Chapter 67: The Giant Tree’s Roots


"Damn pointy ears... Humph... I'll punch their stupid faces when I find them..."

A few hours after Tian Yang walked inside the forest, another thing followed his footsteps and started searching around for his traces.

But those ancient restrictions actually forced even an existence like her to walk like a miserable human.

So her little trip was slowed down by a lot.

Naturally, she was much more arrogant than Tian Yang and charged inside that frightening forest like a crazy hurricane, destroying every single stupid thing on her path and saving a lot of time.

Her body was really tiny a fluffy, like an adorable little animal that every young girl would love, but her character was simply too overbearing.

Those poor monster beasts, who encounter that adorable creature, were frozen or eaten alive.

Shockingly, even beasts that were ten times bigger than her ended up in that little stomach.

When she finally reached where Tian Yang fought against the Verdant Fox, she found a couple of beasts celebrating over other creatures' mutilated bodies.

In the last few hours, the battle was truly bloody, and at least hundreds of monster beasts lost their lives against the few overlords of the near regions.

The little creature looked around with a disgusted expression and shouted: "Stupid beast... How dare you show such a gruesome scene to a young girl like me?"

The few monster beast at the peak of Saint Emperor were alarmed by that voice since they didn't even realize that someone neared them.

And when they found out that there was actually a tiny creature a few steps from them, they started roaring and showing off their might.



The little creature covered her ears, and then, when those annoying noises finally stopped, she snorted with an irritated expression: "You are quite arrogant, Huh??? Let's see, if you will be so arrogant even there..."


Her thin lips parted for an instant and devoured every single beast in front of her.

Actually, not only those monster beast but even the bodies of the mutilated creature disappeared.

That tiny thing was truly too crazy.


With such a sumptuous meal, even an adorable creature like her ended up burping.

But she acted as if she wasn't actually the one who did it and looked around suspiciously, before shouting: "Which bastard is so disgusting?? Came out now!!!"

Naturally, there was nobody around, but she kept shouting, without feeling a bit of embarrassment: "Coward!! Don't let me find you, otherwise..."

Luckily, she didn't keep doing her shameful act and started searching the area for his traces again, with a complacent expression.

Unfortunately, those beasts destroyed every trace that Tian Yang left behind, so she could only sigh in disappointment.

The Forest of Life was too vast, and her chances of finding him were significantly reduced.

But when she was almost going crazy, she felt something moving underground.



"Huh... that little radish is moving again... WAIT!!! Its power is increasing so much... Don't tell me..."

The little creature was silent for a while, but then when she realized what was happening, she shouted out, like an angry tigress: "HOW DARE YOU!!... HE IS MINE!!! ONLY MINE!!!"

A shocking quantity of energy flowed out from that tiny body and started spreading all around the forest like a storm, devouring every single thing in its path.



Tian Yang's blood flew everywhere.

The eagle's speed was too fast, and after his beating, it became even more savage and ruthless.

Its attack was swift and precise.

With just one movement, the eagle tore away Tian Yang's left arm.

It was as if the creature wanted to take back some interest.

Since Tian Yang cut one of his wings, the eagle let him taste the same pain.

Tian Yang only realized that his left arm was missing after a while, but he didn't scream in pain because in the last hundreds of years, his body experience even more torture than this.

His life was in danger, so he acted as if nothing happened and assaulted the eagle again with the sword.

Unfortunately, their cultivation level was too different, and the eagle dodged every single attack easily.

Seeing that his attacks were useless, Tian Yang cursed: "Damn... How could I be so unlucky? I have to find a solution otherwise..."

Naturally, even in this almost impossible situation, his fighting spirit was still burning strong.

He had so many things to do, so it was ridiculous for him to die because of this stupid bird.

There was still something inside his space ring that could help him a bit.

It was perfect against human martial cultivators, but against a monster beast, its effectiveness was significantly reduced.

But since he didn't have any other solution, he decided to try it anyway.

"I hope it works..."

Tian Yang took out the last portion of Sleeping Dog Powder, and when the eagle attacked his body again, he threw all of it on its face.



Most of the powder fell on the eagle's beak, so his actions worked pretty well, but the eagle attack also landed on his body, and part of his thing was lacerated in an instant.

The eagle didn't even react to the medicine and kept floating above his head, thinking about its next target.

A lot of blood kept flowing out from his wounds and permeated slowly to the ground.

But none of the two bother anymore about it.

Especially the eagle, who was so obsessed before, now focused all his attention on Tian Yang.

That damned bird wanted to make its prey suffer more and more pain, so it didn't kill him immediately.

Tian Yang could only suffer and hope that the powder would work on it.

But even after a few minutes, the eagle was still strong and showed no sign of poisoning.

After so much time, many wounds appeared on Tian Yang's body, and naturally, the quantity of blood he lost in the last minutes was too much.

The only thing that allowed him to stay awake was his determination and will, but unfortunately, they also abandoned him after all this time.

The sword that protected its most crucial parts fell to the ground, the knees began to give way, and those two eyes full of vigor began to blur.

"Will I really die here?"


When the eagle saw his little toy finally fell to the ground unconscious.


It cried out joyfully and darted down towards his body, ready to eat his flesh, but suddenly the ground below Tian Yang, entirely drenched by his blood, cracked.


And Tian Yang's body fell to the depth of a dark hole.

The trees in the surrounding began to sway.

Thousands of leaves slowly fell, creating a spectacular scene.

The Giant Tree, which took possession of the Forest of Life, became brighter as if something under its bark came to life.

A soft green light slowly expanded above all the trees, like a barrier, and for some strange reason, they started to grow taller and more robust.

Those that were closer to the end of their lives even changed drastically.

Their dark shell became verdant again, and those leaves that were dried and ready to fall were substituted by new ones.

The Forest of Life was changing rapidly because of the Giant Tree's actions.

It was as if the guardian of this place came back from his slumber.


The eagle was a bit scared by those strange events and tried to escape from there.

But something came out from the same hole that ate Tian Yang and assaulted the eagle.

The eagle tried to dodge that thing, but alas, its speed was too fast, and its body was pierced by it right at its heart.

That long root was at least large like its entire body, so even if its target was only the heart, the whole chest was split open.


All happened too fast, and the Falling Leaf Eagle, which acted like an arrogant King before, died instantly, leaving behind its last scream full of remorse.


The root retracted and brought back the eagle's body inside the crevice, and the soil around it began to close that black hole.

After a while, all the forest began to sway again, but this time with even more intensity.



Also, the ground began to tremble as if there was something below moving excitedly.

But it was right at this moment that the angry scream of a woman spread throughout the forest, followed by a strong wave of energy.



Tian Yang and that little creature weren't the only ones inside the forest.

After the Giant Tree's appearance and the East Region's disaster, countless martial cultivators ran towards the two sites, searching for treasure.

But most of those who walked inside the forest escaped when the entire forest began to change so rapidly.

Of course, some of the more powerful characters weren't frightened and ran in those directions.

Even the Lang Clan, the new hidden force that was slowly devouring the East, sent in many of its men, but their goal was slightly different...