Forsaken Revelations, Negotiations

Entering the Warmind Collective Vault with the three Vanguard Guardians. Me and Myriad greeted the newest Warmind who had been created after finding a destroyed Warmind here.

"Ello Eternity, how is life treating you kiddo?"

"General, Mythic it is good to see you again. I'm adjusting just fine to my role, the older Warminds are supportive in seeing that through. Rasputin though is like a grumpy antisocial… Dad? As Humanity would say. As he doesn't explain he gives me guidance and that's it unless I make an error. However, I see you are not alone, you have guests… Vanguard ones… will this be peaceful or do we need to prepare their graves?"

Looking at the three I tilted my head before glancing at Myriad who gruffed a bark. Looking back to Eternity I nod my head as I speak.

"For precautions get Hive God Asanias, Kell's of House Difference, Dorsix, and House Forgiveness, Delamiun, Zero One Three of the Vex Warlords, and Humil down to Bones with the other Warminds on their iso copies there as well."

The newborn Warmind blinked with a subdued professional reply.

"Certainly, General."

As the young Warmind did her task I guided the Vanguard to a pad, Myriad at the rear next to Shaxx. Who is petting her given he's currently trying to not break down from multiple things going through his head. Cayde though asked something and I gave a simple answer.

"So uh… Grandpa… how many different factions are in your Vanguard?"

"Just because I'm older than all of you doesn't make me your grandfather, so don't use it again. Your question though is, one, with six branches."

Ikora spoke next and got a very simple answer more than Cayde then.

"Do these factions have names? What do they do? Do they have a set purpose?"

"Warlock, Titan, Hunter, Execution, Suicidal, Diplomacy."

"That's only one third of my questions."

"Magic, Defense, Spy/Loot Goblin, Killer, Stupidity worthy of praise, Being nice or kindly saying fuck you."

"Are you making fun of me? Because those aren't fully answering any of my questions."

"No, Yes they do."

Ikora huffed at me as I didn't bother answering her further as right now, I DON'T answer to them currently, they'll answer to ME though. Shaxx though when he asks something I do lighten up as he's an old friend and truly doesn't need hostilities, but a true friend. Myriad growling lightly as she thumped the Titan's leg with her tail reassuringly.

"Do you train your people to fight against others like them?"

"Yes, we do. You're trying to start something called the Crucible, yes? Well old friend we've made your dream reality and we've even included something named after you, the creator of the idea. We call it, Iron Lord Shaxx Gauntlet, where our people must overcome adversity on the level of Oryx or whatever he called himself. They die countless times during it, but they do not stay down."

Myriad chiming in as the wolf EXO learned into Shaxx making him scratch behind her ears.

"They rage on and press on towards victory. For if we falter we all die. We of various races know this fact, we harness it, and we use it to forge legends who shall be ready to go toe to toe with monsters normal Guardians would struggle against. You produce greats, but they fall too early or go rogue for reasons you do not know. One dubbed "The Man with The Golden Gun" who turned against you has joined us and shared his reasoning. What it is we shan't tell you, for he told us it in confidence and we shall not break that trust. You may still try killing him, but know he is no longer a Guardian, but a true Forsaken Guardian now."

At the mention of Shin Malphur, the three tensed às that was admittedly cause for alarm. Their Night Stalker's however are also currently working with us and Shin after a long talk and some fighting. Same for the Golden Dawn order of the Solar Guardians who remain rather neutral. Where the City ousted us, their allies and a select few enemies came to us for talks early on.

Shin Malphur isn't even a true enemy of theirs; he is a Guardian who has taken it upon himself to destroy their corrupted Guardians. He walks between good and evil perfectly for the greater good of his allies thus we took him in.

Before we reached the doors to the Bones Shaxx asked something. Something I answered and he laughed at as if understanding the universe now.

"Shin Malphur, he isn't what he seems is he?"

"No, no he isn't the monster believed by many. A Dragoon Hound knows best what kind of people they deal with, and he is Forsaken material."

"Haha…. Ahahahaha! I see! I see, then I shall not attack him, and I shall inform my fellow Iron Lords. As of now Shin Malphur is a guest of the Iron Lords!"

Smirking under my skull mask at Shaxx for being so understanding when he reads between the lines. I raised a hand making everyone halt before doors made of literal bones. By now we were approximately six thousand feet below Neptune's ocean. Knocking once then in rapid succession with a total of six hundred sixty-six times at key points, the doors opened. A Hive Werewolf opened the door as its boney fur and skeletal face were in full view.

The Hive Werewolf was one of Hive God Asanians's followers. The Hive God themselves being a giant werewolf looking Hive God with six eyes, eight arms, and ten boney tails with Hive Mist covering them like fur. Zero One Three, the Vex Warlord was a towering Hobgoblin with scared plating and a greatsword on their back.

Humil the Awoken male I first resurrected stood beside his Vex partner, romantically and fighting wise. His appearance had changed though he now dressed as if he was a Warlord of Old with furs dinning his scarred and scorched armor. Kell's Dorsix and Delamiun stood at attention with their arms behind their backs. Dorsix had chosen to become the first Eliskin to try the EXO conversion, however she was also different she wall taller and more bestial. She had become a Eliskin EXO Wendigo to pay tribute to me for giving her a new purpose.

Delamiun was an Eliskin on par with the smallest Hive God's in height, almost. His frame was built for shredding and breaching enemy lines. He had six arms instead of four and each arm knew how to swing or shoot. They were also a Hunter Titan so he was fast on his feet for his size. There was someone else among them as well, Shin Malphur and his Ghost reborn as a Phantom. Shin stood there unmoved even as Ikora and Cayde glared at the so called "traitor", Shaxx surprised him though by giving him an Iron Lords greeting.

Shin looked to me for an answer and seeing my smirk and nod, the Rogue Hunter closed his eyes. Mumbling something which prompted Dorsix to slap his back causing the Hunter to grin slightly. He was alone; now he is among allies who don't fall easily to corruption and that has made the Hunter feel at home in time. Once everyone was in the room the Warminds had their 3D projections materialize.

"We've connected to the Vanguard, let the discussions begin now. Know that the outcome will dictate how we operate with you. You three speak for the entirety of the Vanguard and may seek counsel from their leaders, but they have no sway, and you can't be weak-willed enough to agree with everything they say. If you do so, you shall be executed and sent back to the city unable to revive until your Ghost arrives within the vicinity of it's walls."

Rasputin spoke, his tone filled with cold indifference and no room for negotiation. They will comply or die, that's it.