Chapter 103: The Deadly Emerald Green Lotus

In a forest filled with majestic trees, a girl with green hair like brilliant emeralds was repeatedly hitting a man.

The expression on the girl's beautiful face was pure anger, and the merciless blows she fired at the man were proof of this.

There was also a slight redness on the girl's cheeks, perhaps due to a powerful alcoholic or maybe...

"You bastard! How dare you! You think I'm not going to kill you after what you've done?"

The girl was not only expressing her destructive anger with actions but also in words.

"Damn animal! Forcing me to this point... Even though there are few of us left. I'm going to kill you anyway. But first, I will make you suffer unimaginable pain!"

The young woman continued to vent her anger on the man, and for some strange reason, the person who was suffering all this could only wriggle slightly and complain in silence.

His plan had gone well until he met the person everyone in the forest believed to be the embodiment of goodness and benevolence.

He knew the girl well.

Indeed, the blood flowing into their body was the same.

How could he ever imagine that the sister who so much loved and desired could have such a cruel side...

But his brother's shock didn't last long because, after several minutes of torture, anger and humiliation took that place.

His grand plan was almost complete.

After years of preparation, he was ready to enjoy the fruits of his hard work with the two most enchanting and bewitching creatures of the forest, but something unexpected had ruined everything.

Just as she was about to grab the docile green-haired girl, a devil had suddenly awakened in that slender body.

A power that was far superior to his had forced him into this disastrous situation.


The girl had no mercy, and at every question, her daggers torn the flesh of the man.

It was difficult for him to speak, but he could if he wanted to answer the question.

After all, with their level of power, it was easy.

But his only answer was a malevolent smile, between a spasm and lament.

"Damn animal! You think I'm not going to get the answers from a miserable bastard like you?" The girl screamed, enraged, and then placed the lethal knife blade on her brother's throat.

The man looked with eyes full of terror and anger at the young woman and even tried to beg for mercy, issuing slight laments.

But the girl was impassive...

"I told you. To me, you're just useless crappy shit. Slitting your throat now won't stop me from tormenting you. In fact, it will make you suffer even more."


A sharp and decisive cut...

His brother's throat opened in two, and golden blood mixed with red lines slowly came out.

The individual died slowly, staring in bewilderment at the young woman and listening to her last words...

"Trust me... You won't like what I'm about to do. I don't usually like to use that Martial Art because the torments it inflicts on the soul are unspeakable. But for you... I'm going to make an exception!"

As soon as the light in the young man's eyes drove, the young woman removed her brother's helmet, revealing his astonishing face, long golden hair, and two long ears.

Then, without a shred of pity or hesitation, she put the palm of her hand on the bastard's forehead.

"Soul cage..." The girl mumbled two short words, and the young elf's head began to light up in a light blue.

The body of the young elf, now lifeless, began to tremble and to utter harrowing cries.

The process of extracting the soul from a dead body was not easy, and it took some time.

But this was not good for those who suffered that demonic ability because the pain that the soul suffered was twice as powerful.

Shortly after that, the girl removed her hand from the young man's forehead, dragging away the bright blue light.

The elf's soul had been ripped from his body and was now in the girl's palm, helpless against the young woman's following actions.

The girl looked at the soul wriggling futilely on her palm and sighed, a little disgusted: "Forcing me to use such Martial Art... you're so stupid..."

She had long been missing from home, so she looked through the young man's memories without wasting any more time, revealing all his darkest and most cruel acts.

The young woman shivered at the young man's lie and malevolence.

After all, she had lived with him for a long time.

What she had seen in those revolting memories could also have been the fate of her and her sister.

The elves could live for a long time, so it took her some time to find what she was looking for.

But when at last, she found the memories of that day, her expression was darker.

That bastard, powerless against the high power of his sister, had sent her to another place, with the help of a treasure handed down from ancient times.

A treasure with the Power of Space, powerful enough to create a portal, was not a simple object because the capabilities of their predecessors were much higher.

At last, she knew the truth, although a little hard to accept, so with a decisive blow, she shattered his brother's soul, thus preventing him from any chance of reincarnation, and then sought that damn treasure.

The young woman stared undecided for a few minutes at that object and then slowly inserted her power into the item.

The young woman's energy continued to flow into the treasure, making it shine intensely, and shortly afterward, a black portal appeared before her.

The girl was conflicted in her mind, but she had to go inside.

She couldn't leave her sister alone in an unknown world...

So, she walked towards the gate, leaving behind only tears and a slight whisper, filled with sadness...

"Yang'er, I'll be back... I promise!"