"So, what do you think of this line here Emily?"

"We can remove this part and focus more on the facial expression of the lead actress instead, whoever that's going to be." She answers Ms. Brown.

"I agree. Action speak louder than words. We really need to find someone who can portray this part well." Kenneth interjects.

"So, are we planning to make this as the audition piece?" Alfred continued.

"We can include it." Ms. Brown responds.

"What do you think Sir?".. Sir Nick?"

"O.. Oh yeah! the birthday scene.. cool" I answered enthusiastically but then my energy just plummeted.

"Birthday Scene??.. We talked about that 30 minutes ago!" Ms. Brown exclaimed and I gulped. Now I'm busted. I wasn't really paying attention anymore. I'm getting more distracted the longer I stay in this closed space with Emily sitting in between me and Kenneth.

"I.. I am sorry. I'm not feeling well." Again, another excuse.

"Well, we can't continue like this. Let's take a 30 minute break Everyone." The assistant director instructed.

I did not have the energy to even stand up and leave the room. I just hunched down and rested my forehead on the table and gazed on the plain floor. I stayed there and listened to the chairs getting dragged and returned to their places as the others left, except for one - Emily.

"Do you need some medicine?" she asks. Staring at her sandals, I know she's not going to leave unless I will give her a clear answer.

"No. I'm fine. Took one earlier." Though robotic, I managed to spill out those lies.

"Are you sure?" I can get you..."

"Which part of "I'm fine' you can't understand?" I interrupted her. Why am I acting like this? I just wanted to say 'You don't need to worry'.. but something else came out from my stupid mouth!

"I don't know what's happening but how dare you shout at her?"

"Kenneth?! Why are you here? I thought you already went down with Ms. Brown?" Emily yelps.

I did not expect him too.. and he heard me raise my voice at her precious woman. I HAVE TO APOLOGIZE before it gets more complicated.

I set up straight from my seat to face them properly. As I turn around, eyes still focused to the ground, I had a glimpse of something I wished I didn't see.

Kenneth held Emily's left hand tightly, perhaps trying to have her leave the room with him. I felt defeated.

"FUCK OFF!!" I Blurted. I did not mean to say that out loud but I can no longer retrieve what I have spoken.

"WHAT THE HELL? YOU ASKED FOR IT!!" Kenneth yells in anger.

Moments after, I found myself lying down on the floor cupping my right cheek.

"FUCK" I have nothing else to say. He picks me up by my collar and I swear he was about to land another blow but Emily grabbed his arms.

"Ken! Stop it! Are you out of your mind?!

"I'm teaching him a lesson Em. His arrogance is ticking me off!"

"We can always talk about it Ken. This is pure violence. I hate this! If you want to kill each other, Don't do it in front of me!" With that, Emily stormed out leaving us guys awkwardly.

Kenneth sighed as he let go of my shirt. He pulled a chair near me and seated comfortably.

"Sorry man. Lost my cool there." He extends his right arm and helped me get up after what seemed like years of silence.

"Why are you still here? Shouldn't you follow her?" I asked.

"Nah. She wouldn't want to be disturbed now.. and I am really sorry for what I did."

"Apologies too. I am not sure what has gotten to me." I reciprocated. I gestured a handshake which he gladly took and we laughed. This is how men gets closer to each other.

A beep was heard and Ken immediately took out his phone.

"Ms. Brown said we will resume the meeting tomorrow. Emily must have told her." We both face palmed ourselves almost at the same time.

We exited the place and Alfred met us at the stairs as he was about to go up. His reaction was priceless.

"Bbb..blood! Your bleeding" He screams while pointing at my direction.

"My bad. I punched him"

"Wh..What? Punch him??"

"Don't get too emotional now Alfred. It's just a small cut and It was my fault."

We continued our way down with Alfred following behind. As we reached downstairs, my eyes automatically observed the surroundings. Hoping that she's not there. I walked straight to the kitchen and got some ice pack to apply on my now swollen face.

Still wary of Emily barging in, I kept glancing here and there.

"She's not going to be here. Are you afraid that you have to meet her eyes?" Kenneth commented.

"No. It's not like that. I am just ashamed of how I acted earlier."

"Don't worry. Emily have seen worst and she can relate.. trust me."

"Relate?.. What do you mean?" I hope it's not what I think it is. Seeing something worst than what she witnessed today is one but experiencing that firsthand is scary. I also can't imagine her getting involved with fights.

"You probably have the answer already.. but this calls for a beer right?"

"It's not even noon yet." Alfred responded. I forgot about him for a second.

"Time passes by quickly Mr. Secretary. Get ready now, both of you. We'll buy some food and liquor. Let's have a formal welcome party for this Team!" Kenneth sounds so excited and pumped up.

Going to our separate rooms, I rushed to the bathroom and examined my face. I'm glad its better than I expected. After a couple of minutes, I got myself a pale blue long sleeves - folding the sleeves up to my elbow and a black jeans. Wore a simple sneaker as my footwear. Is this going overboard?

I went out and saw Alfred waiting at the receiving area of the house.

"Aren't you too dressed up for someone buying a beer?" He exclaimed with giggles in between.

Before I could even answer, Kenneth emerges and joined us in our discussion. He is wearing a white hoodie inside as his inner garment, and a plain powder blue jacket as an overlay. He paired it with a black tattered skinny jeans and a black low cut boots completed his look.

"Oops. Guess not." Alfred took back his words.

"Who are you trying to impress guys?"

Kenneth is really a cool guy. Even though with almost the same color, our outfit is different. He is a level above me. Alfred might be right. He is trying to impress someone and that's obviously Emily.