
First Attack On Serpents Fang

The people of Delmont worked tirelessly to restore the capital. Most of the people pitched in, even the woman and children helped where they could. The majority of the the knights and mages also stayed under Xerxes new rule, the rest fled to the Haret Empire, including the head knight that Xerxes had humiliated. Haret was much stronger in numbers, and power than the Delmont kingdom. Meaning the ones who fled could bring trouble to the people. If they chose to convince the emperor that Xerxes was a threat. Xerxes didn't worry to much about it and instead focused on rebuilding the nation. Their villages weren't well protected, and there was a shortage of workers. These factors meant that crops would spoil, and any goods would be in short supply. He had also caught wind of some of the villages were being robbed and civilians were being killed by the Serpents Fang.

"I cannot allow these atrocities to happen". Xerxes said as he flew towards the latest attacked village with Gilgesh, Xura, and Sarah. "What is your plan Xerxes?", Xura asked the new king. "When we land you and Sarah will gather any information that you can. Also since Sarah was involved with this group she is to release any information she has on the group. Gilgesh and I will be doing some aerial reconnaissance over the nearby villages". "I will do what you require of me". Sarah said as she told Xerxes everything she knew. She had told him that the majority of the Fang members were under a contract just like she was. She wasn't sure just how all of the contracts were maintained, as that would take a large amount of power. She also told Xerxes that there was an underground passageway inside an old building in Destra. Which served as their base of operations for Destra and the surrounding area, but that was the only place she had worked from. "Xura if you run into any trouble eradicate it. Do not let any who defy the kingdom escape. As the new head warrior this is your duty". Xura dropped to knee. "I gladly accept the role. My sword will be at the kingdoms service". As Gilgesh descended and came to a landing, just outside of the village that had been recently attacked, Xura and Sarah hopped down from the mighty dragon. "One more thing Sarah". "Yes Xerxes What is it?". "As Xura is the apostle of the God of Light, you shall become my apostle. I bestow upon you the title of destruction, if you accept then you will gain a portion of my own power". Sarah looked up to him and replied, "I humbly accept your offer my God King". As she answered a darkness fell onto Sarah. She was encased in it and she could not be seen inside it. A loud scream came from within as a portion of Xerxes power entered into Sarah's body. "What is happening to her Xerxes?". Xura said as she tried to save her sister from the darkness. "Much like when you became an apostle, your sister is now becoming mine. If her body cannot handle the power then she will die". "Xerxes how could you? Why would you put her at such a risk?". "Calm down Xura. Have faith that your sister can make it out". The darkness broke around her. Sarah stepped out and fell to her knees. "My Lord I will serve you all the days of my life", Sarah proclaimed. Sarah's appearance had changed. One of her eyes now matched Xerxes and her mana capacity had tripled. She was without a doubt more powerful than Xura now. "Go and do what I have asked of you. Sarah take revenge on the Serpents Fang. Erase them from existence". The sister nodded their heads and headed into the village. "Let's go Gilgesh. We need to get moving". "Yes master". The dragon said as his wings began to lift them off of the ground.

As they flew from village to village Xerxes hadn't spotted any foul play, he landed at each town and gave the chiefs communication crystals. If anything went foul they could directly contact him. He then flew back to Destra to check out the shop that Sarah had told him about. As they landed Xerxes told Gilgesh to go back and wait for the other members of Dusk and Dawn to finish their recon. Xerxes entered the building and opened the underground entrance. As he began his descent down into the hide out a grin came to him as he heard voices arguing deep within. {Steel Skin}. As he got closer he heard that he had seemed to be interrupting a meeting that was being led by two members of the Six Fangs. They were trying to devise a plan to overtake the kingdom. "Am I interrupting something important here". Xerxes said as he slid out of the shadows. Every member readied their weapons. This was the groups first time to see Xerxes. Most of them urinated themselves at the mere sight of devilish appearance before them. "Now now don't be afraid. Any of you who choose will become part of my information network will be spared. However your crimes against this kingdom will be coming to a stop". Each one of the grunts fell and pledged themselves to him, but the two leaders had another idea. "We are part of the Six Fangs. If you can prove that you are more powerful than the leaders of this organization we will follow you". "I really don't like ultimatums, I think I will just end you instead. Before I do that however I'm going to need some information on where King Cobra is located". "Hahahaha not only do you think that you can kill us, but you think we will give you anything". As one of the men was saying this, Xerxes shoved his hand into his chest, pulling out the man's heart and showing it to him. Making his final sight be that of his own heart beat for the last time. The man's body fell to the floor. Xerxes squeezed the heart in his hand making it explode. "How about you? Do you have any ultimatum, or do you want to question the truth behind my words?". After witnessing the horrific sight the second man said, "No your godliness. I will release these people from their contacts and will give you anything you want. I am yours to command". "Very well tell me your name". Now Xura and Sarah were coming into the room. "My name is Vawn. What is it that I can do for you King Xerxes?". "Tell my companions here where they can find the leaders of the Serpents Fang, then you will continue to lead your subordinates to gathering intel from across the land. You will inform me of any information you gather. Of course I will pay you for your hard work and dedication to the job".