The sound of hope

Chapter 1

A loud noise of an alarm clock was echoing inside the house but Nick was still in a deep slumber so his mother immediately went to their room to wake him up and remind him to go to in their University for enrollment, he barely remember about the enrollment, Nick sat on the bed, nodding embarrassingly to his mom while smiling awkwardly. "Yes, my beautiful mom" Nick said teasingly to his mother before leaving the room, soon Nick changes his clothes, wearing a sky blue sweater and jeans, he follows his mom downstairs to join in breakfast as usual.

Mom: "Come here Nick, let's eat before going to University, I cooked you some bacon with eggs and veggies."

Nick: "Sure mom, I won't miss a day without eating with my lovely mom" as always Nick teases his mom before taking a seat.

Mom: "You sure have a sweet mouth, I wonder how many girls you've made cry, are you secretly dating someone? You've never introduced me to a woman before only your few friends." She replied as payback teas to Nick.

Nick: "Huh? What are you talking about mom? I'm taken with the most gorgeous and amazing woman I could ever have and that is you" Nick release a light giggle showing off on his face while eating his breakfast.

Mom: "what do I expect? Hahaha, " Nick's mom laughs while also eating their breakfast.

After a few minutes of eating the two were finally done and they are both ready to leave, Nick's mom was going to her work and she'll be back around 5 p.m. so Nick might hang out with his friend again.

Nick was already at the bus stop, waiting for a ride, it just a few minutes when the bus arrived, Nick entered and went to University. It just half of an hour to travel from his place to University.

The university was crowded since Nick was studying in a famous school and many of the students here were a son/daughter of a rich family so yes an elite school.

Nick went to the faculty of architecture, he was going to continue studying architect for the first semesters this June. He was almost done to fill-up the form for this semester when suddenly the bullpen ran out of ink, Nick was not carrying any extra pen nor pencil and pencil doesn't allow to use.

Nick starts to panic a little bit when suddenly a white skinny yet muscular structure of hand came beside him, holding a pen. A stranger lends him a pen so nick immediately use it releasing a heavy sigh due to stress

Nick: "thank you for lending me your pen, life saver!!" Nick said before slowly facing the man who just let him borrow his pen. Nick gulped in nervous when he saw the man, he stared at the bottom to top, he's just a bit taller than me but his skin and eyes were very attractive in person. Nick doesn't realize that he has been standing there for a couple of minutes while starting to the other man. Nick was stunned and lost in thought in amazement of how good looking the other man is.

"Excuse me? Are you done? If so please step aside cause I have to fill out my form as well."

Nick was still in delusional thought, he felt like the man's voice was whispering seductively Against to his ears "What a lovely and angelic voice," Nick said to himself as he gets shouted by the other man.


Nick: "I'm so sorry. I asked for your forgiveness." He offered a bow, averting his eyes while giving back the pen.

Ohm: "It's alright. I'm not mad at all. You may lift your head now" Ohm took the pen, as he starts answering the enrollment form.

Nick: "I wish to have you in the same department as me." Nick said before leaving the facility and went to the cafeteria with one of his colleagues, waiting for others.

Ohm was done with his enrollment form, he was going to the cafeteria to take lunch cause he doesn't eat anything since he left the mansion. Finally, he arrived at the cafeteria he saw the guy from earlier sitting with his friends but Ohm didn't mind it. Ohm sits near on the exit way of the cafeteria, calling the waiters to assist his meal. He ordered his regular meal and after a few minutes, the waitress served his meal and soon Ohm begins to eat.

Nick and his friends were going to leave since Kiesha arrived, they plan to eat somewhere outside the campus so they can save some extra money cause the food in the campus was quite expensive and not affordable for the other students. They start packing their belongings in the table, walking off from the cafeteria. While walking Kiesha and Xin were teasing each other, like a lovely couple but the fact that they both already in relationships. Nick took a sip on his tumbler, drinking the orange juice that his mother made but while he was drinking, Xin bumped against Nick and he accidentally drops the tumbler and fell on the table, however, there was a student eating in the table.

Ohm was eating peacefully until a tumbler fell on his table. The juice splash in Ohm's food and clothes, he immediately stood up with furious looking and irritated.

Ohm: "WHAT THE HELL?!!! LOOK WHAT YOU GUYS HAVE DONE TO ME AND TO MY FOOD!!" The guy spoke with a strong tone of the voice in madness, starting furiously with them.

Nick and friend: "We're really sorry!! It was an accident! We beg for your pardon." The three bowed their head.

Ohm: "No! It wasn't an accident! You guys were playing! And the cafeteria isn't a place for your playful time!! I want you to pay for my meal and as well for my clothes and damages of everything, or else I'll report this incident in the administration. My family was holding 60% of the share of this school. You might get kicked and won't able to continue study anymore unless you guys will going to study abroad if you are that rich then go." Ohm stated and made a demand for the casualties

Nick: "B-But... I couldn't afford to study abroad either.. If we were going to pay, how much you would like us to pay?" Nick replied to Ohm's statement.

Ohm: "Well, my clothes are worth half a million dollars in the state but for you guys ill give you a discount. Just 400 thousand is enough for all the damages. Is not that big right?" Ohm replied to nick as he starts unbuttoning his shirt and calls the butler to find him a new spare of clothes.

Kiesha: "Well, if just 400 thousand I could pay it since I am with them that is not a big money for me as well for Xin, we were just going to throw money for a beggar." Kiesha joined the conversation to insult the other man as giggled to make him madder.

Ohm: "well, I didn't say 400 thousand for the three of you. I said 400 thousand for each of you." Ohm replied to Kiesha.

Xin: "that's too much, I could pay 400k myself but paying 400k for each of one, are you insane?!! The price of your current outfit got multiplied indeed. "Xin complain, standing up straight, glaring with the other man.

Nick: " these two might pay you but I couldn't afford to pay you, my family is not rich or holding any share. I'm just here because of Kiesha's father and scholarship. I don't want my mom to get disappointed in me so please...." Nick kneeled down against the ground, gripping firmly on Ohm's jean while his head was pressing against the other man's shoes.

Kiesha and Xin: "Nick stood up, you don't have to worry. Xin and I were going to pay for you." The two said as they held their friend, helping him to stand up but obviously Nick didn't accept their offer.

Nick: "No! No! I don't want you two to spend money just me for me, your kindness is too much and I don't want to take it as an advantage, it is also my false, I dropped my drink so I have to face my charges. I don't want to be a burden to anyone, you guys are my good friends and that is already enough for me." Nick releases a smile yet you could see in his eyes that he's unhappy.

Ohm: "I'm not that evil, but still, he has to face the consequences. I'll call you after a few days but these two have to pay me 400K since they can afford it and the deadline will be after three days, if they can't pay me on time, it will be multiple in three. So if there are no issues now, I'll leave myself." After seeing the melancholy look of Nick, Ohm felt light guilt and anguish on his heart, he fell like going to cry for no reason.

Nick: "Did I hear right? Did he said that he won't ask for payment?! Yay!!! Thank you!!" Nick chuckled in happiness, crying out loud in joyous. Nick can now breathe peacefully and Kiesha and Xin are both happy for him. In this view, nick looked like a baby, a cute baby.

Kiesha: "Should we go now? And eat in our favorite restaurant?" Kiesha uttered to remove the negative surface.

Nick: "But you two have to pay... I'm really sorry..." Nick frowned, replying to Keisha.

Xin: "Don't worry Nick! Kiesha could pay 800k tomorrow! Its easy money for her" Xin said while his hand was slowly wrapping up to Nick's neck, hugging his neck lightly while shuffling his hair.

Kiesha: "Wait what?!! You have to pay 400k too! Don't it to me! If it is Nick, I don't mind paying even a one million but if it's you! Nooo, way! Not even in your wildest dream!" Kiesha responded to Xin's statement, looking away with a grumpy expression.

Xin: "Look Nick, she's so mean to meee." Xin starts pouting his lips.

Nick: "Enough guys! Let's go now! Hahaha" Nick laughed, standing up and soon they start walking

And went to the nearby restaurant. Keisha and Xin are both rich but they love to eat in a cheap place so Nick won't feel uncomfortable.

Ohm saw them having a cheerful time before leaving, Ohm forgot to wear cloth, his Butler still not arriving so Ohm walks in the hallway nakedly but luckily there's no student on his way. He calls his Butler to meet in the men's toilets.

The butler took plenty of time before going to the said place which is the men's restroom. Ohm waited but he cannot get upset because his butler was is also a close friend of Ohm, they have been friends for a long time.

Butler: "Master Ohm, here's your clothes, sorry if I consumed a lot of time. I couldn't find your extra clothes in the car so I have to buy a new one at the school store." The butler placed the paper bag In the sink before leaving but still waiting at the front door of the men's restroom.

Ohm was finally done changing his clothes, he notices that his tie wasn't properly but he just ignore it. He went outside and meet his Butler.

Butler: "Master, your tie wasn't tied properly, let me fix it." The butler didn't hesitate to fix his master's tie "And it's now done master, as always you are such a good looking man!"

Ohm just ignored what the butler said as he went to the car, giving an order to go back in their mansion, while waiting Ohm spotted Nick and his friend going outside the campus. Ohm was wondering why the two were walking under the heat of the sun, Ohm was being confused when he couldn't find an answer to his question.

Ohm: "Do you see those three? What's with them? I don't understand why they are seemed to have fun while walking beneath the hectic rays of the sun?!" Ohm asked his butler, while still gazing and watching them.

Butler: "Ohhh? Them? I think it's normal master, there's no wrong with them. They are just enjoying their youth I think? You'll understand it soon master when you find your true friends. I have a recommendation if you don't mind master." Butler said, waiting for his master's response.

Ohm: "Go, state it, I listen." Ohm said, leaning his back against the car couch.

Butler: "This is just my personal opinion master, you are in the right age, I think, it's time for you to explore outside the box. Find friends and hang out with them. Sleepover with them and do silly stuff. It would be an unforgettable memory for you. You could treasure those memories until your last breath

Ohm: " Uhmmm. But I am not interested though." Ohm said.

Butler: "oh I see master, by the way, your dad asked me to give this to you. He told me to bring you to his friend's small restaurant, to have a look and make a suggestion for the store decorations. He also told me to be nice to him, show some respect." The butler starts to drive the car as they went to the said store, the place was quite near on their campus.

Ohm went outside the car, entering inside the store, he was looking around so he could figure out for the decoration and designs for the store and surprisingly he saw Nick and his friends having a nice conversation on the corner. Kiesha and Xin haven't notice Ohm yet but Nick can clearly see him, in fact, Ohm and Nick's eyes meet together, a light blush came from nowhere when Nick stared at the eyes of Ohm. He couldn't stop himself to glance at Ohm. Xin noticed that Nick was being quiet and he seemed like his mind went somewhere so Xin stole Nick's food but Kiesha scolded him.

Kiesha: "Nick? Are you still with us?! Hello!" Kiesha talks to Nick but still, he's gazing at Ohm secretly.

Xin looked at the place where Nick sight was, he saw Ohm eating while having a conversation with the owner, the owner was an acquaintance of Xin so he went to their table, waving his hands at Nick, Nick was obviously shocked when he saw Xin sit next to them.

Nick: "Kiesha?! Why Xin was there? What's going on?" Nick asked Kiesha

Kiesha: "Just don't mind the idiot! Xin and the owner was an acquaintance. They know each other so maybe he just says Hello to the owner, Just keep eating your food cause you seemed off a while ago." Kiesha replied to Nick's question.

Nick: "Ohh I see, but the guy from the cafeteria was with Xin. I have no idea, what they are talking about but I have these chills that they are talking about me..." Nick replied to Kiesha's answer but Kiesha was shocked when she heard that Xin and Ohm were together, she even spilled water on her table.

Kiesha: "Did I head right?! It's really suspicious. We have to ask Xin when he came back here." Kiesha uttered annoyingly.

Meanwhile, in a different table, the owner left the two for the meantime. Xin gives a warning to Ohm if he dares to lay a single finger on Nick, he wouldn't hesitate to kill him.

Ohm: "Ummm? Are you threatening me? You don't know who are you going against, I'll do whatever I want, back off! You are nothing compared to me. " Ohm replied to the other man threat, glaring with sharp eyes toward the other man.

Xin: "that would be my lines! I could destroy your family in an instant, so be careful!. It's just a friendly reminder from schoolmates." Xin declared to Ohm as he went back to their table.

Kiesha begins to ask Xin about their conversation however Xin didn't respond to Kiesha's question, instead, he eats their food.

The three don't realize that it was already 4 Pm and they all have need to go home especially Xin and Kiesha cause their family was quite strict when it comes to their safety, specifically for Xin so they all agreed to went home.