
Testing {Death Penalty}

Gabriel retreated backwards slightly. Now participating in a stare down with Xerxes. "Somethings not right here. Your aura....it's not of this world". Gabriel exclaimed as fear was slowing creeping its way through his shining suit of armor. "Like I said foolish Gabriel I'm a monster, but no monster that a weakling like yourself can handle. I am the God of Death, and you have invoked my wrath". Xerxes now walking at a normal pace while dragging both scythes on the ground behind him. "Well then....alright men in the name of the duke all of you focus your attacks on this beast, he is the first to die". On the paladin's orders all ten knights began a barrage of attacks, most of them swinging wildly out of fear, as Gabriel stood at a fair distance with his god sword raised into the air. "Go ahead paladin charge up and show me the power of your god". Xerxes said as he dodged each one of the knights with ease. "Allow me to clear the battle field so that the power of two Gods can truly clash". Suddenly all of the dukes knight were in pieces. Some no longer had arms, some had no legs, and others heads were nowhere to be seen. "What power is this. I only saw you swing your weapons once. How is it all these men are dead or incapacitated?". Gabriel said with his weapon still above his head. "These weaklings never stood a chance.... Xura I need you to back away from this battle". "Xerxes I won't lea...". Xerxes cut her off, "Xura back away". Hearing how serious Xerxes was Xura did has he asked and fled back to a safe distance. {Black Fire Bomb} Xerxes sent off his spell straight at the knights that were still alive. BOOM!! The area was once again engulfed in smoke and dust. "You've made a mistake Xerxes. You have allowed me to fully power my weapon with the power of the light God". "So show me what power you've gathered". {God Flash Strike} with the speed of light a massive bolt of lightning struck down on Xerxes' head. "Feel the power of a true God Xerxes, there is not a man alive who could withstand this force". Out of the lightning Gabriel heard a rebuttal, "truly there is no man that could withstand such vicious power, but now you must know that it is not a mere man you are facing". Xerxes said once again dragging the scythes towards Gabriel. The ground shook with each step. " I've told you that you have invoked the wrath of the God of Death". "Wait Xerxes lets talk about this. I'm sure we can work something out don't do anything rash here". Gabriel said now trembling in absolute fear. "Oh my mind is already made up my poor paladin. You see you are marked for death, there is nothing I want from you, however take pride in the fact that you will be a little test subject of mine. A lowly piece of trash that might just bring a smile to my face with your death". "Wait wait..a test... what do you mean?". Gabriel said as tears fell from his eyes. "Yes a test. You see I have a new spell I would like to test to devour your sins. If it satisfies my wrath then you should take joy in the fact that you have appeased me". Xerxes stood in front of Gabriel, as he was on both knees with his head down. "Raise your head and receive judgement paladin". Gabriel raised his head knowing this was the end for him. He had hit Xerxes with full force with no effect. None of his other attacks stood a chance. "You are indeed a monster Xerxes. Francis will make sure that your death will follow mine".

{Death Penalty}! Xerxes unleashed his spell through the tip of his right scythe which was now slightly piercing Gabriel's stomach. Gabriel's scream reached far and wide, as high as the mountain and for miles around. His body began to be misshapen and his cries in pain had only gotten louder and louder. His armor began to crush inward from the pressure, and his scream went silent as his lungs were sucked into the black hole. All he could do now was hold his mouth open in a way that any who would have seen knew that this face was the face of true disparity. A few moments later any trace of the paladin's existence was completely erased. "That was indeed satisfying". Xerxes exclaimed with a sinister grin that was so intense that it was imprinted on the mask that covered his mouth. "Come Xura we have a quest to complete".