
A G.o.D For A King’s Quest

Xura snatched Xerxes' hand and rush toward the stairs out of pure excitement. "I've never seen a new manipulator break the blue stone before. Your capacity must be amazing". "Xura do you know if a manipulator's power can be increased?". Xerxes inquired, as he has wondered about this for quite some time now. "Of course it can. All you have to do it focus on controlling your mana more. The more control you have the more mana can enter your body. Kind of like lifting weights. It can take a long time, but eventually you can lift more and more weight". A smile slowly crept across his face, only for a moment, but a smile none the less. Hearing those words meant so much to Xerxes. Now he knew for sure that he could reach Godhood. "Thank you for the information Xura". "Hey you smiled. I saw you smile. It was only for a moment, but I saw it". "What the hell was that?". Xerxes thought to himself. "Why did I smile? Was that happiness?". Now speaking to Xura, as they reach the top floor of the guild hall, "you yourself did not make me happy Xura, your words only confirmed a theory I had long ago". "Whatever Xerxes I'm counting that as win in my book. Be prepared for more of that". She said clothed with a big smile. Xerxes once again did not reply and knocked on the door that read Guild Master Michael. "Come in. Come in". The pair heard coming from the other side of the door. The two enter to see an older man with white robes on dawning a white beard sitting behind his desk. "I've heard that a young man named Xerxes broke a capacity stone while registering. You must be him". "I am", Xerxes said blankly. "Well that sort of thing doesn't happen everyday". The master said as he reached down and picked up a larger green stone from the bottom drawer of his desk. "My name is Michael. I am the master of this guild hall. If you don't mind trying the same test you did down stairs I'm sure that we can figure out your power level". Once more Xerxes places his hand on the stone and begins to push his red mana into the shining rock. Crrrrrr Crrrrrr CRACK. The same result as before. The rock was now in pieces on Michael's desk. Michael's eyes now seemed to be as big as the stone was. With a tremble in his voice he looked at Xura, paused and said, "He's over nine thousand".

"What does that mean?". Xura said with a shocked tone. "It means that his capacity cannot be evaluated properly. The only manipulators I know that can break these stones with their mana capacity are the guild masters, and the leaders of the top three guilds in the world". Xerxes was ready to get his registration and didn't much care about the small talk said, "so Michael what is the quest that I have to do to get my registration". "Ah yes that....well the quests on the guild wall are going to be far to easy for you, but the only current quest that might be a challenge for you is a quest from the King himself". "So what is the quest?". Xerxes asked fully ready to begin his journey. "You have to travel far to the eastern side of the Delmont Kingdom, and climb the snow topped mountain. Atop the mountain you will find a blue wyvern. The king wants proof of death, so make sure to bring back the beasts head". "Sounds great when do I need to head out?". "Wooo hold on just a minute. It would be foolish to take this on alone. Take Xura with you. She is a capable healer, and I won't count it against your registration. Also I will send Xura's guild leader as my representative. He will evaluate your ability and report his findings to me. Come back tomorrow and everything will be ready for you to begin". Michael says still shocked that he is giving this out as a registration quest. "Come on Xerxes I'll show you the town for the rest of the day". Xura said once again grabbing his hand and heading for the door.