The decision

The three were sitting with an intense atmosphere, they were quiet while eating their foods. No one dares to start a conversation because of the quiet and serious atmosphere until Xin asks Nick.

Xin: "After here, we were going to solve your puzzle right, Nick," He said, trying to changes the intense atmosphere, Kiesha also joined in the conversation so no one will feel awkward.

Kiesha: "Ohhh, yeah I almost forgot about that but im still not joining, maybe ill talk with your mom Nick while you two doing your own business." She said while putting a lovely smile on her face.

Nick: "I almost forgot about that, I still need to thank the mysterious man who saved my life and I'm also curious about him." He said but he was still thinking about the warning of Xin. Nick was curious about why his two friends were so afraid of Ohm's family, Nick couldn't forget about the quarrel he witnessed a while ago. Later on, Xin invites Nick and Kiesha to go in the arcade to play video games but it was quite late so they decided to go home.

Kiesha talks to the manager about her stuffS, She gave Nick's address so they can deliver it later, and then the three went to the bus station, and luckily there was a bus already waiting for passengers so they don't have to wait.

After forty minutes Nick and his friends arrived in his place and soon they enter inside. Nick's mom was waiting for them in the living room cause they can eat together.

Mom: "Welcome back guys! How was your trip?" She said as she stood up and went to the dining room to prepare the dinner.

Keisha: "Well, it was fun auntie!" She replies to Nick's mom as she also follows her in the dining room to help her prepare the dinner.

Nick: "Of course! She enjoyed mom cause she brought a lot of stuff!! It was like a mountain of shopping bag" Nick joined in their conversation, sitting next to Xin but Xin was being quiet this whole conversation, usually, he was talkative and energetic but he suddenly changed when we met the  Ohm's brother. Nick's mom was calling Xin repeatedly but Xin wasn't paying attention to Nick's mom so Kiesha and Nick shout out loud on Xin's earlobe as he fell off from his chair, Xin's butt hits the floor, growing in a painful tone voice.

Xin: "What was that for?" He asks his two friends while arching his back and fixing the chair so he could sit again.

Nick: "My mom was calling you a hundred times! But you kept ignoring her so we wake you up!" He said while placing the plates on the table.

Mom: "Do you have problems, Xin? You can tell it to us. Treat us like your real family" She went to Xin seat as she rubs Xin's back gently, comforting him.

Kiesha: "If there's something running on your mind Xin you can tell it to us, we will lend you ears," She said, putting the foods in the table and soon Nick's mom lead the prayers before going to eat.

During the middle of dinner, Xin was still thinking if he would do it for the sake of his friend Nick or he will just let it happen. He was confused and at the same time frightened to what might happen to Nick in the future. Xin does not realize that dinner was finished but he was still worrying.

Nick: "Mom can we go in my room now? Cause we have something to do, right Xin?" He spoke up with his mother, asking for permission to leave, and Nick's mom-approved but Kiesha stayed with her since she wasn't interested in a puzzle.

The two guys went upstairs, but both of them were in silence because of the fact that there's troubling with them. Xin was just standing until he decided to speak with Nick.

Xin: "I know you very well Nick, while we were in the mall, you talked with Ohm, right? I might not have evidence that you two were talking but I knew that you'll be his date?!! Why did you agree with that?!! And because of that, your life might be in trouble or more worst even the people around you might be in danger! In Kiesha cases, there's no security problem but with your case urghhh!!!~" He growled irritatedly as he grabs Nick's hands, holding them tightly. Xin was being serious and worry for his friend who is also his ex-lover but their relationship didn't last because of some complicated things before and one of those problems is about Xin reputation in their business so the two accepted each other as a friend, although Xin didn't give valid excuses before Nick understand it.

Nick was stunned in shock, he does not know how he was going to reply Xin's statement cause Nick never knew about this mafia world before, he thought that it was just a family gathering but after hearing Xin, he felt scared not for himself but for his mother. A tear was going to shed on Nick's eyes but his hand placed onto Xin chest as he felt somehow safe, his nervous gone away.

Nick: "What am supposed to do Xin?! There's no turning back cause I'm in debt with him" He said asking for advice Xin immediately replies with a sad tone.

Xin: "I don't think that we can withdraw you now Nick, cause you are already on the guest list which means you are supposed to go there and you can't run away because it's rude to the head families. Look I saw you in the latest update of the guest's list." Xin shows his phone to Nick, showing the secret website that no one can access except the member of the Blue Pegasus and the head family was the Kazuya family. Nick was familiar with the last night but he forgot about it.

Xin: "Kazuya was the last name of Ohm. Mine was Kazuki sound like right? Because our ancestors were mortal enemies before. But the latest head decided to end the foolish war between two families. but in order to end that the Eldest son of Kazuki must marry their youngest daughter, but sadly it was me, Nick. I wanted to tell you about this before but I couldn't let you in trouble so I decided to shut my mouth and be one of your good friends. Don't worry being with you was the most memorable moments for me, I was so genuinely happy when we were together, I will treasure those memories" He said while laughing but you can see the pain and regrets in Xin's eyes so Nick touches Xin's face as he starts caressing his cheek gently. The two guys remind their old good days.

Xin: "Stopped it, Nick...  We're just hurting each other's feelings. You should throw your feelings away" He said then Nick cupped Xin's face hardly, Responding to Xin.

Nick: "Who said that I have still a feeling for you?! It was all gone a long time ago! Or aren't you the one who still has a feeling over me?" He said, teasing The other guy but Xin's face turns red as he immediately replies back, denying Nick's statement.

Xin: "What the?!! I'm straight now Nick! I don't have a feeling with you anymore. I love you as my dearest friend, nothing more or less!" He said but in loud noise and suddenly Kiesha entered Nick's room as she heard Xin screaming. Kiesha burst a laugh, she laughs even louder, slamming her hands against the wall.

Kiesha: "what just I witnessed? Are you guys confusing to each other? Why you didn't tell me? I'll accept both of you. No matter who you are or what you are!" She said but Kiesha misunderstood the situation, she just jumps on her own conclusion cause Kiesha was a secret fujoshi.

Nick: "what are you saying Kiesha?! You misinterpreted us. Xin was not confessing or whatsoever. He was just practicing his lines, because he was going to be an actor someday, right Xin?" He said to mislead Kiesha's conclusions then he quickly removes his hand on Xin's chest.

Xin: " That's right! We don't have secret affair though we used to and you already know that I'll be marrying the daughter of Kazuya." He said but Nick was glaring at Xin because Xin slipped out about their relationship before but Kiesha didn't hear that part because of her own excitement.

Kiesha: "But you know what?! I shipped you two!!!! You guys look great couple!!" Kiesha kept on screaming until she got a lightly hits on her head to stop her from delusional. She whines of course but she suddenly remembers the purpose of why she went here.

Keisha: "By the way, I have good news for you both!" She said while giggling in happiness and then the two spoke at the same time.

Nick and Xin: "What is it?! Make sure that its really good news!" They said as the two young man stares at each other.

Kiesha: "You two spoke at the same time!! Ok here's the good news! I won't sleep with you guys! Because Nick's mom doesn't like the idea of two guys were sleeping with one woman. So she decided to let me sleep with her in the spare room! And you Xin couldn't leave Nick because shouldn't be alone! So you two enjoy your moment and don't make it loud, okay?!" She said before running off from Nick's room.

The two guys felt so awkward but at the same time, they are blushing together. Nick went to fix the bed and Xin sat on the chair, looking at the flowers and Xin realized that the flowers still in a good condition. Xin felt something wrong with these flowers he couldn't explain but he was sure that there's something in here. The flowers are not meant for puzzled only because if Xin will make a puzzle for someone he'll give a time limit but these flowers look strange for Xin.

Xin to himself: " Am I being an over thinker? At first glance, these flowers look ordinary but if you look closely, it looks like artificial flowers. I'm not quite sure.." He mumbles to himself then suddenly Nick was calling him on the bed.

Nick: "If you are not compatible to sleep with someone, I'll sleep on the floor and you take the whole bed." He said to Xin but obviously, Xin didn't like the idea because ever since Xin wanted to sleep with Nick alone.

Xin: "No! This is your room so you'll sleep with me here In the small bed and you have no idea how long I wait for this!" He said to Nick and Nick start to blush more cause he felt the same.

We can not erase the facts that the two have still feeling for each other but they both knew that it was impossible now.

The two were lying down on the bed, trying to catch their sleep but either of them couldn't sleep, the two were facing the opposite side until they move to face each other. Xin smile to Nick while his fingers were running on Nick's cheek.

Xin: "Couldn't sleep?" He asks, playing his fingers on Nick's cheeks.

Nick: "Yes, I guess. I'm not used to sleeping with someone except my mom." He replies, smiling back at Xin and letting him play on my cheeks.

Xin: "Me either, I used to sleep alone but now im sleeping with you. I didn't expect that! By the way, I brought a telescope in my suitcase. Would you like to stargaze with me? It's almost twelve in the evening and you are turning twenty years old now!  This would be my gift for you. Cause I knew you don't like expensive stuff so I think hard for this and I hope you enjoy it." Xin went to grab his suitcase as he starts assembling the part. Xin has finished already, they place the telescope on the balcony and the weather was perfect for stargazing.

Nick: "Whoa! This would be the most romantic gift I've ever received! Thank you so much!" He said happily while having teary eyes because no one has done this Kind of generosity for him. He also realized that even when he have this strange disease he was still blessed with people around him.

         "The world might be unfair to us, but there are people who will come to our live to make our world better"