~Chapter 11~ The Beginning of a City and the Expansion of a Castle- Switching


Min and Nimi were very busy in the next few months. They began by building small areas that became mini villages with plants. Then they hired several House-Makers to create the houses based on the outline made of plants. Once that was finished, they set out to find nomads to settle.

"Are you the chief?" Nimi asked the leader of the first group of nomads.

"I may be. What do you want?" The chief, named Shadow, was a leader of a nomad group of shapeshifters. At this moment, they appeared elven.

"To give you a home."

"A home?" He was so surprised, the ShiftSpell fell away, revealing an orcish being.


"You not tricking me?"

"I am not."

"Take me to new home. I judge if good 'nough."

"Then follow me." The Shifters, his group, were staying in a camp. They left the campsite and headed to the closest of the villages.

Min, however, did not have as good of luck. The first group tried to kill him and the next tried to eat him alive. The third did not appear to wish for his death or flesh. When he entered, Min saw the chief almost immediately. "Where is the chief?" He asked kindly.

"Why should we trust you?"

"Do you have a SpellCaster's Collar?"

"We do. Why?"

"Put it on me and take my weapons."

"Then what?"

"Let me see the chief."

"Fine." The demonic-appearing creature lifted a huge metal collar and locked it around his neck. It then proceeded to strip Min and take every single weapon. Once it took every weapon, it gave back his clothes and led him to the chief.

"Are you the chief?"

"What is this puny human- No. Not human. You are a mixed creature. Angel- Not actual angel, fallen. Vampire? Dragonkin. Filthy cat! Go!"

"Well, Lady Nimi wouldn't want to have you rude jerks in her kingdom anyway." He turned and walked back to the sentry from before. "I'll be taking my stuff back now."

"No. I'll take off the collar but filthy cats don't deserve anything!" It proceeds to take off the collar and Min sent out a magical soundwave, and proceeded to slit the throat of every person in the camp besides the children and elderly. They were kept safe and he simply moved their unconscious body into an air pocket. Once he did so, he teleported to the castle and took them back out. The Dukes and Duchesses had already left. Jina stayed so he asked her to handle taking care of them.


"Please keep an eye on these guys. The elderly may act up. Especially since you're a Werecat."

"H-How'd you know?"

"I'm one." I sighed. "And you smell like you're in heat."

"O-Oh." She turned red and turned away. "If you can smell it then-"

"I have a bonded one."

"Who?" Jina turned to me, no longer blushing, but looking very, very curious.


"But she's-"

"Not one of us? Yes, I know."

"Then how-"

"Doesn't matter." I couldn't exactly tell her that we were SoulMates, Bonded for Eternity and all that. Although, it was only because we were Bonded that I was able to call for her so long ago. I believe she was Bonded with both her sisters as well, however, when one died the Bond all but snapped. It was a Bond like that of twins or triplets however, when one of a pair dies, the other is normally left broken. They were a group of three and that changed things a bit. When Veza died, instead of being left broken, Nimi was only very angry, angry enough to kill. The only way to save your sanity when something like this happens is vengeance on the one who caused it all. Hence her murder of the Demon.