
Birth of the G.o.D

Consciousness slowly began to fill the eyes of a young boy. Unsure of what came before, and not mindful enough to understand the future, a young boy named Xerxes finds himself in a small building. In front of the boy are two larger figures. One male and one female. They looked at him and asked him if he was ready to head out on their adventure. This was Xerxes parents, his father was the village hunter, and his mother was a gatherer and skilled seamstress.

The family was on their way to a nearby town to barter meat and clothing for other necessities that the village didn't have the means of obtaining. Their village was small and was a days ride from the town of Destra. It's was the village of Ignes.

After saying a few fair wells Xerxes and his parents loaded into the horse drawn buggy and were on their way to Destra. The beauty of the world around him captivated Xerxes. The tall leafy trees and the clear river waters crashing into boulders that lie in its path. After riding for what seemed only a few minutes for the boy, who was astounded by the views that passed by him, the buggy came to a stop, and his father tells him "come on son help your old man set up camp".

As a five year old boy he had never built up camp before but without hesitation he jumped at the thought of making his father and mother proud of him.

As Xerxes and his father began to set up camp his father came to an abrupt stop. He began to yell "Both of you get into the buggy now". Xerxes' mother grabbed his arm and rushed him to the safety of the carriage just as a large group of about twenty bandits came out from hiding in the nearby trees. Without saying a word the bandits attacked his father and quickly put him on the ground bleeding from multiple stab wounds. The bandits then made there way to the buggy and began to pillage the village goods.

Xerxes was in shock he didn't know what to do. His father lay dead in a pool of his own blood, and his mother had him wrapped in her arms as they watched the men rob the entire carriage. Then out from the woods came a much larger man. His muscles seemed as big around as the trees he had came from. A scar ran from his eye diagonally across his nose. The man insisted that they kill both the young boy and his mother. Just as quick as he gave the order one of the men plunged a sword into the woman and placed his gaze onto the boy.

Everything he had only just began to understand was already taken from him. Xerxes became infuriated at the sight of his mother's death, and began to feel a heat around his body as if his hatred of the men around him was becoming tangible. Out of fear the men jumped backwards and pled that their boss do the deed, but as they looked over to him they noticed that his head was missing and the young boy was there next to him.

The bandits fled back into the forest, but not before Xerxes eliminated ten more of them without much effort at all.

When he came back to his senses he did not know what had happened. How did he kill these men? All he remembered was his eyes going dark and then waking to the horrendous sight of bodies and blood which painted the entire camp site. All he knew was that everything he had was now gone because of the greed of those bastards.