
Xura’s Request

The sisters didn't find out much information from the attacked village. The attacker could only be described by the people as serpent fang members. They searched around for any clues as to why the attack happened or where the fangs would go next. The only thing that they could gather was that this was one of the villages that Xerxes had given some of his treasure to. The chief had sold the treasure for one thousand gold pieces which the villagers had all agreed to use to build the town up, so that more people would come to settle there and help the work force. As they were leaving Gilgesh had arrived on Xerxes' orders to retrieve the girls. They climbed onto his back and began the flight back to Destra.

"Sarah what do you think or Xerxes?". Xura asked curiously. "Well he is without a doubt the God of Destruction, and I am now his apostle. So I only have admiration for him. Why do you ask?". "Because Sarah I really like Xerxes, but I think he is a little too dark and mysterious. Do you not think he may be a little too strong?". "Xura how dare you! He saved both of us, and he has given us access to enough money for our family to live comfortably. Why would you say such things?". Sarah said as she grew angry with her sister. "Sarah I've been hearing a voice in my head telling me that Xerxes needs to die. I think it's my God speaking to me. I have been resisting urges to attack him, but I don't know how long I can hold out. I need you to ask Xerxes to help me". "You want him to go against a well respected God? Xerxes is powerful, but if the God of Light were to come for a fight it would be disastrous. I don't think Xerxes would die, but he would surely be defeated...we are landing Xura I will ask Xerxes about it when we don't have ears around us". "Thank you Sarah". Gilgesh dropped the sisters off near the serpents secret hideout. The girls headed in just as Xerxes was finishing up with Vawn.

"Ladies you're right on time, as usual. Xura see to it that Vawn carries out his duties. Sarah and I have somewhere to be". "Yes Xerxes I will see to these matters". He tossed Xura a communication crystal. "Report to me when all is done, and when he tells you everything he knows". Xerxes and Sarah exited the hideout, and proceeded back to Gilgesh. Xerxes gave the dark dragon orders to take the two to the burned down village that was near Ignes village. As they were in flight Sarah relayed everything Xura had asked of her. Just as expected Xerxes became furious with the God. "So he thinks I'm getting too powerful. Well just wait Sarah my force will grow, and yours with it. You see Xura's God won't give out as much power as I will. That is why you have a higher mana capacity than your sister. He is afraid that if he gives out too much the other Gods will be able to overthrow his seat. Which will cast him out of heaven. Just watch Sarah we will bring destruction to any who dare stand in our way". Xerxes balled up his fist as he spoke, growing more and more angry with each word. "Gilgesh go and rest for awhile we will not be needing your services here". Xerxes said as he grabbed Sarah and free fell from the beast in mid air. "Yes master". Gilgesh said as he began flying towards the ruins.

Xerxes landed, with Sarah in his arms, so hard that it sent out a shockwave that flattened everything that was standing in the area. "Follow me", Xerxes ordered as he began to walk farther into the desolate village. The two walked side by side, both now looked completely evil. They came across a cellar door in the middle of what was once a large patch of burnt trees. Sarah grabbed the chain that was holding the cellar shut, and shattered it with her bare hands. "Prepare yourself Sarah. You may soon become a queen". Sarah now had a puzzled look on her face. "A queen? What do you mean?". "You will see". Xerxes told her as they began to enter the cold dark catacombs.