
Onward to Destra

As they walked at a normal pace Xura began to tell Xerxes of a plan she had thought of once they made it to Destra. "Xerxes.. when we make it to the guild hall I am going to take credit for killing the mugger". Xura said in an almost shameful voice. "Why would you do that? I am the one who took his life". "I promise you Xerxes it is not because I want to gain status in the guild or anything like that. It's just that it is against the law for an unregistered manipulator to use his magic to fight. I am only trying to keep you out of trouble". "I see. As long as you are not going to lie to boost your own standing then I guess you can take the credit, however I do not care if I get into trouble. I am the God of Death, nobody will stop me from fulfilling my destiny". Xura now snickers and replies, "a God huh hehe I mean I know that you are strong, but a God, I'm not to sure about that".

"What is so funny", Xerxes says with a slightly angry look on his face. "I'm just joking Xerxes geez. That's the only emotion I've seen you display the entire time we have been walking. "What's the deal with that?". "Anger is the only emotion I have felt for ten years. It is the only one I can currently display". Xerxes says with his face now back to his normal emotionless way. "Huh maybe that's why your battle aura is so strange". "What do you mean battle aura?". "Every manipulator I have ever seen battle has a blue colored aura. It normally makes the caster slightly glow blue, but your aura....your aura is red and it completely envelopes you. It is without a doubt the strangest aura I've ever seen. Maybe it is because of your anger that your aura glows red". "I have never noticed my aura. How is it that you see it but I cannot?". "It is a phenomena we call mana protection. It would impair your vision if you saw your own aura, but it also doubles as a way to intimidate your opponents". "Ahh I see so that is why people look at me in fear when I get angry. It is because they see an aura that they have never seen before". "Precisely Xerxes. If nothing else the red aura alone would freak anyone out. It even scared me when I first saw it...Oh hey look we have made it here just before sun down". "So we have. I can't wait to exact my reve...I mean begin my adventures". Xerxes had a slip of the tongue. He didn't want Xura to know that his sights were set on the duke himself. "The guild will not register you at this hour. It would be best if you got a room for the night Xerxes". "I will be fine out here. Just meet me at the western gate at sunrise Xura". Xerxes now heading for the wood line outside of the city walls. "What a weird guy", Xura thought. "Ok I'll see you tomorrow Xerxes". She said as she headed toward the city gates.

Xura enters the city gate, and walks home wondering the whole way, "is he after the same thing I am? Revenge? I heard his slip of the tongue and I can't help but wonder if Xerxes also has his eyes set on Duke Francis' corruption". Now walking into her house where she is greeted by her mother and younger brother. "How did your quest go Xura?". Her mother says with excitement. "It was fine mom, but I am exhausted and am ready for bed. I will tell you all about it another time". "Ok sweetheart get some rest". With that Xura headed upstairs to her room to get some rest for what she new would be a day full of excitement.