
The Promise

The day after the attack on his family Xerxes hasn't moved. Not because he did not want to, but because he could not find the will to leave his parents. He had no knowledge of where he was. The only thing that the young boy could do was lay hugging the bodies that were once his parents. " I never even knew their names". He whispered softly to himself aggravated for not doing whatever it was that he had done sooner.

Then from down the road he heard what sounded like horses trotting with a carriage close behind. Xerxes jumped up and began to yell "help me help please". It was only a few moments and behold, in front of the boy were two knights escorting what seemed to be a wealthy man. His carriage was far more expensive looking than the ran down buggy he and his family were traveling in. The knights dismounted from their steeds and asked the boy "what happened here child"? Xerxes told the knights how he remembered the story, as they opened the cart to let out a nobleman. "I am Francis von Destra the duke of these lands. Tell me boy to your knowledge are any of these people citizens of this dukedom"? Xerxes answered the man swiftly " yes my father and mother. These are their bodies" he exclaimed, as his shaking finger points to the man and woman he had only known as mom and dad.

"Take from these bodies any currency they possess it will now be added to my own personal wealth". Francis order then knights in a very stern tone. "Yes your excellency" the two knights replied while crossing their blades across the plate armor that they wore. "What about me sir can you get me back home? I live in a small village not far from this spot"? Xerxes pled to the nobleman. "A common boy such as yourself has nothing to offer a higher being such as myself". "Move out men"! Francis ordered.

The knights cut loose a coin pouch from Xerxes' fathers bloody waist and mounted their horses once more. "Give that back it does not belong to you" the boy yelled as the carriage rode away.

In that moment ,young as he was, Xerxes had a firm understanding of this beautiful world he was living in. It was disgusting, a vile corrupted place where beauty is only skin deep. Once again Xerxes felt his anger rising. The feeling of power had flooded his body once more, and in this moment he made a promise to himself. "Any who sin against me will know death. I shall be it's bringer. I will be the God of Death incarnate. No matter their power no matter their status no sin against me shall go unpunished". With that promise the boy faded into the same forest that just the night before the bandits had fled into.