Shaxx, Ahamkara Pact, Bete

//\\ Shaxx POV, ??? Golden Age \\//

Hanging by chains in an American Black Site stripped of everything I own, bloody, bruised, and tortured. I waited for death as I glared at the door to my cell, for I refused to say anything to damn my Dragoons to a worthless death. I didn't expect to get captured for knowing of research using small shaved off fragments of the Traveler, but I will not let these rabid dogs rip my Dragoons apart with teams of their bests.

When I heard running through the halls and a siren going off throughout the site, I wondered what was happening. Then something hit my cell door, blood spilling from under it as the sounds of an animal attacking someone echoed out with a body being thrown into a wall violently by something. That was when I met them.

Opening my cell door with his bare hands, ripping it off its magnetic locks and throwing it down the hallway like a projectile. There in the now bright doorway stood an EXO and an EXO canine. With blood dripping from swords dangling at the male EXO's sides as he calmly entered the room. He said nothing while he ripped my chains from the ceiling and used them to secure me to his back like luggage.

His canine companion opened its mouth and fired a rocket from its muzzle down the hallway at something before howling. At the howl, the EXO male carrying me like baggage nodded and began running out the cell and to the right down the hallway, his companion on his heels.

Suddenly I heard the sound of glass shattering, the wind, and saw the black site getting farther away as the canine EXO jumped through a broken window after us. We landed into the Atlantic Ocean with a splash, the air escaping my lungs as the canine slapped its tail against my mouth. When its tail pulled away I somehow had a rebreather within my mouth, and it had come from the canine's tail. The two EXO's and I spent twelve weeks together after they had rescued me for no apparent reason. Neither deeming it worthwhile to speak besides when the canine would bark and we would run for newer lands. It was after these twelve weeks that I learned they duo were experimental EXO's with SIX large shards from the Traveler making up their beings.

Yet their information didn't exist, they SHOULDN'T exist, yet two unknown experimental EXO's had saved my life. They had stood with me silently for twelve weeks without an inkling of planning to do anything with me. So when the men and women in charge of the Unified World Government came to detain and possibly kill them off to study, or use like TOYS. I stood my ground, my Dragoons ready to fight, and I declared with a ferocity an oath. An oath to my saviors and enstranged allies that I would uphold even to my death.

"You shall not touch those two! You shall not harm a single wire or paint speck on their bodies! They may have unexplained origins and a lot of worth due to their bodily constitutions to you. But you are not allowed to have them, you are NOT allowed to do anything to them. They are Dragoons and I shall personally see them being accepted as Dragoons."

A rather whalish looking woman grew red in the face and screeched at me. Her jewelry and bodily fat trembling as she spoke, the woman dangerously getting close to my face. My bright gold eyes meeting her scathing brown eyes, my tanned mixed colored skin being covered in her flying spittle.


Staring her dead in the eyes, my hands behind my back, I spoke with no emotion. My voice caused her to tremble along with her colleagues and their guards.

"I am Shaxx De'Cardil, first strike leader of the Dragoons most prolific combat band, son of the late UWG President Hamilton Basilisk De'Cardil. I have the right to make such a claim because I WORKED FOR IT, I have a say BECAUSE THOSE ARE MY BENEFACTORS. You don't have a say in this whatsoever Madame Gillian, those two do not belong to anyone or any institution. Even if they hold value to you due to their construction, due to their mysteries, you cannot and will not take them.

For if I let you do so without fighting tooth and nail, my father and mother would roll in their graves if I did so little for those who saved my life. People who saved my life from people who wanted information on what you're doing at any costs. So you shall leave now or I'll be contacting your superiors to come scrape your stains off the walls and floor. Am I understood?"

Stressing certain parts I watched the whale of a woman retreat with her people, tails between their legs. My mysterious saviors take that moment to speak up for once both separately then together.

"Myriad Chimera, Model: Mythological-0"

"Biazar R. Chimera, Model: Mystery-0"

""We exist to make sure Humanities' future defensive minds do not fall, we exist for those coming back to set a brighter future in motion. For where there is light traveling, there is darkness trailing after it. A beacon thus must be set and survival ensured at all costs.""

//\\ Shaxx POV, War of Disaster, Earth's Moon Present Day \\//

Dropping to my knees with my light waning and a Hive Wizard being turned to bloody mists. I watched as my friends, my Iron Lords, and an Ahamkara charged Oryx the Taken King bellowing warcries. Two of my brothers and a Warlock tending to me as they dragged me away. Realizing this horror struck my soul and gripped my heart, I struggled to go back, to go fulfill my oath to my friends. I watched as I was dragged away as my brethren and sisters fell to Darkness. I watched as the Ahamkara recovered their remains and bolted with Myriad. Chimera blocking a blow of the Taken King's sword with a scythe of ice.

The EXO didn't buckle or step back trading blows with the Hive God, he just silently stood there stopping the monstrous sword with his scythe. SHIVA pouring from his back as tentacles and becoming large artillery cannons that thunder out cries as they send the false God flying backwards. Yet I could see the wrong setting in as my old friend ripped off his own arm that held the scythe of ice. His arm bursting into a dark limb with a white outline before it fades away as ash. My old friend having a new arm in just seconds when he leaped backwards. Catching up with the Ahamkara and canine EXO. SHIVA forming an eye over his shoulder that squinted at the new arm as if making sure it truly was good enough.

The Golden Age nanomachines showing clear sentience and affection for the EXO male. The EXO who had been with them for decades now. This wasn't lost on me, the nanomachines of the same technology we guarded, were showing human emotions and seemed to enjoy its life as an honorary Guardian. Knowing of the samples we Iron Lords kept locked up, I planned to have a vote cast and then given to the EXO pair.

For if they can assimilate them and use them for good, then we should allow it, all to not have a potential threat looming over us. The odd bunch of Guardians, even the Ahamkara, took notice of something and they stopped. Reality warped around them as they stood there calmly with not an ounce of urgency.

"Shaxx, don't worry about the samples at the Iron Lords domain. Those broke out long ago and headed straight towards us, you only had projections that can fool even a Ghost. Plus after all, even with that helmet on I could see that look in your eyes Shaxx. For what's about to happen though, forgive us, the Traveler and Ahamkara seem to have a destination we must visit. Where there is darkness eating away at everything, light must come and push it away."

like that my friends, my long time family in arms, vanished before my eyes with nary a sound. I may never see them again. When that thought entered my head, I knew I wasn't being logical, I kicked and screamed as my brethren dragged me away. Oryx in the far background both amused at my duress and bemused at his revenge for being slighted denied.

After being dragged away and rejoining the battle upon the moon. I fought like a demon of light unleashing my wrath and displeasure down upon the Hive. I had also noticed a select few Forsaken had seemingly vanished along with my friends and the Ahamkara. The fact those Guardians and they had disappeared without a word and seemed to accept it befuddled me.

The battle for the moon was eventually a lost cause for the Vanguard. The Forsaken heeded the Warminds on Neptune and abandoned the war after several weeks in weeks in.

Warlocks Osiris and Ikora, however, seemed to have compiled an assembly of notes and theories about the sudden reality warping disappearances during the fighting. Each disappearance happened near a Hive of sufficient strength primarily, Wizards and Gladiators, and a Warlock of sufficient power such as Osiris and Ikora. Each reality distortion having a feeling to it, each distortion had the same one, a vague call for help. My own Ghosts transcript of audio and a few pictures were included as it would seem the Warlocks had picked something from it. In bold words next to a picture of my friends and the Ahamkara was a theory that something was unsettling to me.


\\// Shaxx POV, one day latter, personal room //\\

"Shaxx! Shaxx! I'm receiving a transmission! Receiving a transmission from the lost Forsaken!"

Jolting from my focused state of mind while working on my gifted hammer, dropping my tools I looked at my Ghost, Creed. His scratched, red, white, and golden shell fluctuated in and out excitedly. Without waiting for me to say anything the Ghost played the transmission.

{Olly Olly Oxenfree, this is Chimera of the Forsaken Guardians, if you're hearing this then I'm informing you that those who have vanished are just fine. The Ahamkara made a pact with the Traveler and sent us to lands both familiar yet unfamiliar to many of Humanity. Just know that we're not in any real danger, someone just made an HONEST and EARNEST wish to an Ahamkara. So as we had our own little wisher within our ranks, they sought the Traveler's permission before sending us to sally forth and kick some ass. We shall return in approximately a week, our time, not this world's time, after all we're following isekai rules apparently. This message will loop for two days before going dark in accordance with the Ahamkara, Sul'Miver, acknowledging this request.}


Chuckling like a madman I slammed my palm against my workstation. My old friend is still the same it would seem, even with him being in what could be a different world he talks as if it's just another day of Monday killing enemies. A week though until they return… I should prepare for their return. Six Guardians, five sets of Iron Lord made ceremonial swords and the biggest ceremonial sword made into clawed weaponry, for returning from the most bazaar mission yet with triumph.

\\// Chimera POV, Earth Bete, WORM Alternate Universe //\\

Looking at the Ahamkara taking on the appearance of a rabbit, me and my Guardians stood calmly as the girl holding the Wish Dragon stroked its long ears. Even as insects all around us seemed agitated, we calmly stood there and watched the young lady. Taylor Anne Hebert, was her name and she had recently Triggered. Which it was mildly amusing that of everything to happen… we'd end up here to help kick ass and give the young one shelter with us. Though the Ahamkara, Sul'Miver, also had a stipulation that we shelter one other young lady known as Amy Dallon as the girl was ONE step away from going worse than her other versions.

Hearing that we would need to do and what we must do if we wish to return home. We all shared a look and just grinned as this would be more fun than the stale war back home! Seeing us grin and noticing our energies likely held no fuss about it the disguised Ahamkara vanished into wisps of smoke. Startling the young Skitter who looked lost at what to do, frankly she didn't know just idly making a wish would be answered. After all, she had just been locked INSIDE a locker at school with bugs both crawling everywhere, into her, and eating at her flesh which triggered her.

Getting free of that hell she ran for it, came across a rabbit that seemed friendly enough, made an idle wish from her heart, and our motley crew of a fire team appeared. Seeing her apprehensively looking at us I bowed exaggeratedly like any Hunter would.

"Warlord Biazar Chimera, at thy fair ladies service."

My Guardians chuckled but gave their own exaggerated greetings.

"Warlord Myriad Chimera, at thy service for cuddles and maiming idiots like a good pup."

"Grave Lord Harley-2, at your service~ tell me who to bury and I'll bury them like an unwanted stepchild~."

"Kelless Dorsix, at your service and willing to beat some skulls in with chicken legs? … My Kell, did I mess up?" Answering the confused EXO Elksni I chuckled, "I think you were looking for Drum Sticks, Dorsix."

"Affirmative: Olympus. Statement: Ready to break a leg."

"Lady of Neptune, Riverwalk Chimera, here to grant my kins call and your wish of a better life."

"Hive Goddess of Salvation, Hol'sava, at your behest young wormling."

The young lady giggled nervously, but also with a bit of happiness. In this timeline she was an orphan and the one taking care of her was surprisingly the one dog lady taking care of her. The New Wave home was also seemingly…. Very much a place we had to get our second charge away from quickly. As what the Ahamkara who lives here said paints a grim picture of her situation. Taylor seemed to also know this, while she was shaking like a newborn deer after her traumatic episode. Afraid of her new powers and still reliving the incident as it wasn't even a day old yet. She stood up from where she had been sitting against an alleyway wall slowly, but with something we see in other Guardians.

Her eyes while watering showed she wouldn't be cowed by fear. She wanted to be a "Cape," a hero for people, and by helping us find and possibly help this young medic. Then she would do so to distract herself from her trauma and to be something more than a scared little girl. So with a mirthful chuckle between us Guardians we let the young lady help us search, our Phantoms scouring local camera footage. We'd likely tip off Dragon and the Dragon Slayers doing so, but our pact is to help prune some villains and help some capes while taking two young ladies under our care.