The flowers

After separating to his friends, Nick head to the nearest bus station, waiting for a ride but there have no other passengers except the young man. Nick doesn't realize it yet that he was alone in the waiting shed but the moment he looks around he found himself alone which makes him think unnecessary stuff that could lead him triggered his phobia.

His hands start shaking in nervous, his body begins to release sweat that makes him trouble with his breath. The young man was gasping for air, trying to catch up with his breath. Nick starts texting, however, he couldn't use his phone well due to the unconditional shakiness of his hands, he drops his phone on the ground as he sat on the bench still catching up with his breath.

While the young was suffering alone, an unexpected heavy rain came from nowhere, Nick was hoping for someone to save him until a car stopped in the bus station. A person coming out from a car. Nick's eyes were blurry, he couldn't see the person very well, he just knew that someone came to help me.

Nick slowly opening his eyes but still blurry, he could not recognize the people around him until he felt a warm feeling coming from his hands and soon Nick heard a painful sob.

Nick: "Mom? Why are you crying?" Nick asks his mom because he can recognize his mom's voice and cry.

Mom: "I thought, you'll going to leave me! I've never seen you like this before, not this bad... The doctor said that you almost died due to hard breathing!!" Mom replied while still sobbing in nervous because as a mother, losing your child is the most painful thing that could happen to a mother especially to Nick's mom cause he only has Nick...

Nick: "Mom aren't you being so paranoid? I won't leave you. If I leave you who would take care of you when you become a senior? This is just a panic attack mom... Don't worry too much." Nick said to make his mom calmer.

Mom; "Even so! I couldn't bear it, seeing you like this is like my heart-crushing and turning into pieces." Mom replied to nick as she kept holding his hand more firmly.

Nick: "By the way mom, do you know who brought me here?" Nick said to change the topic cause he almost going to burst a tear when his mom worrying about me.

Mom: "They didn't mention the person who brought you here. I asked the doctor so I can say my gratitude but he didn't answer me, the doctor said that they are not allowed to tell their names. They even paid your hospital bills Nick which cause of 30k... Do you have any idea Nick? I know you have two rich friends. Maybe they paid it for you?" Mom asked curiously, wiping out her tears.

Nick: "I don't think so mom. Xin and Kiesha went home already, as a matter of fact, they didn't know that I was admitted in a hospital." Nick response to mom while wondering the person who came out from the car, he was sure that it wasn't a dream.

Mom: " I wonder who are they." Mom was still curious.

A doctor came inside the room, he interviews me about my feelings and emotions. I told him everything to him and he understands my situation cause my doctor has a background in psychological and mental health disease, so it's easier to explain my condition so the doctor advised me to.

Doctor Chris: "Have you tried listing to a song? I recommended you listen to a song, a song that can make you feel delighted, a song that can make you happy, or a song that won't feel you alone. Do you get my point? This kind of method is quite useful if it didn't work please come to see me. You may discharge anytime you want so ill take my leave me now" Doctor said before leaving the room

Mom: "You heard the doctor Nick. Do you have any specific song?" Mom asked Nick, peeling off the apple coat before giving it to Nick.

Nick: "I don't have at the moment mom, let me think about it" Nick utter silently while thinking.

Mom: "do you want to discharge now? So we can talk about your birthday for Tomorrow... Where would you like to celebrate it?" Mom raised a question to Nick but Nick still having a deep thought cause there are no songs popping up in his head.

Nick: "I want to discharge as soon as possible." Nick replied to mom

Mom: "Ok, I'll go talk the staff now," Mom said before leaving the room. She went to talk to the nurses. After answering the papers, the nurses give a bouquet of flowers to her. Obviously, Nick's mom was surprised, she thought that it was for her but the nurses destroyed her imagination.

The nurses: "Mom, the flowers aren't meant for you. Those flowers are for Nick, to your son. We cannot tell who it came from but the same person who paid your son's bills."

Mom: "Ahhh... Is that so? Then I'll give it to him right now." Mom nods in embarrassment to the nurses as she went back to Nick's room with flowers. Nick was wondering where did she get those expensive flowers. He could tell it cause one time, Kiesha gave me a flower when we were at high school, it was the same flower store so Nick asks

Nick: "Where did you get that expensive flower mom?" Nick asks her mom.

Mom: "Ohh these? My boyfriend gave this to me" mom reply, chuckling with a light blush.

Nick: "What?!!! Do you have a boyfriend?!!! Seriously mom?!! " Nick was very surprised to her mom respond as he blacked out.

Mom: "Hey Nick!! Wake up!! NURSES, PLEASE HELP ME!!! It wasn't for my boyfriend! I don even have a boyfriend."'her mom dropped the flowers as she immediately went to Nick's bed, waking him up and screaming for help.

Nick: " ITs A PRANK!!" Nick laughs and hugs her mom tightly.

Mom: "You silly child!!! You made me nervous!!"

Nick: "So who sent those flowers mom?" One again Nick asked her mother, sitting up to the bed.

Mom: "this is not for me, it's actually for you. Someone left these flowers in the nurse station but the nurses are not allowed to tell, they said the same person who paid your bills. Look there's even a note. Would you like me to read it for you? Or you'll read yourself.?"

Nick: "Ok, I'll read it myself, mom." Her nom gave the letter to his son.


I saw you at the waiting shed, having trouble with breathing so I didn't hesitate to help you. Hope you like the flowers, and every single of flowers in that bouquet has a meaning You'll know me if you solved

the puzzle in that flower also get well soon. Sincerely Puzzle King.

Nick: "Urghhh!~ why can't he introduce himself? This is giving me a headache." Nick complained about the letter he received. He glances at the flowers before touching them one by one, he was going to take them off when suddenly the nurses remind us about my discharge, they said that I can go now. So my mother and I didn't think twice, we immediately leave the hospital and went home.

Nick and his mother arrived in their house, Nick's mom was started making food for lunch while Nick went to his room. He was lying down on the bed when out of nowhere, he remembered the flowers. Nick wants to say thank you to the person who saved him but in order to know that person, he must solve this puzzle first. He took the flowers on the table as he cut every single of them, he grabs a pen and notebook as he lists them one by one.

Nick list.

Pink carnation


White rose

Salvia blue

Tulip red



Apple blossom

Tulip yellow

And yarrow

Some of the flowers are familiar to Nick but most of them are not so he googles the meaning of every single flower. White rose means that good health if I'm not wrong but google said white rose means I'm worthy for you. He was confused between the right meaning.

Nick to himself: "Worthy? What does suppose mean?" He asked himself as he starts searching again? He types pink carnations. The Google said, the pink carnation meaning is I'll never forget you. Nick's mind going crazy thinking of the person, he turns off the laptop and lied down on the bed.

Mom: "Nick! Come downstairs! You have visitors." Mom was yelling in the kitchen while cooking.

Nick immediately run downstairs, he was startled when he saw his two friends, chitchatting and helping his mom in the kitchen.

Nick: "What are you guys doing here?! And what with these huge suitcases? Are you guys going to live here?" Nick ask the two but they didn't pay attention to Nick as they keep helping his mom. Nick was being ignored and mom ordered him to bring those suitcases inside their room.

Nick again: "Seriously mom?" Nick complains irritatedly as he follows what his mom said but suddenly the three burst loud laughs.

Mom: "Of course not! Let their butler do it " Mom said while still laughing at her son."

Kiesha: "Xin and I were having a sleepover here for your birthday party tomorrow Nick! Isn't it exciting?!!" Kiesha said cheerfully.

Xin: "that's right! I can now finally with your bed and also beside you" Xin added while teasing their friend.

Nick: "You guys should ask my permission first right?" Nick replied to them

Mom: "But if they ask for permission, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore, right?" Mom defended his son's friends.

Nick: "Makes sense!"

Xin: "let's go to your bedroom, I can't wait to see your room." Xin grabs Nick's hand, holding it tightly but due to Xin's excitement, he suddenly runs upstairs, entering randomly in their rooms.

Nick: " you really excited, aren't you?! My room was over there but I slept with my mom cause we only had two people in this house." Nick said as they went inside the room, the room was spacious and neat in fact Nick's room is cleaner than Xin's room so the guy was amazed at how clean the room is.

Xin: "Whoa man! Your room looks so nice!!! I Iove the scenery and vibes here!! Wait where did you get that bouquet of flowers?" Xin spotted the flowers on the table due to his curiosity, he asked his friend Nick.

Nick: "Ohh these? Someone sent me these flowers when I was at hospitals while ago." Nick respond, cleaning the table.

Xin: "What did you do in the hospital? By the way that salvia blue, my mom loved it! She once said that when my father wasn't around, she was just looking at that flower cause my father once said to her that wherever I ago, Ill think of you every single second! Isn't so cheesy?" Xin bursts a laugh to Nick but for Nick, he finds it romantic.

Nick: "I think, it's kinda sweet cause there's one person who always thinks of you." Nick suddenly realized the meaning of salvia blue which is a person who always thinks of you so he quickly writes the meaning of salvia blue in his note.

Nick's note

Salvia blue mean: Always thinking of you.

Kiesha and Nick's mom was done preparing the food so they went upstairs to call them for lunch.

Kiesha: "Lunch is ready! Let's eat" Kiesha stated but the two guys were busy with their conversation. The two were still talking to Kiesha pulls their ears. "what are you guys talking about? Can't you notice me?!" Kiesha complain while pulling their ears down as their punishment for ignoring her.

Xin and Nick: "Ouch! Ouch! It's hurt Kiesha stop it! We won't ignore you anymore." The two let out a whine while their ears was being pulled by their friends and soon they apologized.

When the two apologized Kiesha stop pulling their ears as she saw different flowers on the table like Xin, she asks the person who brought the flower but Nick's mom was in hurry cause she doesn't want the food to wait. (Asian manner) so the three immediately went into the dining room.