
A Mother’s Warning

As the sun continued to fade Xerxes walked Xura back home. Every person that they passed moved to the opposite side of the road, and looked away out of fear of Xerxes' now even more evil appearance. Xura thought that surely this bothered him, but upon further investigation he didn't seem bothered at all. If the people were looking in their direction they were bewildered that the beautiful Xura would walk with this monster of a person. Seeing that Xura was upset about the looks she was getting Xerxes merely nudged her with his shoulder and said, "Xura you don't have to walk by my side if you do not want to. I see that these people do not agree with your choice to stand by me". Xura stopped and turned to face him. "No! I will not abandon you Xerxes. You are the only person outside of my family I can truly trust. That means more to me than the thoughts of people that judge a book by its cover". Xura could no longer see, but again a smile came to Xerxes. As they proceeded to finish the walk back to Xura's house Xerxes began to tell her, "Xura you are the only person that has made me smile happily in ten years. I'm not sure what that means, but I would never harm you. You know that right?". Now standing in front of her home Xura answered, "I know that, and I promise that I will never betray you Xerxes". Xura said looking into his dark eyes. "I will meet you tomorrow at the guild hall". With that Xerxes used his {Ability Boost} and quickly jumped back outside the city walls.

"Xura who was that?". Her mother said as the front door swung open, "and why where you looking at him like that?". "That was Xerxes mother, he is a friend of mine". Xura said with disdain. "Listen to me. That boy looks like trouble Xura". "It's fine mom I swear Xerxes would never harm anyone that does not deserve it". "Xura I saw his eyes. Those are the eyes of a monster. I can tell, he is a cold blooded person. I will not let my daughter tarnish her reputation by being seen with that thing". Xura now furious at her mother, was headed for her room. "Young lady you had better leave that creature alone". Xura stopped and turned back towards her mother. "Stop!!! Stop calling him names. What you think is a monster is a man that saved my life, and I will not sit here and listen to you bash him, when he isn't even here to defend his own honor. And by the way I'm going on the kings quest and that monster", she said while air quoting with her fingers, "is going to be the one to fulfill the king's quest". "I don't care what he does to seem like a hero Xura, but I'm warning you he is not like Gabriel. He is not a hero". Xura now storming up the stair, approaching her room told her mother, "you have no idea what you are talking about. Xerxes is far more of a man than Gabriel will ever be". Xura slammed the door, and laid on top of her cover, angry that her mother had judged Xerxes so harshly. "Maybe Xerxes isn't the hero I think he is, but I believe in him". She thought as she drifted off to sleep.