~Chapter 2~ The Problems With Being Pretty- Nimi's P.O.V.

After we had rescued the ones in danger, I decided to make the huge castle my own. I summoned everything I needed to make it home however, a week after I left, Dalia called for me. ~NIMI!~

~Yes Dalia?~

~Good. You're alive.~

~Of course I am. I just want to stay here for a while. There's an interesting human here.~

~You need to get back now! The world will fall apart soon if you don't!~

~Fine.~ I sigh. ~Wait a sec.~ I search for Min's mind. ~Min. I need to go back for a bit.~

~Where are you going?~


~Oh. You mean up.~

~Yes. I will be back but I need to go fix the world.~

~I'll make sure not to die in the time you're gone My Lady.~

~Thank you.~ I chuckle and spread my wings, flying out of a giant hole in the roof of the great hall. "I'm here." I call out, landing on my platform.

"She's dying!"

"What! Why didn't you call me sooner!" I yell running to my older sisters.

"Because someone stabbed her damnit!"

"What?" I froze. "How?"

"I don't know. I saw a blue haired man. Tall." She says as I panicked, trying to heal my sister.

"Don't.... bother..." She murmured. "You.... two..... can do..... this... without me....." Veza groaned.

"No. I refuse! I'll do what I have to to save you!"

"NO!" She shouts and coughs loudly. "Don't....."

"Why?" I whine.

"Because.... it's not... worth it....." Her eyes flutter closed and I cried out in anguish.

"Don't." Dalia sighed and set her hand on my shoulder. I yanked my arm away from her and stood up with a growl.

"What exactly did you see of him?"

"Glowing teal eyes.... Dark, navy blue hair and his outfit was white... I believe he also had a tail with a pointed tip and demonic wings...." She murmured softly. I nodded curtly and stepped off of my platform, freefalling. Right before I hit the ground, my wings whipped out, and sent me up higher than the eye could see. My eyes glowed and I searched both the Future and the Past for the man. I Saw him fly up to the platform, after the attack, then dive down similar to how I did, fly to a huge mountain, look around, and speak a small spell, opening the mountainside.

"Perfect." I mutter. I trace his steps and head immediately to the mountain and open it. There weren't any traps inside the mountain though there were many outside. I summon my "Hero" and Min looked around, confused before noticing me. His eyes lit up immediately. "I need you to help me."

"With what m'Lady?"

"Avenging the death of my sister."

"How'd she die?"

"The bastard who lives here killed her with a stab in the gut."

"Ah." He nods. "I'll follow you to the ends of the world fair lady." He gives me a sweeping bow not unlike the last one.

"Whatever." I say and notice my eyes beginning to glow. "All I need of you is to make sure I stay alive."

"Healer?" He cocks an eyebrow.

"Yes." I nod. "Now, follow me." He trails along behind me as I walk purposefully to the inner chamber of the mountain home.