
A Gods Sword Vs A G.o.D

The next morning everybody met outside of the guild hall. Xerxes was the only one who was not there. Michael the hall master, Gabriel aka Gods Paladin, and Xura were loading up equipment into a buggy, while four of Duke Francis' knights came trotting up on horseback. "Is this the party that will be attempting to complete the kings quest?". The first knight to approach asked. "It is however the man who intends to slay the wyvern seems to be a bit cowardly". "Hahahahahahhahahahaha". All of the knights and Gabriel all shared a up-roaring laugh. When all of a sudden a cloaked figure appeared before their eyes. With each step he took the ground seemed to vibrate as he got closer. "Is something funny?". Xerxes asked the five men all in plate armor. "It was nothing sir just an inside joke between the knights and myself". Gabriel said now slightly regretting his choice of words. "They were having a laugh at how cowardly you are Xerxes". Xura said looking at the men with a grin. "I see. Well they will soon see that the last thing I am is a coward".

"Enough of this nonsense. Xerxes, Xura, and Gabriel you should know that this quest is serious. Two groups have already died fighting that beast, you three need to focus and be on your way", Michael said in a stern voice. Xerxes and Xura began to walk to the towns eastern gate. "Duke Francis has ordered that some of his personal guard go with these adventurers". The lead knight rumbled. "It's makes no difference to me". Michael stated as he walked back into the guild hall. Now it was only Gabriel and the knights gathered around. "Tell the duke that we need more knights. We need to completely overpower those two". Gabriel whispered into the knights ear. "Fear not we will destroy them both with ease. Together with your power there is no force in the world that could resist us". Said the knights also now riding to the east. As Xerxes and Xura saw Gabriel and ten of the dukes knights closing the gap behind them. They were now for sure there would be a battle.

The group travel far to the east passing many small villages. It would take two days to get to the base of the mountain. Upon arriving at the mountain Gabriel told the group to rest up for the night so that they could be prepared for battle if Xerxes was not strong enough. "Listen Xura I will be just a step away from you off in the tree line to the north. If anything goes sour I will be here in an instant, so don't be afraid. {Ability Boost}". "Xerxes please stay". Xura said as Xerxes stepped into the trees.Xura knew that Xerxes would be true to his word so she rolled out her mat and closed her eyes.

Xura now fast asleep the knights surround her and Gabriel stands at the foot of her mat. Xura wakes from the sound of the knights armor clinging as they took their formation. "Gabriel what is this? What's going on?". She said knowing full well it was an attack on her. She only said it to warn Xerxes who of course did not go to sleep. "This is nothing Xura. The wyvern was just much to strong. We did what we could, but there was no saving you or that freak that's sleeping in the woods". Gabriel said with a smile. "This is what happens to anyone who dares to poke their cute little nose into our business, and as for your friend out there well Duke Francis does not want this wyvern to be killed. You see the longer it stays alive and blocks this trade route over the mountain, the more the king looks unfit. Which will lead the people to overthrow him. Then Duke Francis will ascend to the throne. So I have to kill him anyway, same as the last two groups that came to fulfill the kings quest". "You really are a piece of shit. You know that Gabriel?". Xura said as she rose from her bed. Gabriel was now getting angry. {Summon Gods Sword}. A bolt of lightning struck Gabriel's hand as he raised it to the dark night sky. The skill hit with enough force to crack the ground under his feet, and a sword made completely out of Light was now in the paladins hand. "This time you will die for sure, by my own hand".

Gabriel swung his sword of light downward towards Xura's head, and a cloud of dust consumed the entire area. As the dust began to fade Gabriel noticed that his attack did not hit home, then he heard the menacing voice of a G.o.D, " still yourself for death you fool! Your sins will soon be purged". The smoke now clear enough to see Xerxes blocking the sword with two twin gold and silver scythes. "Who do you think you are? Purge my sins...don't make me laugh. This world doesn't need a hero". Now Xerxes let out a thunderous laugh, "a hero hahahaha oh you are right this world doesn't need a hero....it needs a monster".