
Ruins And Riches

"Be careful you two. There is surely something powerful down here". Xerxes said as he walked down the seemingly endless stairway. "Don't worry about it Xerxes we can handle whatever is here". Xura feeling a little too confident. As the party entered the enormous room they noticed what looked like two small mountains. It was dark inside so they couldn't tell exactly what the mountains were. "Well whatever it is down here it's massive" Sarah now jumping into the conversation. Once Sarah had spoken one of the mountains began to stand up. "Stand back you two. This is much larger than that blue wyvern. Which means that it is more than likely far more powerful as well". Xerxes said as the girls backed up to the stairs. "Xura how about some light in here". "You've got it Xerxes. {Artificial Sun}". A ball of light rushed to the middle of the area and gave light to the dark ruins. Sarah and Xura gasped as they saw a large black dragon with red eyes. "Huh he looks kind of like me". Xerxes thought. "Bow down before the dark dragon Gilgesh". A roaring voice came from the mountainous beast. "Bow before you...ha... I don't think so. If anything it is you who should bow before a God". "If you are a God then match my power, arrogant boy". The black dragon reared back onto his tree like back legs. {Dark Sphere}. A large ball of pure dark magic amassed at his reared mouth, as he came back down he released the sphere. "Not even an issue". Xerxes pointing his finger at the incoming spell. {Dark Sphere}. The two balls crashed into each other creating a massive explosion as they canceled each other out. "So you will be a worthy opponent for me. I haven't had a decent battle in ages". "If you truly want a battle I don't want to hear any whining when you're on the ground". "Hahaha if you can put me on the ground I will submit myself to you and call you master". "You've got a deal. Just to show off a little bit, I'll do it with my fists". "You had better come at me with everything you've got little one". "Ok here it comes. {Ability Boost},{Overpower},{Dark Sacrifice}". The dragon seeing Xerxes was ready began to attack. He swung his tail, breathed his dark breath, swiped his claws, but nothing hit. Xerxes was walking, but he was shifting around so fast that Gilgesh couldn't target him. Xerxes toyed around for a few minutes. "Just finish it off Xerxes. Stop playing around". The sisters screamed from the stairs. "Fine", Xerxes jumped up to meet the dragon face to face. "Good night Gilgesh", Xerxes put his fingers right at his nosed and gave it a flick. Gilgesh flew through the air and slammed into the wall of the room. He fell to the floor and was out cold.

"While I am waiting for him to wake up why don't we go ahead and load up that other mountain on the cart outside". The girls looked over to see a giant hill of gold bars, and precious gems. Their jaws dropped and they both answered, "yes sir". The party loaded the cart with as much treasure as it would carry. Hauling out load after load. Finally Gilgesh had woke from being knocked out by the force behind Xerxes simple flick. "What just happened to me? Was I taken down that easily?". "Well Gilgesh, If it had been any other single person in this world I doubt they would have made it out of here alive". "I will honor my agreement master. Anything that you need from me just call my name and I will be there". "Rest here for awhile my friend. When I do call for you I want you to be at full strength". "As you command master". Xerxes' party said goodbye to Gilgesh, and took their leave. "Come on Xura, Sarah, lets take this treasure back to Destra".

On their way back home the group passed many villages. Passing by each one Xerxes would remove a few gold bars from the cart. Giving it to the people in return for their belief in him. They must have repeated this process over a dozen times. With each stop Xerxes influence rose along with his power. After four days of travel the group made it back to Destra. As they walked through the city they handed out more and more gems, and gold. Finally reaching the guild hall, with still a large sum of treasure, the guild hall bought all of it of fifty thousand gold pieces. "What are you going to do with all of that Xerxes?", Xura asked. "Thirty thousand will be deposited into the guild bank, and with the other twenty thousand I will buy land, and have a house built". Xerxes said as he deposited the thirty thousand. "Also you two have access to the bank. If there is anything you need feel free to use the money for yourselves". Xerxes was now headed out of the hall, on his way to see King Fredrick.