Forsaken Leave

[The Stranger POV]

This timeline is truly something different… It almost gives me hope that things will be better this time. The Forsaken Vanguard didn't exist in other timelines, House of Light did, but never House Difference existed. That is, but one change caused by the estranged Exo duo that lead the Forsaken Vanguard. Watching the Forsaken and Historical Guardians working under them is breathtakingly refreshing to see.

They defy the Darkness yet also do not fully embrace the light, they're all beautifully gray in how they do things.

They have struck a balance to do what is needed, to always have one over against the enemy. Seal away their light, and they shall show you the Darkness, burn away the darkness, and they show you the Light. So many Guardians in other timelines fall to using the Darkness, but these individuals have been given a balance. I really do almost have a ember of hope seeing them work and resist the dark forces. Yet only time will tell if this timeline is a failure, so I can not pin it all on them.

Which is why I have been trying to find the Young Wolf of Light, the one constant variable that never gives up. Yet, I have not found them among the deceased, so I must wait until the time is right to watch them. For now, I shall watch the Forsaken Guardians and their leader's in how they change things. Feeling my sensors twitch my personal Galahorn materializes in my hands. Turning to face the threat I do not blink, I do not even feel a shred of guilt in attacking a former Apostle.

Buying the Guardians time by murdering the Emissary or Warrior is a valid reason to not pity them. For they're just slaves to the Darkness now and forever more still as far as I'm concerned. Firing my Galahorn twice the pitch-black cruiser ship explodes, the second shot seeking the Emissary and killing them for now. Letting my Galahorn return to storage I decide it's time to get to work on trying to change some minor things.


[The Speaker POV]

While I do not understand the Traveler's decision in letting those… Forsaken abominations exist. I will not be so petty as to deny they are useful and have bolstered our defenses. They even have a few of their supposed Matriarch ranked Fallen and Hive leading purge forces. In an effort to clear out the numerous smaller Fallen and Cabal camps. Which has worked rather…. Scarily well as some camps ceased to exist entirely.

But they are tainted by the Darkness and that cannot be allowed. So, it's best they leave the City after the coming war. A knock on my door resounds through my office getting my attention. Calling my guest in, I am surprised to see young Zavala entering and looking at me rather grimly.

"Speaker, I would like your opinion on the Forsaken Vanguard. I wondered if you thought they should remain in the City given who a majority of them are, and that they openly use the Darkness."

Hearing this question I sighed rather heavily and nodded at the question. Gesturing out my window towards the main carrier of their entire force floating over the city.

"I do not understand why they exist fully, but they are useful. However, I cannot trust them and will see that they are removed after the coming war."

Before young Zavala can respond, a Fallen Kell with a Hunter cloak materializes. Their Ghost or as the tainted call them, Phantom, floating beside it. What happened next was very…. VERY sudden and disastrous to say the least. The entire Forsaken Vanguard left just like that…. It was a very sudden and horrible turn of events.

{Attention all Forsaken this is Chimera, due to the escalating fights between light and gray, and those in charge with the most sway wanting us gone. We are hereby pulling out of Earth and shall be taking over Neptune. So be ready for baths, people! Because we're going to fix an abandoned area up and that means possibly swimming in the seas of Neptune. Bye for now Guardians, we'll be keeping the outer rim area's stable. Have fun with what's left because we're bowing out. Chimera out.}

The Fallen snarled at us both before transmating out of my office suddenly. All around the City Forsaken Guardians in their scavenged or pre-prepared ships left Earth's atmosphere. The main Forsaken carrier took off shortly afterwards with its banner's swaying violently from its motion. We stood there dumbfounded at how utterly abrupt it was as there was no warning. It just happened.

After they all left though, a furious Shaxx and Cayde-0 barged into my office followed by Ikora, Osiris, and Saladin. They each took turns in throwing out wild accusations with visible anger or hidden annoyance. But I would not deny them for I made no notions to stop the Guardian's from antagonizing their sister Guardian's. Zavala, however, would very poorly try to deny his actions against pushing the Forsaken away.


"Zavala you just had to say and do something, didn't you? It's not enough you constantly fought or harassed the leaders. But you did something that made a Hunter tail you around! Don't try to deny it either you blue balled prick, there are traces of Hunter Void Light leading here from a suspiciously clean area."

"I am disappointed… you two said something that was the last straw and made one of our most welcomed allies leave. In the midst of a war, you drove them away."

"I must agree with my young student, this was a less than acceptable move. What is your reasoning and WHAT did you do little Titan?"

"I hope you are happy Zavala, for you best pray this war doesn't end horribly."

"I did nothing wrong! I found a shorter than average Fallen attacking a child. The Fallen was a Forsaken using the Darkness in preparation to attack an innocent child, so I did what I must! Seeing as one was about to kill a civilian I came here to discuss removing the Forsaken Vanguard."

At the young Titan's words all of them go silent, his words registering shortly afterwards. Ikora bellowed like a Titan and pounced on the startled Zavala Void and Arc Light covering her fist as the Warlock beat the Titan. A usually calm and docile Warlock was showing her rage, I can not and would never blame her, at the mention of a possibly INNOCENT Fallen child being killed by Zavala. With a crunch Zavala's skull cracks open with the enraged woman being torn off of him by her mentor and Saladin. Cayde looked absolutely disgusted at his friend, Shaxx motionless before he finished Zavala off with a frenzied scream of rage.


The older Titan's armored foot caving the younger one's chest violently before being ripped free. With Zavala dying for now they turned to me for my reasoning on why I likely didn't want the Forsaken around. Seeing the tension still high I calmly extended a hand towards Zavala and spoke.

"Firstly, my dear Guardian's I do not condone what young Zavala did to a possibly innocent child, regardless of their race. His punishment shall be up to you and the Forsaken, as it's possible, the child waited to revive until they were safe. Which would be an excellent secondary reason as to why they decided to leave so suddenly.

Secondly, while they certainly are or certainly were our allies I could not trust them. They freely use the Darkness and don't see the problem in doing so. The Darkness is our enemy, and we cannot just allow people to turn to it and use it freely like they do. While they also possessed the Light, they were still a very real danger. For the possibility that the Darkness would consume them and use them go on a rampage.

Thirdly, the one-sided fighting between the Vanguards was escalating. With none of the Forsaken attacking back the Guardian's slowly were coming into a mindset. Which has damaged our reputation as a whole with the civilians as a whole, due to the Forsaken actively mingling with them. By our Guardian's one-sidedly picking fights with them, they have hurt us in ways that aren't pleasant. It is unclear to me why the Forsaken took it though until now."

Saladin spoke up on the matter with a very good idea as to why, which is saddening. We truly messed up and young Zavala has possibly turned the Forsaken Fallen and Hive Guardians against us entirely. As those two races could almost always be seen with children. So with Zavala murdering a Fallen Larva that was in Forsaken he broke the last straw. I just cemented it by agreeing with him…

"I believe they never fought back under orders by their main commanders. Which was followed possibly to an extreme to try to show our Guardian's they're allies and want to work openly with us. But Zavala's harassment, the fights, then the obvious killing of a unique child within their ranks by Zavala, they gave up on us. It was a sound decision by some tactics to not actively antagonize or entice our Guardian's negatively.

Yet by attacking an untrained and unprepared child without hesitation or clear cause, they gave up on us. We wouldn't make friendly ties with them, and now they have left Earth. By Chimera announcing their future home base he's done several things. He's declared essentially that we can try to still make friends. Threatened hostile Guardian's to try attacking where they will have no allies if they attack. Along with inviting any amicable citizens to visit or join their group."

"Lovely… just by the Light this is a horrible mess! Are any of you willing to go make peace with them? This is one mess we shall not leave as is until later."

The ones who readily volunteered were Cayde, Shaxx, and Ikora, as they're the most likely to not be killed or anything negative. Which I must agree with seeing as the three are relatively friendly with their sister leadership. Ikora though is going solely to see this child and make sure they are still truly among the living. If they are not…. Zavala shall learn why women are not ones you want angered, especially a Warlock.