Chapter 66: One Side Brutal Oppression

That stupid eagle acted as if Tian Yang was dead already.

It kept ignoring him and pecking the ground like an idiot.

The ground was already full of deep holes, and every single tiny grain of soil dirtied by his blood ended inside the stomach of the monster beast.

Tian Yang couldn't understand why that eagle was so captivated by his blood.

He naturally thought about his Heavenly Jade Dragon bloodline since it was one of the purest in the two realms.

Still, its actions were too exaggerated because they didn't even belong to the same creature category.

But Tian Yang was naturally glad for his stupidity.

After all, his left arm was practically gone, and it still needed time to recover a bit of sensibility.

His Essence qi kept flowing inside his left arm like a raging river.

He even mixed it with all his wood qi since it was one of the fastest ways to heal the wounds.

Unfortunately, his injures were truly too heavy, and his heaven defies bloodline even made things worse.

The Heavenly Dragon Body gave him a supernatural body constitution, but all that power naturally required much more energy.

He even ate some healing pills from his space ring, but they were of too inferior quality and made no difference.

The situation was grave.

Tian Yang was already expecting some problem.

But the monster beasts were acting too strangely after the appearance of that giant tree.

And oddly, the cultivation level of most of them increased too.

That little fox was also too much strange.

Usually, the Verdant Fox max cultivation level was at the Martial Lord, and only the King of their group, which had a different constitution, was at that level.

But now, he found one at a stage higher, and this was indeed too strange.

Even that bastard of a Falling Leaf Eagle had a cultivation level a lot higher than a normal one.

And for some shocking reason, he could even feel that the eagle was closer to awake the Wood qi power from his bloodline.

The world was going crazy.

But thinking carefully about the last few days, Tian Yang could only sigh, depressed.

A single action from them changed the entire world.

The beast didn't take long, and in a few breaths, it cleared the ground of all traces of its blood.

That crazy eagle didn't spare even a huge rock that was hard as steel.

When it lifted the head and looked back at him, Tian Yang realized that its two dark green eyes were now bright like two suns, and its feathers were becoming a bit more smooth and long.

Shockingly, its body was transforming at an incredible speed in front of him, and Tian Yang was so shocked that he started cursing loudly: "It's my blood so beneficial... damn... should I drink it too???"


The eagle cried out as if answering him and then opened its two wings wide and started flapping them.

But Tian Yang knew what it wanted to do, so instead of stepping back, he charged at the beast with all his power.

Naturally, against such a powerful enemy, he immediately activated the other Dragon Art, Soaring to the Clouds Arrogantly.

Even if he couldn't keep it for a long time, it was his best choice now.



When Tian Yang charged at the monstrous beast, influence by the movement technique, his bloodline tremble and let out a roar similar to a dragon.


There was so much energy infused in his feet that they formed deep hole each time they touched the ancient soil hardened by thousands of roots.

The eagle felt enormous pressure from that beastly dragon's roar and halted its movements for a moment.

Naturally, that instant was more than enough for Tian Yang, and he struck at his enemy.

Tian Yang had already infused all his Fire, Water, and Wind qi in that sword.

And the result was truly spectacular.

Those blue flames became even more furious and deadly.

The temperature in his surrounding kept changing continually, but since the Fire qi was considerably more, the burning sensation lasted much more than the cold one.

Tian Yang pointed the tips of his sword at its right-wing, and since that terrifying power covered the blade, the sword pierced quickly not only its feathers but also its thick skin.


The sword kept infusing unusual powers of the opposite temperature inside all its body, making the eagle scream in pain.

Sometimes, they were cold like the ice, but sometimes so hot that all its blood was burning like lava.

The eagle tried to attack him again, but Tian Yang acted, even more, faster than him.

Because when it was still screaming, his right hand, the only one available, left the sword's handle and caught one of the eagle's paws.


The monster beast's body was a lot lighter than him, so when he lifted its foot and flung that damned bird to the ground, the impact was even more devastating.



Tian Yang's attacks were fast and overbearing.

He exploited his opponent's arrogance against him and attacked with all his power and determination.

After all, his life was in danger.

After that devastating attack, he didn't halt his attacks but started punching and kicking the enemy back with his extraordinary dragon constitution.



The majority of his attacks landed on the right wings, and luckily after a while, he finally heard the bones' cracking sounds.



Tian Yang didn't let the beast recover from the shock and held back the sword's handle, which was still stuck in the flesh.




The broken bone was only an inch from where the sword was, so with a decisive movement, he lifted the blade towards the sky and chopped its wing.

The eagle that was clearly more powerful than Tian Yang sustained all his ravaging attacks.

Tian Yang's agility and perfect coordination left the beast with no room for the counterattack.

But when its wing was cut in half, something inside the eagle awoke.

A powerful force started flowing in its vein, and the eagle's body began to emit a dense green mist from its skin.

Naturally, Tian Yang was shocked by it and began a new wave of attacks against the eagle's neck since he knew what would happen.

But what he found was a dense and thick armor made of beautiful feathers covering the eagle's neck.

They were so hard that even with his overbearing sword, he found it hard to leave behind even a tiny scratch on them.

In a few seconds, he already slashed tens of time, but still, there was no result, and his reserve of Water and Wind qi was practically ended.

The Heavenly Vein of Fire qi that already reached the complete form was still burning intensely inside his belly, but it wasn't enough to make that sword strong like before.

So Tian Yang's attack power significantly reduced, and his only chance to fight against an enemy so powerful became almost impossible.

He robbed a lot of treasures in the Black Crow Treasure Pavilion.

Still, the Mortal Realm didn't have many resources to recover Elemental qi, so he didn't have any pills or material with those properties.

So he could only sigh, disappointed, and look for a different solution to the impending disaster.

The eagle let Tian Yang's futile attacks land on its body since there were useless against its impenetrable feathers and kept going with its new transmutation.

That green mist kept expanding, and when it finally covered all its body, like an impenetrable wall of energy, the eagle let out a joyous cry.



That dense green energy layer exploded, and the monster beast revealed its new body to Tian Yang.

It was at least a few feet taller, with a dense package of feathers that were even brighter than before, and its two narrowed eyes looked like two green burning suns.

But its body wasn't the only thing that changed because the same green energy covered its wings.

And that only means one thing, the eagle actually awoke its elemental power from the bloodline.

"This is simply absurd... what the hell is going on?" Tian Yang couldn't endure anymore and shouted dumbfounded.

That beast actually reached a new realm in a few seconds.

Was his blood really so particular and powerful??

Tian Yang was now in an even more dangerous situation because the enemy wasn't anymore a Saint King but Saint Emperor.

His chances were almost unreal before, but now...

He could only survive with a miracle.

The eagle was quite satisfied with its new body and kept showing off its two new wings to its weak prey.


Its triumphant cries resounded for miles, and the few powerful beasts in the distance still fighting responded with a deafening roar...



"Damn you... this place really changed too much..."

Those were the last words of Tian Yang because just when he opened his mouth, the eagle disappeared from his front and rushed at him with incredible speed.


He tried to defend himself with the sword, but the difference in power between them was really too much.

And when that sharp beak reached its target, rivers of blood gushed from that monstrous wound ...