Chapter 93: Xue, The Thunder Luan!!

Xue was also worried about the sudden change.

She immediately realized that something was wrong because despite being outnumbered, Elder Mou was able to remain undisturbed in the face of a combination of attacks that, in theory, should be lethal for most of the martial cultivators at the same level.

She was already using her power to the fullest, most notably the Principle of Thunder.

Lightning strikes covered her body as well as her double short swords, studded with amethysts, giving her a majestic and lethal aspect.

Each blow she inflicted on the enemy had a single and precise objective, to bring him down.

Unfortunately, the armor covering Elder Mou's body granted him excellent protection, perhaps even greater than that of those unfathomable giants trapped in that ice cage.

The most troubling thing for Xue was that, throughout the battle, her body had remained in the form of a half-beast.

That particular shape was perfect for such a battle because it allowed her to combine the slender body of a human being with the more lethal and beneficial traits of her true form, the Thunder Luan.

Her body was mostly covered with purple feathers, giving her very high protection from the enemy attacks.

The feathers were gorgeous, and from a distance, they might look delicate and fluffy, but for a creature on her level, those feathers turned into something like dragon scales.

Their resistance was so appalling that those of her kind were hunted and tortured in the God Realm.

After all, the Luan was one of the few descendants of the glorious phoenix.

In addition to that feathered armor, two beautiful wings sprouted from her back, also covered in purple feathers.

They granted her blazing speed, and Xue was able to take full advantage of them thanks to the other Principle in her body, the Principle of Wind.

The Principle of Wind made her feathers lighter and more responsive.

It was probably these two exceptional abilities of hers that had saved her life and prevented her from the same fate as Elder Hai.

From the enemy words, she immediately understood that Elder Hai's situation was genuinely tragic.

Elder Mou had only used his fists to subdue Elder Hai and put her at a disadvantage.

And Xue just couldn't understand how the enemy had managed to do it.

This obscure enemy made her nervous and worried the more time passed.

However, despite being in this challenging situation, she didn't let her fears prevail, and she continued to fight that devil.

"Elder Hai, stand back!!... Try to find a solution. Or we will be in trouble..." Xue shouted while her two swords slashed toward the enemy.



Elder Mou blocked her two attacks easily and sneered: "Little bird... you will be a useful toy in the future... Really a great trophy... Your two elemental powers will grant me a lot of resources... HAHAHA..."

Xue ignored his cruel words and continued to strike him with her deadly blades, covered in lightning.

Elder Hai gladly accepted her proposal and took refuge at a fair distance from the center of the battle.

He tried to use even more pills or other remedies from his space ring, but he could not find a solution even after trying all of them.

Helder Hai could clearly feel his body rot from the inside at an alarming rate, just as Elder Mou had warned him, and that feeling of helplessness was driving him out of his mind.

So, since he could do nothing more for himself, Elder Hai returned to the battlefield instead of wasting even more time and began to attack Elder Mou again with even more ferocity.

Unfortunately, Elder Hai's condition was so pitiful that he found himself exhausted and in an even worse situation after a few breaths.

Xue tried to help him, but when the enemy noticed Elder Hai approaching them, his actions became even more ferocious.

"Hahaha... Idiot!... I let you go, and instead, you come back in this condition?" Elder Mou laughed viciously and slammed toward his chest with a series of punch.



"AH!!!" Elder Hai condensed a bit of his Essence qi and Principle of Water and created a thick dark blue shield in front of him.

Sadly, that power wasn't enough to stop the flurry of blows, and his body was thrown to the ground like a meteor.



The impact generated a series of cracks, which extended for nearly a mile.

As for Elder Hai, the enemy's final blow was so powerful that his body descended to an alarming depth.

Elder Mou wanted to rage even harder on him, but just as his next blow was about to be launched, thick clouds began to condense above him.

A powerful pressure hit his surrounding, and his body stopped suddenly as if trapped in a cage made of energy.

"Little girl... these stupid games won't work on someone like me." Elder Mou snorted, irritated by Xue's constant meddling: "How long do you think this insignificant skill will work? I was having fun with you before, but if this continues, I'll tear off those delicious wings with my hands. Trust me... it won't be a pleasant thing!"

Xue felt a chill run throughout all her delicate back for an instant when she saw the vicious light inside his eyes.

Certainly, his words intimidated her, but she did not allow herself to be overwhelmed and used that little time to launch one of her most powerful slashes, as she had previously decided.



Terrifying roars spread from those dark clouds.

Lightning, the size of millennial trees, came out of the clouds and began to circle overhead, acting just like a bunch of angry dragons waiting.



The thunder and lightning intensified even more, and in a few moments, they reached a terrifying amount.

Of course, the appearance of those lightning bolts imprisoned Elder Mou even more, finally forcing him to unleash even more of his powers.

"Little girl... Stop it!! You will regret it!!" Elder Mou shouted, angered by her actions.

Xue ignored his threats and began to channel the power of those lightning bolts onto the blades of her two swords.



The lightning descended on the swords with a burst of purple light and turned into a strange starry mist, which slowly infiltrated the precious amethysts at the base of the blade.



The precious stones lit up, and when the light from their hearts turned a deep purple, Xue threw the two blades precisely at the enemy's neck ...
