
G.o.D King

Xerxes now arrived in Delmont within seconds of exiting Destra's gates. Upon his arrival he noticed a large gathering in the center of town. He jumped up on a nearby rooftop to get a better view of what was going on. Within the large ring of people were the gallows. With nooses around their necks a man and woman would soon see their end. Xerxes hung around, as punishment for crime was kind of his thing. He couldn't help but wonder exactly why these people were about to die. A few moments had went by then the executioner walked behind the couple. "For the crime of worshipping the false god Xerxes, these two will be put to death. If there is any among you who see fault in this charge speak up now". Silence swept over the people. Nobody would speak to save these two souls. As the executioner was ready to complete the sentence a voice filled the streets. "Who has given you the authority to execute my servants?". Xerxes now exposing himself by jumping straight over to the gallows. His aura exploded and two horns now grew from his forehead each blood red. "Fear not you two. Your lives will not be taken today. Gilgesh come to me!". The executioner backed away from the prisoners as the sound of the black dragons mighty roar struck paralyzing terror into every heart in Delmont. Now nobody could move. Only Xerxes was not in fear. He stepped up onto the gallows and released the criminals. "You to for your service to me even in the face of death, you two shall be rewarded greatly. Go get on Gilgesh's back". On his word the two servants mounted onto the dragon's back. Xerxes grabbed the executioner had yelled directly in his face. "Who gave you the authority?". "It was a royal decree. There is nothing I can do to stop it". Xerxes was now completely infuriated. The ground shook with each step toward the castle. Buildings cracked and crumbled to the ground by him merely walking by. As he and Gilgesh approached the castle doors Xerxes shouted, "Fredrick!", so loudly that the doors blew off of their large golden hinges. Nobody dared to come outside. So Xerxes picked up his right foot and slammed it back down. The castle began to crumble piece by piece. Flicks of knights, mages, and nobles fled out as the entire castle was falling apart. Then the king and cardinal appeared before them. "You dare to sin against me. Hahaha do you think that just because you have status that a God wouldn't punish you. You lowly worms are nothing to me. Two cowards. Both of you will die agonizing deaths". Xerxes called out the Iron Maiden, and walked toward the ones who had sinned behind his back. I will be taking over from here on out. There is no need for a cowardly king such as yourself. Now go to hell". Xerxes pierced the king with his right scythe and the cardinal with his left. "You see the Gods you worship do not dare stand before me. ..call to them cardinal. Ask the Gods to save you. After all you are the holiest man here". "Gods save us! Deliver us from this evil and eradicate it from this world". The cardinal had tears flowing down as nothing happened. "You see fools even the other Gods know that I'm right. {Death Penalty}".

Once more two sounds filled the area. Two completely different sounds. One of pain, deep agonizing, horrendous screams, the other laughter. Xerxes watched as they disappeared into the void. The sinister grin once more crept across his masked face. "From this day forth I am this nations king. All will respect me, and know that I am not only a king.....but the G.o.D king Xerxes". All of the nobles fled in fear of their lives, while the commoners cheered and celebrated their new king. "I will return to Delmont soon". Xerxes said as he jumped onto Gilgesh's back. "Repair the town, you will all be rewarded for your efforts". The capitals people cheered as Gilgesh rose higher and higher flying off into the clouds with the three passengers, speeding back to Destra. Where Xerxes would give the man and woman servants one thousand gold coins each. "This is for your courage to serve me. Go live merrily and never forget that I am G.o.D".