Chapter 44: The Strange Old Man

Tian Yang looked with shock at the little house in front of them and… damn… it was even worse than that little hut he lived in the last two years.

It was a simple little house, but each part of it was all worn out and some parts were even falling to pieces.

There was almost no vegetation around, only the little plot of soil with a few colored flowers gave some color to this shabby place.

After looking around for a while, Tian Yang finally checked the old man sitting on the porch.

He was like one of those mortal old men, with already a step inside the grave.

He had a long beard and long hair of pure white color.

His eyebrows were white too, but truly strange because their dimension was too absurd.

They were so long that the edge almost reached his nose, covered with wrinkles.

He had a silly smile on his face and his white and yellow teeth were all in perfect view.

His eyes were half opened as if was sleeping.

In fact, when YueLiang called him the first time, he didn���t even lift his head.

Seeing that there was no response, YueLiang called out again: "Grandpa… Grandpa…"

"Liang'er… is he your grandfather???" Tian Yang asked, bewildered.

"No… He arrived in our village a few years after I was born… He was always nice to me… so I call him, grandpa… I brought you here, because you must help him…"

"With what??"

"Hmm… I want one of your fantastic pills… so he can live longer…"

"Fine… I will search for the materials…"

This time, the old man lifted his head and looked in shock at the young girl a few steps from him.

He stared carefully at her for a while, as if trying to remember something, and finally grinned: "Oh? Little Liang… you are finally here… come… come… I heard strange noises coming from the entrance of the village a few days ago… unfortunately I'm too old and my bones are leaving me… tell me everything…"

"Hehe… don't worry grandpa… they were a bunch of bandits… nothing serious…"

"Ohoh… good… luckily, we had our little goddess protecting this poor village… you surely kick their asses, right?"

"Hehe… it wasn't me…"

"And who was it?"

"My husband naturally…"

"Husband… you little devil… you didn't even invite me to your wedding… oh… it such a pity… such a pity…" The old man sighed, disappointed.

"No… No… Grandpa… we… it's a little complicated… look, he is my husband, Tian Yang… Hehe… isn't he beautiful?... and he is also strong."

The old man finally turned around and looked at Tian Yang, in shock, as if he had only seen him now.

He kept looking at Tian Yang's body up and down for a long time and finally spoke, after turning his head away: "Not bad, but I was even more beautiful than this little kid when I was young… and I can't believe that he is so powerful like you said… Look at him… too slim and his face is too refined like one of those pampered little princesses…"


YueLiang giggled at the old man's words, but Tian Yang was bewildered by his shamelessness.

Tian Yang found him truly too absurd because he kept ignoring him all the time and when he finally looked at him, the first thing he did was to call him a little child… and a fucking princess… REALLY??

God lord… he lived for so long, but this was the first time that someone described him as a princess.

He wanted to scold the old man, but YueLiang spoke first, holding his trembling hand: "Hehe… Grandpa… he is really strong…"

"Hmm… it's quite hard to believe…"

Tian Yang couldn't endure anymore and finally snorted: "Old fart… Do y… Ouch"

But YueLiang didn't let him finish his words and pinched his side a few times.

"Grandpa, we will leave the village in a few days. You should leave too. This place is no longer safe…"

"Leave? But I'm not young anymore. I can't find another good place like this…" He said, looking around with a confused expression.

"But grandpa, you can't stay here…"

"Don't little girl… I don't have much left to live after all…" The old man sighed.

"No… No… Grandpa, now we can help you… You will live a long and happy life from now on… I promise."

"Ohhh… little girl, don't worry… I lived for so long… I'm not scared."

"Enough with this nonsense, Old F… Old Man. With us around, the only way for you to die is if you kept s… Ouch."

"Don't listen to that big dummy… grandpa prepare your stuff… my parents will bring you to a safe place…" YueLiang pouted, with her hand still on Tian Yang's ribs.


Fearing that he would have punched that old man, Tian Yang walked away, shouting: "God Lord… Liang'er, let's leave, otherwise…"

"See you later grandpa and bother him…" YueLiang bowed a bit embarrassed to the old man and then ran towards Tian Yang screaming nonstop: "TIAN… YANG… STOP IT…"

When she was only a step from his back, she kicked his ass with strength, but Tian Yang evaded it and started running even faster.

This naturally made her even angrier, so she used her space qi and after a few tries, finally planted a few powerful kicks to his rear, making him scream in pain.

The old man, who was still sitting on the wooden chair, looked at the couple with a serious face and chuckled, looking at Tian Yang's miserable end.

When he couldn't see them anymore, he lifted his head and started mumbling, looking towards the infinity sky: "Tian… Yang… Hmm…"


YueLiang didn't stop even for a second when they stepped inside the house again.

Bai Lang was confused by her daughter's strange actions, but instead, Zhu Huli sighed, because she would have done the same thing in her place…

Tian Yang noticed that too, but he asked her nothing and let her do what she wanted…

They didn't spend a lot of time outside and only after an hour they were again inside YueLiang's room.

The first thing YueLiang did was to place soundproof restriction around her room.

She didn't want to let her parents know of their dirty deeds again…

Tian Yang looked at her stuffy movements with a wide smile and finally asked, after a while: "Hmm… Liang'er… It's still afternoon… why don't we wait until tonight?"

"No… No… You are leaving tomorrow and I… and I… Huh…" YueLiang whispered, lowering her head.

"Hehe… but I already told y…"

"I KNOW…" YueLiang shouted, stunning Tian Yang, but then whispered with an even lower tone: "… you will come back in a day… But… But…"

"But… What?" He chuckled, looking at her silly face.

"But… Humph… IDIOT… to the bathroom… now…" YueLiang didn't answer and instead ran to the bathroom.

But Tian Yang called her back in a serious tone. "Wait… Liang'er… Wait… we should talk a little… it's important…"

YueLiang understood him quite well and knew that there was something important in his mind.

They didn't have much time in the last days to speak seriously… and most of the fault was because of her…

But her death brought a tremendous impact on her life and wanted to spend most of her time with him.

Unfortunately, he has an enormous responsibility on his back and it was impossible to keep going like this…

She turned around and looked at his eyes, waiting for his questions.

"I want the truth and not some silly answer… Why didn't you tell me about his crazy plan?"

YueLiang thought for a moment and smiled: "Grandpa promised us some good stuff…"

"Nonsense… I want the truth… I'm tired of your stupid jokes…"

YueLiang could feel his anger and sighed: "Yang… let me ask you something instead…"

"Little girl… don't play any strange trick…"

She walked toward him and cupped her hands on his face: "Dummy… Answer me… for you is more important this world or… my life and those of my sisters?"

"Your lives of course… damn the w…" Tian Yang shouted, but then stopped and sighed, finally realizing something.

"So… Do you finally understand why we had to hide his crazy plan from you?... Grandpa already told me, about your terrible situation after our deaths… you loved us too much… but maybe it's too much for someone with as big a responsibility as yours…"

Tian Yang didn't say a word, but only looked at her, because her words were the truth… He would let the world burn… if he had to choose between them and the Mortal Realm…

"Do you feel that you have disappointed Grandpa's expectations?..."

He took a deep breath and confessed: "Maybe… He lived so many years with only one target and for my private matters, I… I could have ruined everything…"

"You are wrong, grandpa never blamed you… See, I was right… You are truly a dummy… Why do you think that extraordinary women like my sisters would follow a fool like you… sacrificing their life… their love for you… we are happy and proud to follow a man like you… because of your deep love for us…"

"Hehe… It seems my little Liang has finally become an adult…"

"Humph… Which part of me is small…" YueLiang pouted and then added: "Naturally If I have you, by my side, I can still act like a little girl… Who would dare bully the little wife of the might savior of this world??"

Her lively face was like a precious medicinal pill.

Her smile was so radiant that the darkness inside his heart disappeared in an instant.

"Hehe… you are right... I will punch every single bastard, who dares to do it…"

"Mmm… Mmm…" YueLiang nodded happily and then smirked: "With us by your side, nothing is impossible… not even those old farts from the immortal land or that stupid Evil Emperor, will be able to stop us…"

He stared at her joyful face for a long time, before saying: "Thank you…"

"Huh?! No… No… this is not enough… I want something… more."

Tian Yang narrowed his eyes and kissed her lips, before speaking again: "I said… thank you…"

She licked her two cherry lips and pouted: "No… No… This is not enough… I want something… more… more."

Tian Yang kissed her two times this time and spoke again… but YueLiang still said the same words, but with something more: "No… No… This is not enough… I want something… more… more… more."

Tian Yang wanted to kiss her again, but YueLiang ran away to the bathroom, laughing: "No… No… I want something more here this time…"

Tian Yang followed her with his gaze and at some point saw the dress covering her body falling and two round jumping pieces of work appeared in his view.

He saw them a lot of time, but… damn, they were always a wonder for his eyes…

Noticing that Tian Yang didn't follow her, even after a minute, YueLiang popped out her tiny face from the edge of the door and saw Tian Yang still standing there with a wide smile.

"Stupid… what are you doing?" YueLiang asked angrily.

"Hehe… I have another question…"

"Again???... You… You are wasting my precious time…" She shouted, exasperated.

"No… No… I want to know more…" Tian Yang said, imitating her play and then added, looking at her red face: "What the hell is going on with White and the other sisters??"

"Oh?... This is of course a secret between us sisters... I can't tell you anything…"

"I know about their bodies…" He said with a serious tone.

"You know it?… Impossible… you made a promise to them…" She said, shocked.

"They are a bunch of silly girls… even if I can't touch their body… I will still love them…"

"Well… You should talk about it with them and not… me."

"But I can't…"

"You will find a way to unseal them and naturally will know the truth…now… No more questions… come here."

A strong power constricted his ankles and started dragging him to the bathroom.

"Ohi!!... stop it… stop it…"


Tian Yang's body fell to the ground, but that power didn't stop even for a minute and kept pulling.

The door closed and…


An intense night of passion happened inside that room…

YueLiang was like possessed by a demon and kept wanting for more and more… not willing to waste even a minute.

Her screams of pleasure were so loud that the room was filled all the time with a wonderful song.

Luckily there was a barrier stopping those noises, otherwise, they would have scared even the naughty Huli.

They passed from the warm water of the bathtub to bed, but their passion didn't diminish but intensified… YueLiang knew the reason and maybe… even Tian Yang knew it, but none of them was willing to voice it.

They removed those distracting thoughts from their mind and focused on their partner.

The bathroom's floor was covered by liters of water and other fluids.

Even the bedroom's floor wasn't spared… The soft beast's skin covering the floor was full of wet footprints and drops of water…

It was truly a mess… as if an intense battle between two monsters happened there…

Even after hours, there was no sign that they would stop.

Their breaths were ragged and their body covered in sweat…

Maybe Zhu Huli was right… maybe they were truly two tiny pigs…

But they didn't stop…