The favor

They all went into the dining room, Nick was in the middle, and right next to him was his mom and left next to him was Xin and beside Xin, was Kiesha

Nick's mom starts praying for the grace and blessing they all received as she also prays for the good health for everyone in the table.

After a few moments, Nick's mom was finished praying, Their house once a quiet place but suddenly become lively, thanks to Nick's friends. It was so wonderful view for Nick's mom seeing them laughing happily like there's no tomorrow and she doesn't see Nick like this before, though Nick was naughty to his mom. but this view was very memorable to his mom especially, she is growing older.

Kiesha: "Do you know Auntie Nick received flowers? I saw it on his table, those flowers are expensive and rarely seen.. Nick has a secret admirer!" Kiesha said repeatedly, teasing her friend

But of course, Nick defended himself while blushing lightly.

Nick: "Of course my mom knew about the flowers, I'm not keeping a secret with my mom! I don't think it's from a secret admirer cause the note was a puzzle." Nick stated to them then Xin replied.

Xin: "What puzzle? That's sounds interesting and fun!!"

Kiesha: "Puzzle? I'm not fun of puzzle or any brainy related stuff, that's sound dull and not my cup of tea." Kiesha replied to them with a depressing tone voice but Xin was opposite, he was looking forward to solve the mystery person who saved Nick.

Xin: "We have all day to solve the puzzle nick!" Xin said happily

Kiesha: "What about me Nick? What should I do? I want to do something too but not solving the puzzle though." Kiesha looks at Nick with puppy eyes, trying to catch his empathy.

Nick: "Ok, I have a bright idea!! Where do you want to go Kiesha? We will go there but we were not going to use your cars instead we will use public transportation and after that Xin and I were going to solve this. Do you agree?" Nick offer his suggestion to them but his mom joined in their lively conversations.

Mom: "You guys forgot something to do before doing your own business and that is washing the dishes." Nick's mom said while grinning with a peaceful hand gesture on her hand. "No cleaning, No leaving" She added.

The three outcry in disappointment as they thought that they could leave already. Kiesha and Xin were nervous because both of them haven't tried washing the dishes or doing any house chores but due to their curiosity, they wanted to try new things as they nodded their head up and down as a sign of agreement to Nick's mom.

Nick was giving them an order, Kiesha was assigned in the dishes while Xin was assigned in the tables and soon they start moving so they could leave as soon as possible. Nick was watching them doing their assigned task, he wasn't surprised at all because these two were raised in a different environment, he can't stop himself but to laugh on how clumsy they are. When my mom went upstairs the two begins whining about their chores.

Xin: "I can wipe off the table but sweeping the floor was quite hard. I don't even know how to hold this broom" Xin complained as he was holding the body of the broom in the down part of it.

Kiesha: "My task was harder than yours!!! These spoons and pork came out inside our mouth then I have to touch with this thing. Also, the sauce was sticking with the plates." Kiesha complains while trying her best to washes the dishes but surprisingly she could remove the stains on the plates.

After a couple of minutes, the two were finally done with their chores but their clothes were messed up so they decided to changes their outfit before going outside. The two have spare clothes in the suitcase. Kiesha and Xin were done changing their outfit so they went to said their farewell to Nick's mom as they ordered their butler to leave so they can hang out freely.

Nick: "So where would you like to go Kiesha?" Nick asks but Xin engaging in conversation.

Xin: "How about, Cinema? Or a casino?" Xin proposed his ideal interest but of course, Kiesha refuses his suggestion. Kiesha has already plans for today's activity.

Kiesha: "We were going to the mall, we're going shopping for Nick's Birthday tomorrow so we can make a fancy celebration. Birthdays are once a year so we should make it memorable." Kiesha stated with her friends but Nick doesn't like the idea of having a fancy celebration.

Nick: "I don't want a fancy or elegant celebration, guys. We can make it memorable and fun without using a large amount of money. A simple yet meaningful birthday is already enough for me as long as my Mom, Kiesha, and Xin were there." Nick explains his ideal birthday to them since he doesn't use to have an elegant celebration. Kiesha and Xin have no choice but to agree with Nick. But the two still plotting something.

Kiesha: "ok fine, it was your birthday after all." Kiesha mumble to herself. A bus stopped in their place, Kiesha was quite nervous because she hasn't ride with public transportation before, she mostly uses their cars and private jet during her trips.

Kiesha: "I'll let everything in your lord, " She murmurs to herself but because of the small spacious the two could hear her clearly, Blasting a quite loud of laugher.

Nick: " don't worry, this is safe I can guarantee that," Nick said, comforting his nervous friend but Xin was still bursting a laughs

Xin: "This is the problem with rich people, they quickly being paranoid when they experience new things." Nick said proudly but he suddenly screams like a woman when the bus suddenly makes loud horn noise.

Kiesha: "But at least im not scaredy-cat like you!!" Kiesha said while laughing at Xin's face then after 40 minutes of traveling the three went in the MKR mall, A place for rich people. No one can enter if they don't have the membership card which worth 500K per year. Nick was used to went here a couple of times without knowing the membership fees, he always thoughts that MKR mall is an ordinary place.

The three-stop at the security area for inspection purposes before entering the mall. Keisha was the head in their trip so her words must be followed and cannot be disobeyed as she decided to go inside the dressing area for men's and women's.

Kiesha: "Go grab something for yourself, Nick, it's my treat so no need to be shy. But Xin was going to pay for himself" Kiesha said teasingly to Xin

Xin: "Man! That's so unfair and unreasonable!" Xin pouts his lip while averting his gaze away, sighing in annoyance but Kiesha laughs on how cute Xin was.

Kiesha: "I'm just kidding!! Don't be so furious man! I'll treat you also" Kiesha said while comforting Xin on the corner. Then the two guys went in the men's section while Kiesha went alone in the women's section as they start shopping. The money wasn't a problem for them so they can take whatever they want but Nick hasn't taken anything yet. There was so plenty of well-branded clothes but those clothes doesn't catch Nick's interest. Nick still searching until he met Ohm. The two men were looking at each other, no one hasn't spoken yet because Ohm is not a talkative person and Nick was shy.

After a few minutes of staring at each other, Nick took a lot of encouragement before finally got to talk to Ohm.

Nick: "im sorry about the other day. How can I return the favor?" Nick said stuttering in nervous, he couldn't manage to speak very well because of scared and he couldn't even look at Ohm's eyes because whenever he was looking at it, It looks so lonely yet beautiful.

OHM: "OK... And about that, I'd like you to be my fake date at my family business this upcoming weekend. You cannot refuse or what! You still owe me a favor" Ohm declared to Nick before going to leave.

Nick: "What?!!!!! I'll be your date?!!" Nick was stunned in the declaration of Ohm as he gulped for air to steady himself because anytime Nick might knock over in the ground. There was so many questions running on Nick's mind but Ohm leaves already.

Xin notice that Nick was acting quite weird so Xin goes to check him, He saw his friend astonished in shock, Xin start calling him but Nick was not giving a response so he shakes his friend's body to wake him up from the shocks.

Nick: "What are you doing Xin?!!" Nick was finally back on his feet as he asks his friend.

Xin: "That would be my question! Why are you starring in the exit way? And why you look like, you saw a ghost or something supernatural!" Xin replied to Nick but Nick doesn't respond to his question because he doesn't want to find about the order that Ohm gave me while ago so instead he took his friend to the women's dressing area to meet Kiesha. And the two were surprised when they saw their friend Kiesha carrying tons of paper bags.

Nick and Xin: "What the bloody hell!!" They drop their jaws when Kiesha pointing another bag on the corner.

Xin: "I won't carrying those pieces of stuff!!! And that's too much! Why did you buy so many items?!" Xin pleads a question to Kiesha?

Kiesha: "This is not for myself only! I'll give the other to Nick's mom and it is too late to refuse Nick because I already paid these." Kiesha sticks out her tongue to them. The two can't argue with Kiesha anymore as they proceed on the next store which is the jewelry store.

(Note, they can leave the paper bags anywhere because they all have their own personal assistant assigned by the mall management so they can be shopping freely.)

Kiesha: "Do you want any accessories, Nick and Xin? Let's buy a friendship bracelet so no matter where we go, our heart and soul won't apart." Kiesha said and the two guys agreed with Kiesha because they all value their friendships.

Nick choose the blue bracelets with a small gem in the middle, the three have the same choices so they didn't argue, the item was not expensive and affordable for Nick so they immediately buy it.

Nick: "Let me put it on your wrist guys" Nick suggested to them and the two like the idea of Nick so they give their bracelets to him.

Keisha: "Ladies first"

Nick: "Sure, give me your wrist Kiesha" Kiesha slowly show her white and smooth wrist to Nick, It was so soft like snow, and Nick never knew that Kiesha has this feminine side. Nick slowly wraps the bracelet on her wrists, tying the bracelet on Kiesha's wrist. "Done," Nick said.

Kiesha: "Whoa! It suits me!" Kiesha said while blushing lightly as her face turning into pale but then Xin interrupted in their sweet moment.

Xin: "It's my turn now!" Xin said while giving his hand to Nick so he could put the bracelet in my wrist. Nick starts to wraps and ties the bracelet on Xin's wrist. Nick smiles cheerily to Xin then afterward Nick wears the bracelet by himself as they went outside the store. Xin's stomach growl in starving and Kiesha was also hungry to they went to the nearby restaurant to grab something to eat. They entered in Japanese cuisine.

Kiesha calls for an assistant as they ordered their foods. While waiting, in the near table there was a loud noise of discussion, Nick and others could clearly hear the discussion they are talking about family business matters. The voice of the other guy was familiar to them they took them minutes before realizing that the other guy was Ohm.

Ohm: "Why are you always butting yourself with my business? If I'm not wrong, you have no right to complain about my decision, I'll do whatever I want in my life! You have no right as a brother to me!"

Ohm brother: "But your decision itself is ruining the family's business and you are putting our mom in embarrassment!! Do you have any remaining dignity in yourself?!" Ohm brother said angrily

Ohm: "Ohhh coming from someone who has a sexual disorder!  You thought that I didn't know about your hypersexuality? I have my own resources and you are sleeping with different people every single night! Either a man or a woman! You are unbelievable! " Ohm said as he slams his hands against the table, glaring with a sharp eye with his brother.

Ohm brother: "when did you found out?! And it wasn't a big deal for me, there's no romantic connection when Im having sex, it is just for fun! My issues are not as big as yours" Ohm brother replied but the manager came to their table to make them calm cause they are disturbing the other costumers. The two agreed to leave, they paid first before leaving, Nick was going after to Ohm but Xin stopped him because Xin knew that it wouldn't be good if he goes to see those two.

Nick: "Why Xin? There's something I want to clear with Ohm." Nick asks confusedly, going back to his seat.

Xin: "I looked at their profile background last night and they are dangerous people, You shouldn't be connected with them. They are a son of a fearsome family in the mafia world and I suggest you to not be in touch with them. Your life will be ruined, Nick. So promised me that you won't talk or go near to them." Xin said worrying for his friend's safeness but Nick was confused about everything so he just nodded and said.

Nick: "Ok." Then after that Nick doesn't utter any single words even if Kiesha was talking to him. This time Kiesha was with Xin, she doesn't want to harm her beloved friend.