
A G.o.Ds Capacity

Early the next morning Xura woke before sunrise, got dressed, and headed for the western gate of Destra. Xerxes on the other hand had been awake all night. He could not sleep after the eventful day before. He sat up soaking in the feeling of the death penalty he had given to the man who had heartlessly slain his mother. The thought lead him to developing a new spell. "This will be the spell I will use from now on when I'm handing out my punishment," he said as his sinister smile swept across his face once more. "It will be devastating. An attack that makes my opponent suffer the excruciating pain that they deserve for their sinfulness. I will call it {Death Penalty}". The manipulation Xerxes was forming was indeed atrocious. It would send a small amount of dark magic into his opponents body. From there he would create a small black hole, deep inside the stomach, which would slowly and painfully devour the person from the inside out. "In theory this spell should work, but I will have to test it and make certain that it will both satisfy my wrath, and be a proper symbol of their sin being devoured". Xerxes said as the sun peeked over the horizon. "Well there is no time to test it now, but maybe soon the opportunity will arise. I'm sure Xura is waiting for me at the gate".

{Ability Boost}! With that and three casual steps Xerxes was now face to face with Xura. "Good morning Xerxes". Xura said with a smile showing her perfect teeth. "Ah I see you are a morning person Xura. Are you ready to go?". "I am. The guild hall is in the Midwest district. It should only take us a few minutes to walk there". As they walked side by side Xerxes was only thinking of testing his new spell, while Xura's mind was still stuck on what exactly Xerxes' end game was. There was not much to talk about as they walked. Xerxes did not know much about Xura other than that she agreed to help him in exchange for helping her. Xura on the other hand had many questions she wanted to ask, but figured that Xerxes would just dodge them anyways.

Just as Xura said it only took about ten minutes to walk to the massive building that was the guild hall. It was a tall white building, that seemed to go up into the clouds. "Here we are". Xura said as she looked for any emotion in Xerxes' red and black eyes. "Well I'll see you around Xura. Thank you for fulfilling your end of the deal. You have my permission to take credit for the mugger's death". "That's it? You don't want my help registering?". "I'm sure that I can manage it on my own". Xerxes stated as he walked into the tower. Running in with him Xura told him, "hey I need to speak to the master of the hall anyways so if it isn't a bother may I join you Xerxes?". "I don't see why not. It's fine with me". Xerxes said still with no expression.

As they proceeded into the hall Xura pointed out where Xerxes needed to go to begin his registration, and also where to take his test. "Once those two things are done we can both go see the master together if you would like". She said still curious as to what his capacity would be. "Don't think that I am going to owe you for following me around ok Xura". "I know that. I just want this to go well for you. I don't know much about you but I can tell you have had a tough childhood. So the least I can do is make sure that while we are together you have an easier time". Xura said hoping Xerxes would show her something other than his regular face, but she got nothing. Not even a reply. "Excuse me I am here to register with the guild hall as a manipulator". Xerxes said to the middle aged brunette woman behind the counter at the back of the first floor. "No problem young man, just fill out this paperwork and then come back to see me". The woman said with a smile. Xerxes took the paperwork and a pencil over to an empty seat near the counter and began to stare even more blankly than usual. "You can't read or write can you?". Xura said quietly so that nobody would anger Xerxes by mocking his illiteracy. "No I cannot". "Well its a good thing I did stay with you after all".

Xura helped him fill out all of the paperwork, and politely said, "If you want I could teach you". "Sure why not. It's a skill I would need to possess if I want to know what jobs I'm signing up for". After Xura read each question to him and wrote down all of his answers Xerxes headed to the clerk once more to hand in the paperwork. "Alright young man now if you would place your hand here and focus your mana into this stone". The clerk said as she set a medium size shining blue stone onto the counter. Without a pause Xerxes placed his hand on the stone and began to push his red flowing mana into the stone. Crrrrrrr crrrrrrrrr CRACK!! The stone shattered into small pieces right there on the counter. "Umm I think I will need you to go see the master instead. It seems that your capacity is larger than a two thousand power level". The woman said trembling after witnessing Xerxes' red mana flow. "Just go on up. Xura knows the way". The clerk said with quivering lips. "Come on Xerxes the masters room is on the highest floor".