Night Watch City

Neptune's seas as if greeting us all were raging with right shitty weather upon orbital entry. The place near our entry was an old large unfinished city being built as a lot of it was still mid-being built. From the records Rasputin pulled up this city was to be called Danfer City, but we'll be calling it Night Watch City. Hovering over the city I announced the start of capturing and securing the city.

"All Forsaken begin capturing that city from anything and anyone hostile. If it's relatively friendly, kindly detain them and put them in a safe place."

With that ships began dropping Forsaken Guardians in a variety of ways. Looking towards the Warminds and their current server body I gave a two finger salute before me and Myriad transmat. Landing on the steps of what could've been a church being built we began to search around. The surroundings were basically flooded with Forsaken as every little nook and cranny of the city was checked. By the end of the search plenty of corpses were given to our Hive, who found a decent underground network of service tunnel's. So, they began turning fifty percent of the service tunnel into their hive.

The Fallen made the other half into their sanctum for their House Difference. So below we have Hive and Fallen Guardian's, up top we have Cabal, Human, Exo, Vex, and Awoken Guardians. The Warminds have made a temporary server in an incomplete vault that they plan to make into a mini-cosmodrome. With the whole place cleared it's basically time to begin mass construction and rebuilding damaged parts.

"Good thing we're Guardians, we can cheat with abilities to make things easier."

==== Six Days Later ====

[Shaxx POV]

"We're coming up on the Forsaken's city Guardians!"

{This is Night Watch City, identify or perish.}

"I am Lo'quen, a tailor, and I'm here to settle with my family. However, to show they have some desire to not seem hostile, three Guardian's by the name Shaxx, Ikora, and Cayde-0 are with us not flying any Vanguard colors."

{Acknowledge, land and prepare for searching. Guardians prepare for escort, resistance means neutralization.}

The Awoken male who had given us a ride did not hide us from the Forsaken, he was honest with them. I could not fault him for he has children to protect and Guardians had not been friendly as of late. With the Forsaken having left the Fallen and Cabal had become determined to push us. This put Guardian's on edge and some resent the Forsaken for seemingly abandoning everyone. But the citizens of the Last City on Earth knew a fair number of reasons as to why they'd leave. The citizens actually didn't resent them, they pointed out something very noticeable.

The Forsaken had killed more than half of the invading forces before leaving that day.

As soon as they were told they were leaving they dropped everything and left. The Forsaken did not argue; they all seemed to have readily agreed and quietly left Earth. We landed at some sort of civilian landing zone. The shuttle hatch opened showing a Vex, a Knight, a Exo, and a Fallen Captain waiting outside. The sight beyond them though was a beautiful city that seemed untouched by the Collapse mostly. There are LIVING animals walking around peacefully with nature having grown along some buildings. Forsaken Guardian's walking about with some Cabal and Fallen hounds. Although the skeletal ones seen occasionally look like the Hive, however, there are no records about them.

Seeing where my eyes are likely wandering, the Captain folds their arms chuckling. Visibly proud about the reactions they see among us. They have every right to feel proud in their city. Six days and they seemed to have made a fair amount of progress.

"You have good eyes to enjoy our city, we have worked Twenty-three hours a day straight nonstop! However, you seem confused about the Hive Beast. They are Hive Hound's, the friendlier recreation of animals."

"Ha… hahahaha! I see, so those two are being unpredictable and filling out areas that could be exploited! It's good to see that Dragoon's are still doing their jobs because I know those hounds aren't the only Hive to be made are they?"

"No. Cause a problem and find out what you'll meet Lord Shaxx."

The Exo, a female, taunted with a playful smirk as her Warlock robes blew in the wind. Shaking my head I had to decline as if they're utilizing Hive Magic and those two's knowledge. Well then I would prefer to live and not potentially be flayed alive. Seeing me decline though the Exo pouted while her companions chuckled. The Vex laugh is disturbing. They should not laugh, it's unnatural. Stepping off the ship not even a foot away from it, a pair fell from the sky with Stasis covering the ground with a frosty air. Standing in the center of the Stasis is Chimera and Myriad looking… different.

The Exo male has a metallic skull mask covering his upper face with antlers coming out of the skull. His armor looks like Old Era special forces armor with a dark gray tattered, but fairly armored trench coat with bones decorating it in place. His weapons haven't changed much it seems, but there are metallic bone claws like attachments to his hands. The Exo female has the same kind of trench coat covering her canine body. The center of the back of the coat though has a skull screaming but it's almost glitching out.

"Yo Shaxx, Ikora, Cayde welcome to Night Watch City, It's pretty wet I know. Just not everything is finished yet, so we came to guide you to the Bunker. You four keep up the good work, just have fun a bit as well to not get bored."

"These three are some of the nicer ones, so I don't object to them coming to our city. They'll behave especially Shaxx, he's pretty respectful, just battle hungry, always."

Blinking we looked at the wolf Exo who just smirks after speaking with a very feminine and motherly voice. Shaking my head remembering that Myriad could speak Common but always just chose to speak like a canine normally. However, their new appearances are something I am curious about.

"I'm glad to see you both are perfectly alright and settling in just fine here on Neptune. Truly it makes me smile to see my old friends happy and not always ready to end a fight. Just what is with the visual changes?"

"The trench coats are called Rangers of Fate, fairly good at what it does, when fed blood or energy. The metallic bone claws and mask on me, though? Triggered a Mutation using the Darkness, so I'm now an Exo Wendigo. Pretty fun actually being one in my opinion! I can cannibalize anything technically as long as it's even vaguely humanoid to heal extremely fast and upgrade myself. Ate some hostile visitors now I can do things, like have kids."

Blinking, I looked at my old friends before shrugging, not the weirdest thing I've heard. Their city though was absolutely stunning and vibrant with life, and of course rain, lots of rain. Why did they exactly pick Neptune of everything?

"If you're wondering why we picked Neptune as our home, it's because of what hides beneath the sea. People think it's got no wild life, but they just haven't looked into the abyssal waters. The things down there are our new friends and adorable with how shy they are if you offer free food."

Ikora looked intrigued as her voice slightly gained excited curiosity.

"What is exactly down there? What do they eat? What do they look like?"

The pair chuckled at the excited Warlock with Myriad answering her. The canine Exo's tails swayed gently as her trench coat swayed with each step.

"There's currently four known creatures with more mentioned by a native race who look like humanoid Naga's. There are the giant kraken whale looking creatures dubbed Secular, the rather hostile Voin's, that are giant armored sharks, that act like big children if you select few offer food, then there's the Suanti the Naga humanoid race which are like various old era snakes like Black Mambas but adapted to the sea abyss. Then there are Dunner's, Yualgi's, Xunua's, Hardalir's, and Fumi's that have been mentioned by the Suanti."

Those sound interesting actually, especially the Suanti as it's a miracle they've stayed hidden until now. Just how did the Forsaken discover them? Wait, no with their diversity they can do things no one else alone can as a single race. They have all known races so far working together and their unique skill sets in one area.