Omake: Dark Age and the Dragon of Neptune

\\// Zavala POV, during The Dark Age //\\

Standing amongst the ruins of the Last City surrounded by Guardians I once taught frozen in ice created by Stasis. I couldn't help but wonder how Cayde-7 and Ikora were doing after being saved by the Forsaken Guardians Tracey and Amber. Who soon met their ends when the Darkness got a hold of them, only for them to become bombs of light. It was foolish of them and only delayed the inevitable demise and corruption of the last two Vanguard Leaders.

However, getting to the last Guardians and the Forsaken has been a bit of an issue. For they resurrected a Wish Dragon as one of them, and the beast is resolute with the Traveler's light and the Darkness holding little sway over them. However, the beast will fall Lord Saladin and Osiris shall make sure of it once they fall to the Darkness eating away at their lights.

Until then I shall wait and remember the painful day. The day that beast delayed us from snuffing out the last of the ones struggling to protect everything… I can still hear its voice mocking me in my head and it only INFURIATES me to no end! That monster has the ball to stand in our way and proclaim those useless fallacies?!

//\\ 10yrs ago - The Neptune Assault \\//

Breaching from warp space near Neptune, home of the Forsaken Vanguard, the full might of the Vanguard bore down on them. As we prepared to besiege the planet and snuff out their lives along with the Guardians who managed to escape here. Everything went silent as from the gathered thunder clouds currently cloaking the planet, a Wish Dragon emerged.

The beast was large, large enough that it covered the planet in its wings and stared us down. It was defiant towards the Darkness who gave its race a purpose and life.

"You dregs of Darkness shall not threaten my fellow Forsaken and Vanguard Guardians who still yet hold out. I am Nulsia, Lady of The Lake and Forsaken Guardian who holds the wishes of my compatriots as my strength, will not let you near. They wish for time to be bought, so I shall grant their wish."

"Interesting, you are a Wish Dragon who should stand above all creation with the powers granted to you. You stand against your master, who gave you purpose when the light abandoned you, and protect the dying lights on that planet. Why do so? Unless… you truly are a Guardian now, but why? You can just wish to be free and you'd be free to rule reality as you wish."

The voice I could hear so clearly was that of the one who is an emissary of the Darkness, the Ambassador. At their words though the beast snorted and let out a rumbling chuckle that shook the fabric of reality.

"My master? I know not what or who that is. All I know and need to know is that the man who raised me from nought but a still born egg is the last of my kind to my own eyes, and as a Forsaken Guardian. With zero expectations beyond my own desires and raising me with morals of my own compared to other's of my lesser kind. He is the only master I need and the only one I shall fight for.

For unlike your worthless god, mine who is like a grandfather to me actually cares and soon you'll find no souls to reap Dark Puppets. Now suffer."

With the word of suffer ringing through the fabric of reality. Guardians who gave up the pointless fighting and joined us died permanently. The beast before us uses its powers to make such a thing happen, a Ghost to match its world encompassing height appearing above it. A beam of concentrated light ripped through more of our forces, cleansing them of their lives and the Darkness.

It was an utter defeat…. And that beast looked absolutely smug and proud as it killed a large swath of our forces.

\\// Lady of The Lake POV, present time //\\

Whining I watched as my father and his companion stayed behind with a legion of Vex, Cabal, and Eliksni. As those who could still travel escorted civilians and wounded through to a new timeline with the Ghost that now had become Grandpa Traveler. The Warminds and the Stranger have long since left as the Vex and Eliksni who made a time gate slowly were erased by time itself.

They used their neutral lights to hold on and hold they did. Even as the time gate started collapsing Kell Dorsix forced herself into the closing gate and pried it back open. For the children left behind to escape she let time rip her apart even as she silently screamed, she held it open for them. Father looked at the skies of Neptune before looking at me and smiling softly as he spoke one last wish. A wish I both disobeyed as Myriad sat beside him.

Her once beautiful metallic fur was rustic and crumbling, father's skull mask cracked and releasing unwelcoming echoes of darkness. Humil, who slowly approached, carried his partner's broken sword, a group of elderly soldiers and teens who hadn't left yet. Yet I got the feeling they wouldn't for there was a look in their eyes.

"Sweetheart, it's time for you to go as well now before Dorsix is gone, swept across time as sand. Say hello to the younger us and Shaxx… fuckin Speaker… Anyways you've got to go, because it'll have been a good 2000 years since this all started."


"Go, before you're gone with the rest of who can't resist much longer. We've had to tap into our darker sides too much since this war started and we're about done fighting for control… Neptune is our home, we'll make it our tomb as well before we join those bastards who gave up. So go Little Dragon of Light."

"No! I don't want to! I want to protect you all! I want you to keep smiling… to keep laughing… to stay with me for I'm a greedy dragon…. This isn't fair… it's not fair it's only been twenty years…."

Myriad chuckled at that, giving me a look with her dimming eyes. Humil scoffed but waved me off as if to say don't linger any longer. Father closed his eyes before doing something I didn't think he'd do, as SIVA formed a rail cannon system from his body. He used his light and darkness to send my soul through the time gate as pieces of my discarded egg surrounded my soul. I could feel my egg get thrown through the time gate with a sad laugh from aunt Dorsix.

//\\ Myriad POV \\//

Watching the childish wish dragon be sent across time and space to a time unknown. I looked towards my partner and watched as SIVA unloaded into his body with its weapons. He died looking at the closing gate with a sad smile with Darkness taking hold of him. Reviving him isn't an option as he'd just be a shell of his former self, and an enemy now.

The armies of the Visitor who seeks out the Traveler arriving at the moment. With our Lady of The Lake, and Kaiser dead they arrived as if smelling opportunity. Sadly for them, they'll get nothing from this all of importance is gone and shall be lost to time.

SIVA weapon platforms across the planet came to life and began punching holes through the welp or the enemy.

//\\ Nulsia POV \\//

When I came to, I didn't have a clue where I was or who I was entirely anymore due to time. But the metallic man wearing a skull and the metallic beast at his side made me remember an emotion. Joy. Joy that they are alive and not so hurt anymore as I came out of my egg. A strange machine made of bones at my side, yet I felt as if I knew it for a long time now.

"Well I know we planned on getting an egg but this is fine to have one drop in on us. It's almost as if it was meant to come here, hope Mara Sov doesn't get any ideas. Because she'll have Riven in the near future so she doesn't need our Nulsia. If she thinks she does, I'll MURDER her entire kingdom."

I couldn't help but feel delighted at the feeling in my chest at the man's words. He was acting like a…. Father…. He's father…. Who is father though compared to this man? This father isn't important but the man before me could be my father given he's protective.