Chapter 102: The trapped Blue Lily and the poisoned White Jasmine

"Little Yao, how are you? Do you still have nightmares? If you want, I can check again..."

"Thank you, but I only had beautiful dreams in the last few months. Hehe... I haven't had nightmares in a long time. Grandfather drove them all away, luckily."

A young girl and an old woman sat on the shore of a beautiful pond, full of flowers with colorful petals that gave a sweet scent.

The young girl with long blue hair, like bright sapphires, and a lovely smile was naturally Yao, reincarnated in the body of the daughter of one of the most powerful Ancient Clans in the God Realm, the Que Clan.

Instead, the elderly woman in front of the young woman was clearly her grandmother, one of the most powerful warriors in the Clan and God Realm.

The funny thing was, Yao even knew the old woman in her previous life, and their relationship was very complicated.

It was challenging for Yao to hide her true identity in front of such a monster, and that is precisely why she very rarely met her since she had recovered her memory.

Just calling her grandma gave her a strange feeling.

"Grandma... what is the situation like in God Realm? I've heard from one of the maids that a lot has happened in the last few days..." Yao asked her, sipping delicious tea.

"Ah... it's a disaster... Really a disaster. Ancient monsters have awakened in our world. Many villages have been massacred. The Evil Race is back, with more power than before. But we don't know where all these damn bastards come from..." Grandma complained, depressed.

'Hmm... so the ancient Evil Race has already moved. Perhaps Grandpa Tian miscalculated the situation... Man, I have to find a way to leave this cabbage place...' Yao reflected a little and then said with a confused expression, clearly pretending the part of a girl a little scared: "Grandma... surely, we will be able to defeat those demons. Our Clan fears no one in this world..."

The old woman carefully observed the young woman, and after a while, she replied, in an indifferent tone: "Surely, our Clan is strong, but it is not invincible. Little Yao, never underestimate your enemies. Or, when you least expect it, you'll be stabbed in the back."

How could Yao not understand the double meaning in the words of this damn old woman??

Her situation was increasingly critical...


In the last few days, life had changed a lot, not only in the Mortal Realm but also in the God Realm.

In Mortal Realm, ancient portals to other worlds had reopened, but in God Realm, the situation was much more complicated.

Although few evil race members had managed to enter this world, the enemy had met a lazy and careless obstacle.

The modern world had remained too peaceful, and the consequences were undeniable.

The ancient battle of ten thousand years ago was still handed down to the Ancient Clans, but after all this time, it was considered a mere legend, just like The Divine Gate, which led in the Immortal Realm.

Everyone knew about that legend, but was it true?

How long had it been since the last ascension into that fantastic realm? Hundreds of thousands of years? Or maybe Millions?

No one knew...

The only thing sure was that many ancestors of the Ancient Clans came from that place.

But the time was cruel and spared no one.

Memories of ancient times had all turned into simple legends, just like the concept of the Principles.

And all the creatures in the world were paying the price.

No one had managed to escape such a brutal invasion, even Qiang'er, and her mother.

"Mom... Run! Don't stop. Those bastards are everywhere..."

"Qiang'er, there's something inside my body. I don't know if..."

"NO! Don't say that. We're almost there. We can fight this evil... HOLD ON!!"

Once the memories of her past life were recovered, Qiang'er and her mother, to avoid a terrible fate, had abandoned the Clan that held them practically in captivity and headed to one of the Tian Family's many safe places in God Realm.

Unfortunately, a strange creature had attacked them with ferocity during their journey, causing injuries to the two girls.

Qiang'er's wounds were superficial and had been treated easily by one of the many pills found in God Realm.

But the girl's mother was in severe condition because one of the beast's spines had pierced her abdomen.

The wound had been treated, but the strange, smelly substance - which wrapped that demonic spine - had infiltrated the woman's body, causing a terrible reaction.

Qiang'er, with her extensive knowledge, immediately realized what was causing all those problems, and without stopping, she had travelled toward the safe place.

Unfortunately, without a good treasure to move around, the two reached the set place only the next day, and the woman's condition had worsened so much that Qiang'er did not know if Tian Yang's miracle medicine could do anything.

The safe places scattered throughout the two realms were all protected by powerful formations derived from the union of ancient knowledge, so only members of the Tian family could access such places.

Upon reaching the destination, which was hidden just halfway through a mountain surrounded by dense forest, Qiang'er found the symbol representing her family, the bright black pearl surrounded by 8 glowing spheres.

After a brief enchantment, they entered.

The place hadn't changed much.

Medicinal plants and trees with particular fruits and the wonderful pond were still there.

But this was not the time to get lost in memories, so the young woman began looking for the right pill to save her mother.

There were shelves full of pills, but for some strange reason, the amount was significantly reduced.

She didn't know what had happened after her death and honestly still didn't know how much time had passed, so she didn't pay too much attention to those details and continue the search.

The pill she was looking for in such a hurry was not of normal quality, but one of the supreme pills, one of Tian Yang's best jobs.

Its effects were prodigious, but the rarity of the components needed for creation was frightening.

With just one pill, she could definitely eradicate that damn poison.

She had to find it at all costs!