Chapter 94: Phoenix Hell!!

After noticing Elder Hai's poor condition, Xue had already prepared an alternative plan.

She took some time, but thanks to the help of Elder Hai and the boundless arrogance of the enemy, her plan had succeeded perfectly.

Those storm clouds were naturally her own creation.

With her two Principles, Xue had managed to summon a storm similar to the Heavenly Tribulation of the Mortal Realm and infuse all of its power into her two short swords.

Elder Hai could only helplessly stare at those two deadly blades approaching at frightening speed to his neck.

Since, in the last moments, the pressure, which was binding on his body, had become so overwhelming that it was able to block even his muscles and bones.



Nothing stopped those two blades from reaching Elder Mou's neck, not even that monstrous armor.

The swords quickly pierced the thick sheet of unknown material and finally reached the enemy's skin.

"Damn, woman... STOP IT!!!"

Elder Mou attempted to counter Xue's attack, accumulating all of his power around his neck, but even that was useless because he had given her too much time.

Xue had amassed enough power to make that attack lethal even for him.



Finally overcoming the enemy's last defensive barrier, the two blades tore his neck from both sides, detaching with a single blow the horrible head of Elder Mou from his body.

His head flew into the sky, pushed by the absurd amount of blood released from the lower part of his body, and soon fell to the ground a few steps from them.

Elder Mou's green blood spilled in every direction and covered the satisfied expression on Xue's face.



But she didn't care about that and instead sighed in relief.

That terrible enemy was finally dead.

The battle had been intense and almost drove them to despair, but the enemy was too arrogant and underestimated Xue's abilities too much.

Xue shook the deadly swords in her hands lightly and easily removed that rotten green blood from the blades.

Then, she took a cloth from her space ring and began wiping her face, taking advantage of that brief moment of calm to recover some of her energy.



Elder Hai came out of the crater with difficulty after a few moments, but his condition was still terrible.

Apparently, the death of the enemy had not brought any benefit to his problem.

What that monster had done could not be solved so easily.

Elder Hai dragged his body out and, upon seeing Elder Mou's lifeless corpse, thanked Xue for her actions: "Young miss... Thank you. I know you've probably consumed a lot of energy, but please help the others too. Unfortunately, I cannot be of much help. My condition is getting worse and worse."

Xue wiped the last part of her still dirty face and then replied, in an indifferent tone: "You don't need to thank me. I have to protect my young miss."

"In this state, you are practically useless, so you better stay here. As for the other enemies, I'll take care of them. In the meantime, you should try to survive... maybe she can save you..."


As Xue continued to kill enemy after enemy on the other side of the ice wall, Yue stared in amazement at the immense phoenix, which flew over the city, letting out melodious cries.

After all this time, the phoenix had ingested enough power to make her immaterial body almost real.

But for some strange reason, Yue could also sense something from that flaming bird, particularly from her giant eyes.

Those two flaming orbs gave Yue a feeling of familiarity, similar to the beautiful girl a few steps away from her.

Unfortunately, Xifeng's abilities were so arcane that she had no response to that bizarre event, so she continued to observe the surrounding area, with particular attention to the wall of ice, which continued to shatter at incredible speed.

Time passed quietly, and luckily no one disturbed Xifeng.

Somehow, a situation that seemed tragic had turned into something feasible.

Enemies on both sides were under control, but the young martial cultivators from the Ancient Ze Family had almost reached their limit.

To maintain that ice cage, of course, their elemental energy consumption was appalling.

The only thing that had allowed them to last up to this point was the terrifying deposit of Elemental Crystals of the Water, which the city had.

Those crystals were precious and rare even in the God Realm, but they did not bother with this irrelevant problem and consumed them like bloodthirsty beasts in this challenging situation.

Although they had an abundant supply, resources began to run out, and the wall was about to crumble.

Fortunately, their combined efforts had granted Xifeng enough time to finish her monstrous technique.

The phoenix stopped its immense body in mid-air and spread its large wings completely, showing the world its beautiful feathers covered in golden flames.

His black beak opened slightly and began to release dark red ash right above the ice cage.

The ash descended slightly to the ground and began to fill every corner of the cage.

Of course, it was even able to penetrate inside those giants, settling on every part of their body.

The process was relatively slow and, at first, showed nothing, but then when the last residue finally settled, the phoenix dissolved, releasing an intense golden glow.

And it was in that very moment that Xifeng opened her eyes again filled with burning flames, and with a satisfied smile, she uttered two simple words: "Phoenix Hell!!"



First, there was an intense roar, then ... the wall of ice vaporized instantly, and strange golden flames with dark red tips began to devour the surrounding areas.

Nothing could survive that terror.

The ground was first charred, then slowly turned into a long stretch of incandescent lava.

Trees, plants, and even the poor monster beasts were swallowed by that monster.

That scene left even the experienced warriors of the Ancient Ze family speechless.

They had never seen anything so mind-blowing in their entire life...