Chapter 101: Tian Yang's Gentle Smile

"Okay… Okay… Little Feng, even if that wretch is dead, your condition will not improve. Let me check your body..."

Old Huang gave Xifeng some time to get rid of all those emotions, but her wounds could no longer be overlooked, so he approached the two girls calmly.

Xifeng clearly heard the old man's words, but as if nothing had happened, she continued to cry, soaking YueLiang's fine dress.

"You girls are all alike..." Old Huang sighed sadly as the figure of a young girl crossed her mind.

It had been tens and tens of thousands of years since he had last seen the face of that lively little girl, but that deep desire not only had not diminished but had become even stronger because he knew that the moment of their reunion wasn't very far.

Old Huang sighed once more and then pointed his index finger at that stubborn girl.

"Stay still..." The old man said, closing his eyes.

This time Xifeng listened to Old Huang's words, and before relaxing her body, she gripped YueLiang's waist with what little strength she had left.

An intense white light enveloped part of Xifeng's body, starting from her feet and slowly rising towards her head.

In a few breaths, the glow passed through the young woman's body two or three times in search of something and only stopped when it finally found that damned parasite.

After Elder Mou's death, the root stuck in her belly withered quickly.

Unfortunately, the damage it had caused to the Heavenly Veins and internal organs could no longer be repaired, as a dark energy had contaminated every corner of her body.

Old Huang isolated that poison and confined it to a single point, thus limiting its harmful effects.

But there was a severe problem.

His powers could only do that.

Even someone like him was powerless in the face of such devastating poisonous energy.

Old Huang condensed the white light to a precise point in Xifeng's body and lamented, demoralized: "Little Feng, I can't help you more than that. I'm sorry."

Xue and Yue, who had stood by Xifeng's side the whole time, watching every single action of the old man, felt their hearts tighten in a vise when they heard those words.

"Old Huang... what are Xifeng's conditions?" Yue asked in a trembling voice.

Old Huang looked at the twins and, after a moment's hesitation, said: "For now, she is stable. Her powers will gradually return, but the more energy she uses, the weaker the seal I created will become. So, we have to stop that silly girl from using her powers."

Somehow his words calmed the two young women.

Even if the old man's remedy was not definitive, the time to find a cure was more than enough, so they bowed their heads in thanks.

"What can we do to cure it? There must be a cure, maybe some particular pill or…" Xue asked hopefully.

Xue wanted to continue her speech, but Old Huang cut her off: "It's useless. In this world, there is no cure for that damned poison..."

Thinking that the old man was referring to the Mortal Realm, Xue proposed: "If we can't find it here, then one of us will go back to the God Realm..."

"Seriously... What the hell has happened in the last hundred thousand years..." Old Huang sighed, shaking his head in discouragement, and then cut her off with a weird smile: "Little girl... I was referring to Elemental World."

"Elemental World??" Xue and Yue asked at the same time, confused by his statement.

"Hmm… it's a long story. I'll calmly explain it to you later. Anyway, there is no cure for Xifeng in this world because she… she has been infected with another Principle, the Principle of Corrosion."

Unfortunately for the two girls, his words were incomprehensible, and they continued to stare at him doubtfully.

Seeing that confused look, old Huang slapped his forehead and sighed sadly: "What a mess..."


"We're almost there... only the last one remains. Tian Yang, hold on!!"

It had been hours since the Supreme Pig began extracting the Heavenly Veins from Tian Yang's body.

It wasn't an easy process, but no problem arose with the Old Pig's incredible abilities.

It was a simple thing for him, but it was quite another thing for poor Tian Yang because he had been subjected to one of the most intense and terrible pains of his life for all that period.

There were times when he even begged the old pig to stop that torture.

Unfortunately, he remained impassive and kept extracting the Heavenly Veins from Tian Yang because he knew full well that the young man could survive.

"Tian Yang… Think of all the people you care about… Think of your family… Think of the people you need to protect… You need to stay conscious! Get ready!"

The Supreme Pig tried to encourage the young man, just as he had done in the last few hours, and then, with a firm blow, his nose hit Tian Yang's forehead, precisely where the ninetieth vein was.

An incredible force that did not belong to Tian Yang attempted to repel the insane deeds of the Old Pig, but it was all in vain because the power of the Supreme Pig was too mighty.

The bright blue Heavenly Vein burst out of the young man's head, causing Tian Yang even more pain than before.

That pain could very well turn the young man into a madman, but this time Tian Yang didn't scream.

His body didn't even tremble, but he stood there with his eyes closed and a gentle smile on his face.

As the Heavenly Vein suspended a few inches from his forehead slowly disintegrated, the Old Pig looked puzzled at Tian Yang because he was too calm...

He was so calm that he couldn't even feel his breathing.

It was as if Tian Yang...