a titan, Freydis Eiriksdóttir. Finally, a hunter with a lion pride of all possible light energies, Clyde Beatty.
Six famous figures of vastly different origins in history approached me calmly. At the distance of six feet from me, they suddenly turned catching me off guard as two more figures transmatted into their group. Adolf Hitler who was at the German front, and a warlock titan radiating golden thunder appeared. The new figure was dressed as a knightly king, Arthur Pendragon. They looked at the guardians before them before back to me and each seemed to smirk. Oh, this should be fun. The one to speak first was of course mister genocide as he stood tall and proud, his tiny mustache crinkling from his smirk.
"The German Empire hereby allies to the Undying Legion! They are after all made up of our benefactors, also fuck English is weird."
"The Spartan Army pledges our dying breaths to the Undying Legion! After all they've fought like Spartan's against unfavorable odds with no fear!"
"The Knights of the Round Table, hereby allies to the Undying. It takes stupidly vast courage to do what they did during this "Collapse," I'd know I'm a knight king."
"The Collapse Shinobi, pledge our lives to the Undying Legion."
"Valhalla is with the Undying monsters!"
"Mongolian Empire leaps into battle with the Undying. Our leaping cavalry shall sow terror into all that oppose."
"Lions Den joins death's pride, so careful you may meet a lioness eager to get a chew toy."
"The Capone Family claims the Undying Legion as one of our own. Mess with the family, you'll sleep with the fishes."
As they finished talking various banners suddenly covered a side of the Odysseus. Before anyone could speak anything the big burly viking lady spoke her arms crossed. Her glare telling people to stay silent.
"We do this because the metal man has given us a chance to fight for something more important than our past goals. We all have made sure our people know the cost of failure, we die, so our homes do not become shrouded in the taint of shadows. Those who grow weary of the fight do not turn against us like your lot, they once more sleep knowing they've helped. While we would ally with the Vanguard, we never did for fear of betrayal. But now? We have those responsible for our earthly return to stand with."
With that said, it seemed the Traveler wanted to state something as well since it surged with light. The built-up energy soon dispersed, sending out a message to every guardian.
{Forsaken Vanguard, Formed to help the Vanguard.}
"Well the orb has spoken ya relic's there's the Vanguard then apparently there's us, the Forsaken Vanguard. Rather ironic since my undead are forsaken from eternal slumber, you lot were once forsaken at some point in history, and now we will slowly make up the sister of the Vanguard. Good thing we got a flying fortress to serve as our version of the Tower."
That got a snort from everyone but Clyde raised a good point. Before Leonidas slapped my shoulders and proclaimed the answer.
"So who's going to be our main commander?"
"Why the one who helped make things possible! He thought of having us revived and fought to keep these Warminds, humanity's greatest defensive system apparently from falling. I see no better warrior than him for the role."
The ninja of the group chuckled as she pointed at us both.
"Then as my duty is to be a shadow and spy for my chosen lord, I shall be the Spymaster. Fair, no?"
After that Clyde self-appointed himself the Quartermaster. While Hitler, Leonidas, Arthur, Genghis, Al Capone, and Freydis took the mantle of "Strike Legions" with amusement. Great so I was hoisted into power by a bunch of historic relic's feeling playful. I want to mug them, where's a metal coffee mug I need to literally mug them.