True Forsaken Guardians

[Two Weeks Later]

Standing around in the command bridge is myself, Myriad, Al Capone, Clyde, Arthur, Adolf, Leonidas, Genghis, Freydis, Chiyome, Oda Nobunaga, Simon Häyhä, Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, and Dedi the first-ever magician. It's quite the line-up of just half of the factions of historical figures to join the Forsaken Vanguard. I mean we even have John F. Kennedy and Churchill as raid team leaders so yeah we have a lot of history mingling. I should note though that the Iron Lords have also taken to us. They still will work with our sister Vanguard but Shaxx has brought some into my people.

Tapping a few keys on a console I brought up a map of Earth with large sections either grayed out or dark. The Last City is situated amidst the largest dark zone on Earth currently. Red dots populating the surroundings as they moved into formations. Seeing this Simon spoke up as he studied the map with a sharp gaze.

"The Fallen and Cabal are moving to create a net to surround the city. So, war looms outside the walls that box everyone in like rats. We need to find their leaders and dismantle their command."

To this Oda points at one section with a smile on his lips.

"There appears to be the most defended this likely to hold the highest chain of command. However, it could be a pitfall to draw our forces out and box them in."

"Nein is likely not a trap; these creatures do not truly work well together. While one has a strong military structure; thus it will be firm but not unshakable. The other is just a band of mongrels that'll run the moment their higher ups die."

Adolf had a point in his argument against one of Oda's theories. However, we must expect the unexpected. So, I gestured to our Spymaster who had her eyes closed. Feeling everyone's gazes she opened her eyes and spoke calmly.

"You both are half right in your statements. The Cabal, however, are using even the lowest foot soldier as captains to enforce a military system. Thus, they will not break easily even if their lords were to perish in combat."

Skell materialized interrupting the meeting while broadcasting an incoming coms.

{"Forsaken Vanguard, I apologize for interrupting your war meeting, but I require your commanders. As only three displaced travelers can get the importance of what I shall bring up. Forgive me if it was a bad time."}

Looking around we all shrugged and Simon Häyhä, the infamous White Death now feared by all for his one shot a hundred deaths shooting. Waved us off as his old partner the Mosin rested on his shoulder, it can break the fabric of space to assassinate people now just an FYI. With him waving us off me and Myriad walked to the top deck of the Odysseus. Where the Stranger, an EXO woman who had the signs of Darkness in her soul wisping off her hidden to all but us. Approaching the former dark puppet knock off of a Hunter we smiled at her lazily, the Traveler as a ghost materializing next to her. As I approached I asked the Traveler something.

"Hey Trav, can I have the Ghost Blueprint? If we're the Forsaken, then I think it's time we truly make Forsaken Guardians."

"Data sent, what are you planning?"

Reviewing the received files as the Traveler blinked at me with an inquisitive voice. I created a ball of gray energy in my hands that grew to the size of a yoga ball. Throwing it up into the air the energy of Death surged around me and I roared shockwaves of energy hitting the ball.


The ball of energy exploded into ten different beams of light zipping off to find their Forsaken Guardians. The Stranger looked at me with a hidden smile as her body relaxed.

"So you guessed my intentions. I see you haven't lost your edge from your first timeline, Emperor Lich."

"I am Death, Death is my domain, everything dies and since I am the Forsaken Commander, I will truly make a forsaken army. The pure lights will hate us, the pure abyss will want to corrupt us, but we will be the elite of being a true neutral standing between the two sides."

"Well said. Oh? Seems your Phantoms have found your Ten."

Sure enough not even after half an hour the ten heavily altered ghosts, with monochromatic shells with dark energy surrounding a white core appeared. Depositing ten corpses from their storage in a neat line before me, floating above their respective chosen. Nodding as Myriad barks I sent a blast of energy out from my body. A total of five thousand new Phantoms took off to find their chosen. The ten seeing this revived their own with eye optics squinted with eagerness. From the dead ten Forsaken rise with a look saying they found a new purpose.

Two Human females blinked as they got used to the light of the sun once more. The two seemed to be twins as they both had red hair, athletic but motherly figures, green eyes, standing at six four. Their Phantoms give them class symbols, both are Warlock and Titan mixed. A Awoken male with neon white hair, a burn scar across his face as if he had barely dodged a heated round shot at him, clenched and unclenched his fist as a Titan and Hunter emblem rested on his chest as a necklace. Three Fallen rubbed their throats with wide eyes chattering about "Ether flows inside us meaning hunger no more!" A female Kell with all three emblems on her burnt chest plate, a Captain with a Hunter emblem on his helmet, and an Archon with a Warlock emblem on her stomach.

Two Cabals stood hyperventilating but holding back any vomit as they stared at the deck. A Legionar Captain with Titan as his emblem, and a Legionar with Hunter as hers. Finally, two Vex blink in utter confusion as data streams flashed across their optics. A Vex Hobgoblin Giant with Titan and Hunter on its head, and a Vex Hivemind Harpy with Warlock on its optic. The ten looked utterly confused before looking at me with their Phantoms floating beside them. The Stranger took a step back seeing this all happening in quick succession after seeing the ones picked.

"You must have questions but first let me say welcome back to life. You're alive once more because you stood out to the Phantom besides you as someone WORTH being alive once more. Before questions happen, if you remember your names, say them now!"

"Amber." "Tracey." "Humil." "Dorsix." "Furga." "Silias." "Ghoul." "Xersa." "Zola." "Empirous."

Hearing their names Myriad hummed a mechanical chortle before shrugging. I've got to agree its some naming sense before us. Shaking my head I decide to start the questions off as a Stasis chair of ice forms when I decide to sit down.

"First off, do you notice the symbols on each of you?"

At this, they look at each other taking in the symbols they see before the Kell, Dorsix speaks up her arms folding behind her back

"Symbols of Guardians, why do we possess them?"

"You possess them because even though your races are at war with each other, you all are worthy to begin bringing a change. Because if we don't make one now, everything will become mindless dark puppets in the future. You aren't a part of the normal Vanguard though you're in the Forsaken Vanguard because it's where your Phantoms thought you belonged. We use both Light and Dark in unison, we are the ones who while everyone else played war did something our people hated. So, we are Forsaken, but we are guardians against the abyss."

"Me and sis wanted to avoid blowing an evac shuttle after a scared group of fleeing Fallen boarded to hide. So, we got executed and thrown out the airlock back to Earth."

"I helped Fallen and Awoken families flee the first queen of the Forgotten Shore. My position as Royal Guard Commander allowed it, but I was stripped of my rank and beheaded."

"We rebelled from House of Devil's to defend innocent Guardians. They tried to save our just born young from Cabal squadron. A debt not paid for kindness shown to us, repaid in their deaths and blood, we could not allow on our race's morals of honor."

"We would not allow a colony to be sacrificed to draw out Guardians, the children were not afraid of us but gave toys for the young or rations… my legion held the control room until the last."

"Vex future where we survive detected. Vex tried to slaughter it to capture it. Vex in future were allies to Guardians and Fallen. We sealed the future feeling… emotion inquiry. Vex did not approve."

The Stranger looked as if she heard something wrong, but the Traveler looked on with pity. My canine companion and I smiled at them. The ten though were silent before giving some rather surprising comments that made us cackle.

"That is why you are Forsaken, you stood against your race with a desire to do something different."

"House of Difference… I wish to be the Kell of House of Difference."

"Forsaken Hivemind, Acknowledge?"

"Forsaken Legion requesting to be formed."

"Different faction races working together? Interesting… although I can truly forgive the majority. I will stand with the minority."

"Not much to be said right Amb?" "Nah let's fucking do it."

"Welcome aboard then, Commanders and Vice-Commanders! We're just missing Hive then well we got a full deck of cards and means of diverse mayhem."

As if hearing my comment, four Phantoms returned resurrecting a Titan Knight, a Hunter Knight, a Warlock DeathSinger, and a Warlock Titan Hive God that must have been just ascended before dying. They snarled at us with their bony heads cracking feral smiles.

"Forsaken Hive God, Dselaria of Hunger here to serve and scorn the traitorous Darkness!"

"Trav, we're truly Forsaken but WE ROCK!"

"You certainly have made a truly dangerous sister Vanguard."

"This is a massive change… this timeline may last…"


"Eh semantics Myriad my dear."



Turning to the fourteen as I said that they all looked highly amused as their Phantoms gave eye smiles. The Stranger actually bent over dry heaving as she laughed way too hard at hearing our impromptu plan. The Traveler chuckled and whispered something before its Ghost disappeared. Looking at the more modern commander's from this time period I clapped my hands.

"Let's go harass our sister Vanguard!"

[Cayde's POV]

Things have been hectic the past few days with everything happening. Mainly with Zavala getting punted through a few walls by great grandpa Guardian. Then the Traveler forms the "Forsaken Vanguard" and I must say they're all more badass than us. Ikora certainly was fed up with my whining about how we both compare in coolness and style. Zavala was brooding while Osiris, Saladin, and Shaxx talked about the gathering forces outside the city. That was when we heard loud screams followed by bodies being broken. Looking towards the main doors my servos froze before I screamed in annoyance.


"Hello to you, too Cayde, I brought the first Forsaken Guardians to see their fellow Guardians. As for why we look so good? We do have a nice taste in cloaks for Hunter's."

"It's an injustice I tell you! How much for six?"

Great Grandpa Guardian looked at me tapping his chin before shooting me a finger gun with the price.

"I'll sell you six for six thousand glimmer and throw in a cloaked Ghost shell for you."

"Take my money and give me them, now!"

His Ghost Skell appeared taking the six thousand glimmer I slapped onto the command table, before giving me the goods. The Ghost shell was pretty nice looking with the dark amethyst coloring, golden trimmings, and tattered custom fitted Hunter cloak attached to it. My partner, knowing what I was going to say instantly put the shell on, and I noticed something different instantly. They had a more feminine voice….

"This… actually is nice… my voice… you helped this idiot know?"

"You shitty kids sound all too gender-neutral, so we made the shells react to the hidden coding."

"Thank you, Skell, Chimera."

"Yeah, thanks… this actually made this a good anniversary present."

My Ghost blinked before she looked at me then disappeared dropping a new Hand Cannon in my hands. Chuckling softly I holstered the weapon to look it over later. Zavala is about to get punted through the command windows, the rest looking on in interest. Sliding on over to Zavala like a smooth criminal I put an arm around his shoulders gesturing to him.

"Well welcome to the Tower, I'm Cayde, future Vanguard Hunter Commander. This bald blue tight ass is Zavala future Vanguard Titan Commander. The smarty looking lady is Ikora, a hell of a Warlock, she'll lead the Warlocks in the future. Then you got Iron lord Shaxx a badass on mayhem, Osiris a creepy old Warlock, and Lord Saladin a grumpy old Titan."

"Well the twin Humans are Amber and Tracey both are Warlock Titans. Humil an Awoken Titan Hunter, then we have Dorsix Kell of House Difference. She is everything in harmony, her Archon Silias a Warlock, her Captain Furga a Hunter. Then we have Ghoul the Titan Legionar Commander of the Forsaken Legion, and his Captain Legionar Xersa she is a Hunter. Then we have Zola the Hobgoblin Titan Hunter, and Empirous the Hivemind Harpy and Warlock. Then Forsaken Hive God, Dselaria of Hunger and their Royal Guard."

"Full house you got there, kind of cool though you got our enemies as Guardians though."

"We're not exactly normal Suga, we're Forsaken for a reason."

Tracey hummed with a grin as a staff of Stasis ice appeared in her hands. Darkness leaking off her before she releases it. Smacking my metallic lips together, I smirked as the one who leads them smirks. His canine companion gave a very smug, daring look. Zavala tensing under my arm, the crackles of an Arc Hammer trying to form is heard. But before he could do anything Shaxx ripped him from my arm and slammed the man into the floor. Cracking it as he tried burying Zavala further into it. The old Titan snarled as his hand clenched Zavala's throat tighter.

"Do not threaten them, DO NOT THREATEN MY COMRADES. It'll be the last mistake you ever make, young Guardian."

Raising my hands I backed away from the snarling Titan as Zavala struggled to kick at Shaxx. His blue face turned purple slowly before Shaxx let go abruptly, a hand touching his shoulder. The man Shaxx called his old friend and the canine who is the same stood beside him gently pulling him away. The Titan let my fellow EXO do so as he relaxed.

"Shaxx it is alright, the child is no threat to us. So, relax and how about you tell me about the Iron Lord's over drinks? I'll buy just like old times. Myriad could even cuddle you if you want because she makes a good therapy dog."

"I'd… I'd appreciate it from you two…. So much has happened, yet I have little time to truly adjust. It's been one battle after another since I've been brought back…. Time with old friends would do me wonders."

With that, the three left with the people from Forsaken smirking. Even Osiris and Saladin seem to relax, somewhat, watching Lord Shaxx seeming to have friends to REALLY speak with. Reminds me of my journal and what I was before being an EXO… looking at the rest of Forsaken I chuckled softly.

"Hey, want to see the market?"

"Market? Inquiry unknown. Visit requested."

"Oooh fun! You Humans do have tasty stuff, not as tasty as your flesh though."

"House of Difference will accompany."

"Troublesome matters ahead, but it would be best to get the population used to us."

"As long as I get to break any thieve's hands."


Glancing at Ikora she smiles softly with a troubled sigh, but she moved to join us. This will be an interesting trip, potentially bloody, but interesting!