With Rasputin's cold tone and his words sinking in, the three Guardians go still as Zero One Three, Asanians, and Shin Malphur blocked the only exit as if it were only natural. The rest of us watched the three as all the Warmind's had their holographic appearances manifest, call boxes with labels of key Vanguard Guardian's names appeared around the room. Sighing, I looked at the three and spoke up as I did feel slightly bad about this, but needs must be met before being friendly with friends. The Traveler themself even had a call box behind the Warmind's.
While they should be dying, in actuality they aren't currently because while we fought for centuries, we came up a with lets say a self-repair function using Ghosts, Necromancy, and wreckage from everywhere in the solar system. So while they aren't perfectly fine, they're alive due to essentially prosthetic parts being attached slowly but surely on the worst area's.
"Sorry, ya three, but depending on the outcome, you either leave alive or dead for now. The Vanguard started this and there will be a resolution either negative or positive or neutral because you lot are acting like brats whining when a parent has another child that you don't like, so you torment and push them around like a bully."
The three seemed too bitter about this all, but I could see they also understood as well. We left peacefully, but if we just let this settle without a show then countless Vanguard Guardians will try something, then fights will break out enmass and someone will take the blame and hatred. The Traveler seemed to have something to say about it all as well, and when it spoke its opinion, those who had been complaining and threatening us in the background shut up as if they got caught being bad children.
"I must agree with my friend and displaced companion, a lot of you, my children of light, have greatly disappointed me with your actions and words as of late. The Forsaken Vanguard are those who a Ghost wouldn't normally seek out because they personally encountered and were inflicted with the Darkness or were born through it yet held a bright enough light to be worthy of a chance.
Yet, your distrust towards allies who put in more work and zeal to protect what remains. All due to a majority being of those you kill to fight off the Darkness. It disappoints me, no matter the outcome of this meeting, I shall not damn the Forsaken or you, but I will know who I must entrust more challenging tasks to for they at least can see reason and know the stakes. One who you would deem a traitor has more valor than most of you here, and he stands before the Forsaken as the Champion of Solar Light, The Man with The Golden Gun, Shin Malphur."
Shin looked startled when he was singled out by the Traveler, but I didn't let this slip by as I summoned a skeletal gun blade made of Necrotic Light, the Forsaken around the room summoning their own Light or Dark weapons and as one we point them towards Shin and shout one phrase in Eliksni. Myriad pointing a Solar Greatsword, Dorsix a Void Warhammer, Asanians an Arc bow. Humil a Solar hammer, Zero One Three a Solar Void executioners axe, and Delamiun a Solar katana.
"SHAN YU ZE YU BAS YU BO, FRE, NAR, MA YUR TAN YUR. ZE ZER NAS DEN AL YUN!" (Bravely you gave up your banner, freedom, home, and name knowingly Shin Malphur. We offer you a forever home among us!"
Shin looked stunned, the Vanguard was silent as a tomb, and the Traveler was laughing with glee seeing how we used a language of one of our own. The hunter sighed before giving his answer back in Eliksni like how we how did towards him, which the Vex can talk if they actually try, Zero One Three's fellow warlord Two Six Eight is pretty talkative in Hive and Eliksni.
"Do Yu." (Thank you.)
Dorsix and her fellow Kell looked proud as they stood straighter knowing that by doing this, this shows that we actually accept the Eliknsi fully as most of us in the room are primarily division or sub-division leaders of certain functions within the Forsaken. The Warmind's didn't say anything because they're focusing on all the communication channels currently, the three Vanguard with us though looked absolutely dumbfounded, however. It didn't take long for the Warlock among them to speak up though and her reaction was amusing as she seemed lost on what she just witnessed.
"You… You all just spoke Fallen with no issues… What did you say? What do those words mean? Can you make a glossary of the Fallen language for us?"
Ikora struggled not to flip out and let her inner geek out as a possibility for knowledge was right in front of her with not one, but multiple people having learned Eliknsi from those withing our ranks. Chuckling at the Warlock I eyed her and raised a palm out towards her with some clear extortion being done without any shame.
"Sure, that'll be sixty million glimmer up front because we're still displeased with the Vanguard and thus if you want something without making some amends, you'll have to buy that knowledge."
Ikora sputtered as her cheeks flushed, Cayde looked at me with a smirk while mouthing silently that I was a Hunter alright, Shaxx was shaking with amusement at how I was blatantly trying to rip off Ikora. He did watch me try the same thing with an Awoken woman who we fought during a brief war with the Reef, not my fault she was rude and demanded freedom, so I rightfully charged her nine million upfront.
Some of the Guardians on call sputtered in outrage, while one Hunter known as Tevis, a known Nightstalker, cackled with amusement at my antics. After that, though, the meeting did proceed without any further interruptions. A lot of bartering and some trying to pressure the three did happen, but those who tried got their entire faction blacklisted by the Warminds for if they ever needed help.
Which isn't a good thing as that means, if there's ever trouble in the Last City and that faction is on the losing side. Then none of the Forsaken or Warminds will move to help them. However, there was one thing we didn't and wouldn't budge on regarding the fact that we were the only force with intact Golden Age tech, blueprints of Golden Age tech, and the means to build Golden Age technology. Such as SHIVA and primarily ways to repair EXO's and bots used for everyday things.
We couldn't budge on that, because some factions in the Last City would try something dangerous. When SHIVA heard one Elder but demanding I give them up got enraged and a wave of red formed a hissing serpentine head. An Iron Lord in the call who we allowed to be put on video call saw SHIVA, and asked several things. Before saying that they'll be sending me all SHIVA samples they had as the samples while dormant weren't safe to be around.
Which was good as I could always find ways to use the extra SHIVA, we did compromise on that if they could get us any EXO still mostly intact and ALIVE then we could help keep EXO Guardians up and running. Along with Ghosts of the more ancient Guardians like me and Myriad, due to us having a blueprint on them from the Traveler themself in order to have built Phantoms.
Thus it was after this meeting that I stood on the tramat two hours later with Myriad, and a host of Medical and Technician inclined Forsaken Guardians. We were getting rushed by the remains of an entire clan of EXO's called the Galaxy Clan, several of their own. Some even had tainted lights, and those FOOLS in the council wanted to kill them, when that was mentioned a riot across the entire planet broke out.
The Warminds, while meant to protect Humanity, were attached to our little Guardian Corps of misfits and when an Elder called Shamil said that. They leaked the argument we had at that, a very heated one that even the three with us got enraged about. Because before their eyes there was an entire force of Gray Guardians, yet they wanted to execute their own and they couldn't accept that.
The fact that literally entire battalions of Eliksni, Cabal, Hive, Vex, EXO, Awoken, and Human each got ready to storm the Last City for a rescue mission terrified the Vanguard. Because Rasputin and Grave were spiteful bastards once they got attached to specific people. So seeing the literal enraged mass of Guardians and their arsenal made them quickly abort that idea. The Galaxy Clan Elder, Neptune-88 during the meeting said that he would like to talk in person about the tainted one's futures.
So here we are, watching as cargo ships the Galaxy Clan obtained breach the atmosphere. Waving a hand shouting in a mix of every language I know all at once, the medics and techs of various races scrambled. The ships barely even touched down fully before Hive Witches teleported directly inside to take scans with their Phantoms. Eliksni and Vex hacked the doors and let the Cabal medics carrying transport pods flood the ships as they touched down. Awoken, Human, and EXO raised their weapons and their message was clear.
Under the gaze of literally hundreds of Guardians ready to fight Clan Galaxy's Guardians stayed back. Letting their friends and family be taken to a medical facility with an armed escort. If they become Vessels of Darkness before we help, they must die. After the last was carted away, an EXO Warlock with a paint style and stars to match his name sake approached me. His Warlock Band crackling Arc Light, a Stormcaller, rare as the storm tends to kill those unprepared.
"Thank you for doing this… It means a lot to us of Clan Galaxy…. Those fools wanted to kill them when YOU exist...."
"Pleasure to meet you Neptune-88, I'm called Chimera as my callsign and this is Myriad, my ever faithful companion. We'll try getting your family back in shape and offer them a few choices regarding those tainted. And believe me I know, all of Neptune was ready to invade the Last City basically to rescue anyone tainted. Warminds are spiteful if they don't like you or believe you endanger their mission, so the Vanguard has them to thank for that."
Neptune gave a mirthful chuckle at that since that would've been a sight to watch. All because hearing the execution of people who are like the Warminds' primary group of people made them incite that. Neptune though quickly became subdued as his optics looked at me.
"If you can help them, please even if they must become Forsaken do not take them away from us."
"Why would we do that? We're Forsaken not Deserter's. Keeping them away from you would be cruel, but they would have to be separated for a few weeks to several months if they do become Forsaken. As that won't be an instant fix, we who got raised Gray are fine but they'll need to adapt for the Darkness will play on their fears, insecurities, and try to alter their emotions and minds. So it'd be best for them to be where someone of our alignment is until they're stable."
"That's fine… that's perfectly reasonable entirely even as that isn't something to just get over. Just thank you again Guardian for doing this and offering them a way to continue on if they wish to."
"It's not an issue, really it's not. Let's talk in my office about what all you want to say though."