
The Dark Figure

Xerxes and Xura had bagged their prey, loaded the beast's head onto a buggy and started the long journey home to Destra. As they walked Xerxes had asked Xura how she had acquired the paladins power. Xura gave him a basic answer, as if she didn't want him to know the truth, but Xerxes didn't push the issue as I really didn't matter to him how she had grown in power. However something that he was interested in was how his own power had grown. When Xura acknowledged him as a God his power and his life force were increased. "How can I convince more people that I am not lying? There must be some way to make the people understand",Xerxes pondered on it as they walked, but how will people know I'm a God if all the humans I face die?

As the first day of their journey came to an end and the two made camp for the night Xura fell fast asleep, while Xerxes was still forming a plan to be recognized. He thought and thought, but he was drawing a blank. No good plans were coming to him. When once again the shadowy figure that met him in the shop appeared once more on the road by the camp site. "Hello boy". The figure says in its deep tone. "Still think that your a God?". Xerxes now walking directly at the figure. "Who are you? And what do you want?". Xerxes says as his anger rises and his red mana begins to show. "I am who you believe me to be boy. I am the God of Death, also known as the Reaper. Therefore you cannot be, however I do know what you really are, and I can answer the questions you have". "Fine then who am I?". Xerxes asked still feeling his rage flowing from his core. "You are not truly a God. However you could very well be on par with us". The Reaper said as Xerxes was now face to face with him. "How am I not a God, but have the potential to be as powerful?". "Well you see one thousand years ago I was passing judgment upon this world. The other Gods were praised and loved while I was only despised and feared. I had to do something to increase my strength or I would have been slowly drained and cast out. So I created a new race entirely. The demon race. They served only me, loved only me as their God, and with that I grew more powerful than any of the other Gods. However the other Gods began to fear that my power was too much, so they devised a plan to seal away the demon race in the underworld forever". "So where do I come into this story of yours", Xerxes temperature still rising. "Hold on boy I'm getting there. You see I didn't stand a chance against all of the other Gods working together, so my only option was to play the long game. Deep inside the forest just before the demon race was sealed away I hid the soul of a child inside a magic stone that would release after a thousand years had past. I hid it in a place that no other God would find it. Within that soul I placed the power of destruction. The power to destroy this world, and revive the demon race. You are not a human boy. You are my son in a way, I said that you are not a God because to these humans you are not. You see to them you are a beast, a monster. While you are a God, you are not the God of Death...you are the God of Destruction. A true force of nature and the one fit to rule the demon race once I have been killed".

"How can the God of Death die? and why should I believe you". "Like I said, the humans do not believe I am worthy of love and praise so my power has faded over the last thousand years. With the power I have left I have been concealing you from the other Gods eyes, but now you are growing in power and I will not be able to hide you much longer if it's not already known that you exist. When the other Gods come to realize your purpose they will surely kill me". The Reaper began to fade away, but before he was gone completely he left Xerxes with a final warning. "Xerxes be mindful of your companion there. She may very well be your demise". Now the Reaper was gone leaving Xerxes with even more questions.