"Good Morning Mr. Newman!" Ms. Brown, the Assistant Director greets me with all smiles.

She looks younger than her actual age in her tan colored turtle neck sweater paired with white leggings. Since meeting her yesterday, I have observed that she is a lot bubblier than someone I know called Emily.

Ms. Brown held a black mug on her right hand and a generous piece of chocolate cake positioned nicely on a white plate on her left. She carefully walk towards the dining table.

"Good Morning Ms. Brown. That's an unusual breakfast if I may say." I commented.

"Yes indeed. I have to get all the sugar and caffeine my body can take so I can survive the whole day of straining work." She chuckled.

"What are we going to run through today?"

"Hmmm... It should be the MC's lines."

"Sounds good to me." I replied as I take out the carton of apple juice from the fridge.

Surprisingly, it seemed that Emily did not only prepare the rooms for us to stay in but as well as stocking food for everyone. Looking at all the meal choices, you will never regret coming here.

"Is that all you're going to take?" Ms. Brown asked.

"Yeah. Is that all?" A familiar voice parroted the assistant director. I stepped back a little away from the fridge to confirm who it was and I was not wrong - Kenneth Snyder. He walks in wearing a red shirt and his boxers only. How confident and shameless this guy can be?

"I'm actually looking for Guacamole. Do you have one? If non, it's totally fine. It's just my usual breakfast but I can eat anything. There's a lot to choose here anyways."

"Uhmm... we do have Guacamole but... let me just show you something instead. I can't explain it this way." Kenneth exclaimed as he scratches the back of his head.


"Alright follow me."

After excusing ourselves from Ms. Brown, we went on our way. We reached the resting area and stopped at one door - Emily's room. I am very confused now. Isn't he supposed to help me with the Guacamole? Why the heck are we here?

"Don't give me that 'What the Fuck' look in your eyes Nick. I know... I understand.. but the Guacamole you're looking for is really here... tons of them." He whispered. I'm astonished that he was able to read my mind accurately.

He opens the door slightly and silently he went inside and signalled me to come in as well.

"Are you sure it's okay? I don't want to get sued you know!" I hesitated. This is a woman's room after all.. and it's early in the morning. She's still asleep but when she finds out two big guys rummaged her private space, we are definitely dead.

"You are a funny guy. No one's going to sue you." He said to reassure me.

"She's a bit shy but she's not unreasonable." He continued.

Without arguing any further, I stepped in and a sweet scent of floral perfume graced my nose. Not too mild and not too strong. I examined the surroundings and I can feel nature embracing me. The touch of blue and green decors and furnitures and the matte white finish on the walls helped me relax a bit from my tension earlier. This room probably is the second biggest area of the house. It's like a small home inside a bigger one.

"Okay, you stay here and I'll be back in a second." Kenneth patted me on the back then he went straight to the corner of the room divided by a wall from the receiving area. I remained seated and quiet.

"Hey.. Morning Em." I heard Kenneth.

"Hmmm.. morning. What time is it?" she replied in a soft voice.

"Quarter to eight. You can sleep more.

"No.. I'll get up now. What did you need Ken?

Ken? I asked myself. They're really casual to each other. I mean, Mr. Greyson did say that Kenneth have been staying here for months now but how can they confidently talk to each other in this early hour when both of them should be very vulnerable.

"Hey, I'm back!" I jolted at the sound of Kenneth announcing himself. I may have been too immersed with my thoughts that I did not notice him coming towards me.


"Here you go. Two Guacamole for you." He hands me two large clear glass containers filled with my favorite avocado based dip.

"Thanks?!" I responded immediately. I don't know why these are here but credits to this guy for his effort.

"Now let's go out." He demanded. He opens the door and helped himself out.

I followed along after one more glance to the same spot Kenneth entered a while ago. Not a bit of Emily's shadow. She probably went back to sleep.

"Sir Nick!" Alfred waives enthusiastically from the dining room. He is munching some toast with peanut butter spread.

I sit across him and he immediately pushes me a plate full of piping hot toasted breads. I nodded and smiled to his kind gesture.

"Where did Ms. Brown go?" I asked him while my hands are still busy spreading the avocado mixture.

"Upstairs. She said we should be there by nine." Alfred responded.

"Noted. I'll be quick."

"No. Please don't. There's no need. Emily isn't here yet so you're good." Kenneth interjected my conversation with my secretary.

He is busy slicing some bananas and mangoes into a bowl. Lastly he placed a bunch of grapes as well.

"Didn't know you drink fresh milk." I commented.

"I don't. This is for Emily. I settle for coffee in the morning." He replied. I may be wrong but there was a hint of smirk on his face.

"Sorry for troubling you guys. I slept late." Emily emerges behind me and I froze.

"It's okay Ms. Emily. Thank you for the nice room by the way." Alfred connotes.

Emily smiles and it is the first time I saw her react that way. It was pure and innocent. She almost looked like an angel in her pink pajamas. With that thought, I slapped my face and I heard everyone gasp in shock.

"Sir Nick? What's wrong?" Alfred was the first one to ask me.

"Mo.. Mosquito! There was a mosquito!" I responded immediately. Hoping it's enough to excuse my weird behavior.

"Mosquito?! I'm sorry! I must've opened the windows last night." Emily apologized. Now I regret using an insect as an alibi.

"Nnn.." I bit my tongue.

"It must be me Em. I smoked. Sorry Nick."

I grumble internally. He acted like a Knight in shining armor, saving the princess in distress while I'm the idiotic pauper tumbling in front of them. I feel like I'm just going to embarrass myself more If I'll say anything to this point so I just kept mouth shut.

Everyone is already settled and digging in their own meal. I already finished three toasts and a cup of juice.

"Do you want a refill? Kenneth asks Emily."

"I'm good, thank you. You should probably eat some fruits too. Coffee alone won't be much of help."

It felt like I'm listening to an newly wed couple... being sweet on their first breakfast after the wedding. Begrudgingly, I have no say with anything they're going to do. Whatever they're relationship is..I shouldn't care. It has nothing to do with me... but here I am clenching my fist under the table.

Calm down me. You don't have the right to act this way. This is work and she is a nobody to you.

"Your clothes have been ironed by the way. You can now take them from my room."

"Oh. Thanks Em." Kenneth replied. He kissed Emily's forehead as he gets up to place his mug in the dish washer.

Witnessing that puts me in a more difficult spot. I am now on the brink of losing control.

"Look at you lovebirds." Alfred added.. but he definitely didn't need to.

The last thread holding my wits just snapped.

I slammed the table as I stood up and yelled. "THANKS FOR THE FOOD!!"

I walked out and this probably is the best thing to do right now. I face palmed myself. What a disgrace!