~Chapter 1~ The Clearing of a Castle- Min's P.O.V.

As we headed into the castle, I caught myself staring at the being walking next to me. After she had landed in front of me, her hair faded into color and her wings and horns faded away. Her eyes and clothes also changed. Her hair was a pretty gradient from blue to green and her eyes were dual-colored. One eye was a dark purple and the other magenta. Nimi was wearing a long, flowing dress and high heels. The dress changed from white to fiery orange and so did her shoes. When her horns disappeared, I noticed a yellow rose tucked behind her ear.

"Don't you think that the dress is a bit unsuited for battle?"

"Hm? Oh, that may be true." She sighed and flicked her hand upwards. In a white flash, her dress and heels became and light suit of armor in the same color. The flower disappeared and on her head she wore a small crown that looked almost as if it was thrown on in a hurry.

"That'll work better." I nod and take the lead. "I was sharing a mind-link with another wizard when he died. There's a labyrinth of halls up ahead. He found the main center of the bandits when he died."

"I'll follow. At least, until the battle comes around. Then you follow me."

"Yes My Lady." I give Nimi a sweeping bow similar to that of a bard's when greeting someone of status.

"Are you sure you're not a bard? That makes me think you were a bard once." She laughs, a lovely twinkling sound that sent shivers down my spine.

"I'm sure." I laugh as well. "Nor was I ever one. I can sing and play an instrument however, I have never used them for a crowd."

"I see." The powerful woman in front of me nods with a smile.

"Now, when we go through that tunnel there, we'll come across a den of the rats we're cleaning up."

"Are you able to use a dagger?"

"Yes. Why?" I ask feeling confused. In a flash, something appeared in her hand and went flying towards me. It skimmed right past my face and thudded into the wood of the hall behind me. "Why'd you do that! You could have injured me!"

"Heh." She chuckles. "Nope. I can do anything with a blade. If I wanted to hurt you, you'd be bleeding now."

"Oh." I stand shocked.

"Well? Are you going to take it?"

"Yeah." I turn and grab the handle of the tiny blade. As soon as I do, I notice a fiery glow appear behind me. I turn back around and see Nimi, cloaked in flames. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Never better." She gives me a feral grin before walking through the hall I had pointed out earlier. Suddenly, I feel worried for the bandits. I hear screams then total silence. It was all over in less than a minute.

"What happened in here?" I ask seeing blood splattered all over the walls.

"The eradication of the enemy." Her eyes change colors once more, turning into a pure, vibrant orange that was the same shade as her armor. "No more."


"They're all gone. Either they fled hearing the screams or they were all here. The captured ones are down here." Nimi walks over to a random spot in the floor before slamming her foot down, smashing a hole in the floor revealing a passageway.

"Then let's go." I sigh and motion for her to lead the way. We rescued the captives and sent them back to their homes. Nimi stayed in the castle and began changing it up. She turned it from a simple bandit's hideout to a beautiful castle fit for a Queen.