Chapter 43: The Future is Even Darker Now


Old Tian already had this idea in his mind, but hearing that it was the truth shocked him for a while.

"Hehe… little wisp… do you understand?... after that bastard sealed my race in this damned place… the deeds of our glorious past were surely hidden by the passage of time and forgotten in some filthy place underground… definitely, this is the first time you hear such a thing… Right?"

"Not really… I discovered a lot of stuff about those ancient times." Old Tian snorted, after regaining a bit of his arrogance.

"Well… not bad… you are truly a marvelous creation… and since you gave me such valuable information… I will answer another question…"

Old Tian still had a lot of questions and a lot of mystery still unresolved kept popping out inside his mind.

His thirst for knowledge was immeasurable, alas time and opportunity were not on his side, but he still wanted to try so… he madly thought… what was their priority and finally blurted: "… Since you came from that era… Tell me… Do you know those strange beings that use strange black energy and have a big pair of black wings??" Old Tian shouted and asked hopefully.

Old Tian naturally wanted to know more, for example why they sealed the world… who did it… or even more unresolved mystery, but at the end still asked about them… the reason that led to his birth ten thousand years ago… the ancient race called by the native of the two realms… EVIL RACE.

"Huh…" The shadow was truly stunned by his question and started shouting, after a while: "You… Impossible… Impossible… How do you know them… answer me… NOW!!!"

Old Tian didn't answer him and instead asked in confusion: "You seem scared of them… but why?"


"It's you who should answer me first…"

"FOOL… Do you think that a bunch of ants can stop the darkness??" The shadow sighed and then continue, with a serious tone: "... Since you want to know it… I will tell you something… They… are… the end for this world…"

"The end for this world… Hmm… it's a bit too vague… be more precise…"

"NO!!… tell me why you know them…" The shadow shouted, with a firm tone not willing to answer anymore, as his time was running out.

"Nah… why should I speak??... I can feel your power dissipating at incredible speed… at least you gave some excellent information… little fart…"

"ARROGANT… do you think that this little turtle shell can protect you from me???..." The shadow snorted and then added: "I slept for so long… and our little talk was quite interesting, but as you said, I can't stay here anymore… Hehe… I will give you a little gift… maybe, you will not be so arrogant after this."

Old Tian narrowed his eyebrows and looked at the shadow disappeared in front of him, but when there was only the head left, Old Tian chuckled, with a crazy look: "Hmm… There is something else you should know… Your damned dog is dead… I quite enjoyed killing him…"

The room was silent for a while, but when the shadow finally disappeared…



Meanwhile Inside the Queen Hall

Tian Yang's hand finally touched White's hair, but it didn't stop on something as soft as he had expected and instead kept moving in.

He was so shocked that only halted when his hand already trespassed all over her figure…

And just when he wanted to speak…


The Hall started trembling… but it wasn't only the hall but all the space.

A powerful pressure hit him and felt his body dragged out from the Heavenly World Pearl…



Zhu Huli and Bai Lang were still standing at YueLiang's side when a powerful explosion alarmed them.

They looked at each other confused, because that noise came from the backside of the house, right to the hut position.

Bai Lang thought of something and shouted, with a serious face, before running out of the room: "Protect Liang'er…"

"Be careful…"

When Bai Lang opened the back door for the garden, the view that appeared in front of him wasn't the same as before, but…

All the plants, trees, and medicinal herbs were gone… and in their place, an enormous crater had appeared.

He started looking around with urgency and covered by layers of mud and dirt, finally saw what he was looking for.

He ran towards it and moved the soil still covering the body, before pulling him out.

He looked one last time around for the other bodies, but there was nothing else, so he went back inside the house after a while.


Inside YueLiang's room, Zhu Huli had all his powers ready to attack at any time, but when she saw Bai Lang return safe and sound, but with a body in his embrace, she shouted, with a shocked expression: "What happened? TIAN YANG… what… lay him on the bed, move!"

"Don't worry… he's not injured, but only unconscious… Let him stay at her side…"

"Fine… but let me clean him a bit before…" Zhu Huli ran toward the bathroom and returned after a while with a small bowl full of warm water and a little piece of cloth.

She soaks the cloth a little and started cleaning his face, still covered by a layer of dust.

After leaving Tian Yang inside the room, Bai Lang went out again to find out the three prisoners or at least some traces.


It had already been a few hours since the hut exploded and Tian Yang was still unconscious by YueLiang's side.

When the moon was already high in the sky, YueLiang screamed, waking Zhu Huli, who was sleeping to her left.


YueLiang lifted her head suddenly and looked in front of her with a bewildered look.

"Liang'er… I'm here… calm down…" Zhu Huli said to her daughter, in a warm tone, caressing her silver hair.

"Mom… why am I here?... what happened?... Yang… where is he?" YueLiang asked, blinking at her mother.

"Silly girl… look at your side…"

YueLiang looked to her right and saw Tian Yang lying a few inches from her.

She crawled up to his body, with a warm smile, and wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing their faces closer, thinking all of this would wake him up, but she realized he was still sleeping.

"Liang'er… something happened…"

"What??... Is he injured??" YueLiang cried out, terrified.

"We don't know… there are no superficial or internal wounds… maybe… maybe there is something wrong inside his soul." Zhu Huli sighed, looking at her daughter's face full of sadness.

"Soul?? It's impossible… His soul is too strong… Maybe something happened there…"

"There?? What are you talking about?" Zhu Huli asked, puzzled.

"Hmm… I… It's one of Tian Yang's secrets… So…"

"Fine… Don't worry… So, are you sure, he will wake up?"

"Hmm… Let me check…" YueLiang closed her eyes and sent her conscious inside Tian Yang's head, but when she found what she was looking for, her eyebrows narrowed lightly.


"Hmm… My head… what the hell happened…"

Tian Yang woke up and the first thing he felt was the powerful waves of energies coming from his head.

It was as if someone was hammering it each second.

It took him a while to adapt and when he finally opened his eyes, saw the beautiful face of YueLiang a few inches from his nose.

"Yang… I was so worried…"

YueLiang embraced his chest and screamed with happiness, looking at his eyes.

After a while, she started sobbing and kissing his lips.

She was so scared… they were finally together, but strange things kept happening as if their love was something forbidden by heaven itself.

Tian Yang was naturally happy with her passion and responded, bringing her to the bed.

They kept kissing for minutes and when the tears were finally willing to hide away in her beautiful eyes, YueLiang lifted her head and looked at his face: "Stupid… never scare me again… You lazy pig slept for three entire days…"

"Hmm… three days…" He wasn't shocked, after all, he lived long enough to understand his body, perfectly.

"Yang… there is something else…"

"… I know, but don't worry they are still alive… Huh… They are making my head explode with all this blows…" Tian Yang sighed, but he wasn't worried about it, since they were still fine.

"Hehe… Red and the other sisters are probably going crazy… But what happened??... why is the Heavenly Treasure Pearl sealed?"

"Hmm… I don't know… It happened too fast… there was a loud sound and then… I found myself here… It's probably all that old fart's fault…"

"You always blame him… Let's go… today is our last day here… I want to introduce you to someone…"

YueLiang kissed his lips one last time and then pulled his body up, not even waiting for Tian Yang's response.

When they walked inside the livingroom, Bai Lang and Zhu Huli, who were talking about some important stuff, looked at them in shock.

"Little Yang… you are finally awake… You two are truly a perfect match… like two lazy pigs that sleep all day…" Zhu Huli giggled, looking at the duo smiling faces.

"Mom… He is the pig… but not me… look… have you ever seen a little pig so beautiful…" YueLiang pouted, looking at her mother.

Zhu Huli looked up and down at her for a while with a serious face, before laughing: "Hehe… maybe, you are the first of your kind…"

"Humph… we are leaving…" YueLiang tried to pull Tian Yang away again, but Bai Lang stopped them: "Wait… I looked everywhere, but I didn't find the three prisoners… they probably ran way after the explosion…"

"No… they are dead… don't worry." Tian Yang reassured him before being dragged out of the house by the mad YueLiang.


"Liang'er, where are we going??" Tian Yang asked while looking around.

It was the first time for him to visit the village, but YueLiang was running so fast that he found it a little difficult to look carefully around.

"Faster… we have little time… you are leaving tomorrow and I want to spend our last night together… move…"

"Our last night?... silly girl, I will come back after a day…"

"Mmm… well… A day is too much for me… Move… we are almost there."

The villagers looked in shock at the young man pulled by the lively YueLiang.

They naturally recognized the youth but found it impossible for him to be like this after two years.

He was so badly injured that they all thought he was already dead.

But now… their little princess was dragging him towards the west side of the village and he seemed in perfect condition.

For mortal like them, this was simply a miracle…

After a few more minutes, the young couple finally reached their destination and YueLiang shouted joyfully, seeing the old man standing on the porch of the shabby house in front of them.